- Add in data points from 3rd row: there are total 107 data points.
- Remove 10 bad data points: 1863 (21D, 32D), 1866 (32A), 1869 (11A, 23E, 32A), 1809 (22F, 23E, 23F), 1816 (23E).
- Reason for removing:
- holes that are partly seen (small statistic, hard to know exact center hole location).
- Points that are bending too much, strong bending effect from septum. And not stay in interested area.
- There are 97 data points and 39 parameters at this moment.
- With add in 3rd row, theta^2 term can be added in.
- Issue I had before is that y_fp reduce chi square is bad.
With theta^2 term add in and more data point, reduce chi square for all
variables now are reasonable. Sieve plot with new matrix can be find here.
- Use above matrix to create a look up table. There are 2 cases:
- Look up table for sieve slit in, no target collimator.
- Look up table for production run, where target collimator is in.
- Get cross section using this look up table:
- Simulation:
- Simulate elastic carbon run, 1899 ( dp =0%), center
foil only. Cut at x_sieve and y_sieve. Save into root file. This give
me number of event (called tacc) that initially stay within cut at
- Use look up table to cut event in root file. For event
survive inside 4D cut (look up table cut), sum all cross sections
(called xsc).
- To get cross section, cross section = xsc/tacc.
- Data:
- Apply 4D cut to carbon run with PID included. Get number of event survive, called ncarbon.
- Apply same cut to no target run. Get number of event survive, called nhe.
- Get cross section, cross section = (ncarbon*scale_for_carbon - nhe*scale_for_he), density, Solid angle.