GDH Analysis Meeting
Karl Slifer discussed the Scintillator
efficiency correction:
Checked the error contribution to the cross section
Scintillator efficiency degraded over time
Check on each energy: error below 0.5% in each
Karl looked at the difference in
the Left and Right arm cross sections:
Studied temperature dependence of the density
Temperature difference in the RTD values for Armageddon
in parallel
and transverse configurations (laser power?)
Variation of nt with Tp about 1% in
10 degrees
Found file: rtd.bak, reproduced Steffen's temperature
correction fairly
Ioannis gave Karl updated target chamber densities, which
have a 1% difference
from Steffen's thesis
Unpolarized cross section systematic error: 2.3% on
fill density,
2.0% final error
on temperature corrected densities
Question about increasing the number due to the large standard
deviation and
uncertainty of Tp (Delta = 34 +/- 18)
Not an issue for error on cross section due to factor of
Karl looked at the deadtime asymmetry
at 862 MeV:
Exclude runs at very low nu
Compare data with Seonho's analysis
For electron arm, parallel configuration agrees well, and
has a few points within error bars
JP noted that the 5 points after the pion threshold are lower
Seonho's analysis
(excluded runs?)
Suggestion that Seonho and Karl should choose the same runs
Hadron arm both analyses have similar results
Note: Difference in 50 MeV binning of Karl and Seonho's
Seonho Choi presented his work
on the analysis and final results:
Issues since the last meeting:
Ready to publish at the end of 2001, except for a few issues
Big difference in asymmetries of two arms for perpendicular
at 3.4 GeV
Strange shape of (sigma)tt near pion threshold
at 862 MeV
Narrow width for Delta at 1.7 GeV
Problem with Helicity dependent deadtime corrections:
Corrections not applied correctly
Big corrections for some kinematic regions
Small change for perpendicular configurations, except
862 MeV QE region
Fixes a few hard to solve problems
Increases GDH integral by ~ 50% at lowest Q2
Helicity dependent deadtime corrections:
Not beam trips
Closely related to high deadtime (Disk write activity)
Removal of high deadtime period reduces the corrections
Asymmetry also changes, so final corrected values are stable
Strange shape of (sigma)tt:
Shape is due to data from perpendicular configuration
The behavior is in both arms
RC generate diverging features
Seonho showed the new list of systematic
Seonho presented his conclusions:
Helicity dependent deadtime correction properly applied
Need to study the error on the perpendicular cross
section at 862
Things to be done before finalizing the
Karl will look at the bug in rebinning from 10 to 50 MeV
Seonho will work on the systematic error in the DT correction
Look at the difference in perpendicular and parallel cross
Alexandre presented his study of the raising
Work to be done for GDH:
Finish checks for first PRL, see above, and change the
error bar on the
GDH curve so it is less confusing
Begin work on second paper
Preliminary decision on which figures to put in paper
Figure 1 has a plot of g1 and g2 for
Vs. W2
for the six energies
Figure 2 has a plot of g1 and g2 for
Vs. x
at 6 values of
constant Q2
Figure 3 will have Gamma-1, Gamma(p-n),
dn2 Vs. Q2
Discussion on to add a table with g1 and g2
Need a Decision on whether to cite a web page or preprint
Zein-Eddine will have something for the second paper
a week before
the next collaboration meeting
Nilanga offered to work on a third paper discussing duality
and higher moments
to Main Minutes page.