Parity DAQ - Expert INFO

The intention of this document is to provide details about the Parity DAQ, beyond what is needed for an ordinary shift-worker. Any questions about this document, or if any information needs clarification, please contact a Parity DAQ expert (Bryan Moffit, Robert Michaels).

This document is broken down into two separate levels (with subcategories).

Quick Link to Hardware Configurations


The Parity DAQ is made up of five individual crates. Four of these crates are directly fed device signals to be digitized and stored onto a monitorring Linux PC (adaql1). The remaining crate houses the Trigger Supervisor, which supplies the other crates with a readout trigger if a multi-crate configuration has been chosen with CODA. Below is a description of each crate.


The two subcategories in this section explain how to setup the Parity DAQ in CODA using CODA Configurations, and how ASCII Database Files are automatically created at the beginning of each run.
Bryan Moffit
Last modified: Thu Aug 18 12:35:30 EDT 2005