Minutes for Small Angle GDH Meeting,
click here.
Minutes for g2n and
A1n Analysis Meeting, click
Minutes for GDH Meeting, click here.
Tentative Date of next Collaboration
Meeting: February 20-21, 2003
Spin Duality Meeting
de Jager opened the meeting by discussing the schedule:
Duality will run in January and early February. Beam studies will
done either a few hours every day,
or Twelve hours every Tuesday. The
running period of Spin Duality is
expected to finish by February 10.
Kees reminded
the collaboration that no one is allowed to work in the Hall
alone, and work during the Christmas
break should be discussed with Ed Folts.
It is possible that the Hall may receive
beam the last two days before the break.
Liyanage gave an overview of the experiment and discussed
The experiment
will measure g1n and A1n in
the resonance region, and by
using DIS measurements, quark-hadron
duality can be studied using spin
structure functions.
Kees suggested
that the collaboration should check on the status of the Harps
in the beam line.
Nilanga is
working on finishing the documents needed for the experiment (COO,
RSAP, ESAD, etc.)
Seonho Choi discussed
the issues for the experiment:
Seonho gave
an overview of the installation progress. For the experiment,
there are no major software changes.
Two major issues that are of concern
are the quality of the beam delivered
and detectors. See below for Patricia's
report on the detector status.
Before the
Christmas break, a list of beam parameters should be given to Arun
Target Operator
training will be scheduled for January 3, 2003. Trained Compton
operators are also needed.
Patricia Solvignon
discussed the target installation:
Sasha made two sets of RTDs for the experiment.
For the oven, Scot Spiegel
will place the
VAC controller in the Counting House. Oven should be ready for
the target survey
on Tuesday, December 10.
Patricia will make a spare oven RTD, and begin work on the laser alignment
soon as possible.
Sulkosky discussed the target installation:
House electronics set up. Helmholtz coils have been calibrated, and
a field map of each coil has been
completed. The target lifting motor has been
installed and local control works.
Limit switches need to be adjusted.
For next week,
Vince will set the holding field to 0 degrees and install the target
ladder for the target and field survey.
Vince will
also contact Wolfgang Korsch to send spare electronics that are
needed for the experiment.
Kathy McCormick
discussed the Target Control status:
Once the equipment
is set up, Kathy will test the EPICS controls. The reference
cell read back needs to be worked
on, since there were problems during last year's
running period.
JP reminded
Kathy that the gradient coil controls need to be added to the Target
controls. The power supplies
for the gradient coils are standard and code has already
been written for them.
Bob Michaels
gave an update on the DAQ and Raster systems:
will be two independent DAQs for Spin-Duality. The L-arm DAQ will
ROC 14, which is prone to crash, but
it should not crash more than once a day.
Seonho Choi will help to check the Scaler readout for the G0 helicity mode.
For the parity
charge asymmetry feedback, Spin-Duality will be treated as a full-scale
dry-run for HAPPEX.
Xiaodong Jiang
discussed helicity and detectors:
The G0 helicity
mode will be used. On-line no one will know the helicity, but the
For the detectors,
the VDCs are fine. Patricia has checked the gas cherenkov and
the shower detectors. See below
for her report. Detectors should be ready before
Christmas. The shift workers
should check the gas bottle flow and go to the gas shed
once per shift.
Patricia Solvignon
discussed the status of the PID detectors:
The average number
of photoelectrons is less than 7 for all R-arm gas cherenkov
PMTs. All the PMTs will
be changed. Patricia will work with Bogdan Wojtsekhowski
to test and replace the PMTS.
During the
shower calibration, Patricia found that there were 6 missing shower blocks.
Eugene Chudakov will help to find
the missing blocks.
For the L-arm
gas cherenkov, two PMTs will be changed. Patricia just started to
at the pion rejector.
Jay Benesch
discussed the Beam:
The Accelerator
division is working on getting good beam quality for all three halls.
Electronics need to be connected for
at least two of the three Hall A harps. Additional
harps in Hall A line should aid in
beam tuning, once they are connected.
There maybe
a two day beam test before the Christmas break to test the ability to
deliver beam to Hall A.
David Lhuillier
gave an update on the Compton polarimeter:
The Compton
polarimeter works well for 3,4, and 5 GeV incident beam energies.
The total error for the measurement
is about 1.4%. New analysis code has been installed.
On-line analysis is good to the 3%
level, and code exists for a more thorough analysis
Once the the
polarimeter is up and running for the experiment, those wanting to be trained
Compton operators will be trained.
Eugene Chudakov
discussed the Moller Polarimeter:
the Moller polarimeter, a new detector has been installed. The systematic
error is about
3.4%, whereas, the statistical error
is small (0.2% in ~ 1.5 hours). Magnetization measured along
the foil matched the foil thickness.
A comparison
of various foils with different thickness was made. The 20, 40, and
50 micron
foils matched well, but the one of
the 100 micron foils was ~ 6% lower and a second 100 micron
foil was ~3% lower.