Here's Bryan's Runlist... only includes runs on the helium target. updated (13Dec2004) - Bryan Run IHWP Events I What ---- ----- ------ ------ -------------------------------------------------- <--- SLUG 0 ---> 2021 OUT 100k 5-10uA "checking detector widths" 2022 - 11k 10uA "checking detector widths" 2023 - 8k 10uA "beam modulation check" Many dithering cycles 2024 - 47k 10uA not much data (6k). 2025 - 57k 10uA Looks clean 2032 - 100k 8uA Decrease in rate after 3k. Not much data. 2036 - 0 pedestal 2043 - 60k 10-20 LHRS optics incorrect, Right ok? 2044 - 100k 20-26 LHRS optics incorrect, Right ok? 2045 No data 2046 - parityscan 2047 parityscan 2048 parityscan 2049 OUT 100k 30 LHRS optics incorrect, Right ok? 2050 - 64k 30-35 LHRS optics incorrect, Right septum trip at 60k 2051 - ????? 2052 - ????? 2053 - 100k Det1 saturated. Right septum off. Left tripped? Det 1 HV adjusted (all runs before this are CUT) 2057 - 20 Right septum ramping in middle. Left ok 2058 - 100k 30 No beam until 60k 2059 - 30k 30 "Tests of position and energy modulation" 2060 - 26k 30 production? 2061 - 220k 10-30 "production, current and raster scan" 2070 - 17k 30 "dithering test" 2071 - 100k 30 production? (target info wrong in halog keyword) 2081 - 38k 28 good beam until 21.7k, Right septum off. Left ok. 2089 - 100k 30 mostly pedestal. Beam returns at ~72k. very little data - CUT Right septum setpoint wrong by 1.5A 2090 - 21k 29 production? Right septum wrong. 2091 - 100k 30 production? Right septum wrong. 2092 - 100k 30 production? beam until 68k. Right septum wrong. 2094 - 91k 30 mostly pedestal. Beam at 86k. Right septum wrong. - CUT 2095 - 20k 30 "beam modulation" run. Right septum wrong. 2096 - 100k 30 production? Right septum wrong. 2097 - 100k 30 production? Right septum wrong. 2098 - 20k 30 "beam modulation" run. Right septum wrong. 2099 - 100k 30 production? Right septum wrong. 2100 - 100k 30 production? Right septum wrong. 2101 - 42k 30 mostly pedestal. Beam on at very very end. - CUT 2103 - 20k 30 "beam modulation" run. Right septum wrong. 2105 - 100k 30 production? Right septum wrong. 2106 - 35k 30 production? Right septum wrong. Right septum setpoint/readback adjusted. 2119 - 66k 5 "Scanner Position calibration", very little beam - CUT Beam optics changed 2120 - 50k 28 1x1 raster, Fan speed changed: 24-70Hz (CUT) 2121 - 52k 5-28 3.5x3.5 raster, Fan speed changed: 24-70Hz (CUT) 2122 - 78k 5-28 Target temps scanned, current scan (CUT) 2123 - 6k 28 1x1 raster. (CUT) 2124 - ?? ?? 1 minute long run - CUT 2125 - 23k 25 beam modulation run 2126 - 100k 28 production? compton tuning. FFB POS off about 16k of beam<5uA, otherwise looks fine. 2127 - 100k 28 production? 2128 - 20k 28 beam modulation run <--- SLUG 1 ---> 2129 - 100k 28 production 2130 - 74k 28 Both septa tripped at event 700. - CUT 2131 - 100k 28 Both septa off - CUT 2132 - 66k 28 Left septa ramps until 20k. Signal/BCM jump at 38k Right ok? 2133 - 9k 28 Beam modulation run. 2134 - 20k 28 Beam modulation run. 2144 - 18k 28 Beam modulation run. 2145 - 200 28 VERY short run. - CUT 2146 - 100k 28 production 2147 - 100k 28 production 2148 - 400 28 very short run. - CUT 2149 - 18k 28 claims to be beam modulation (doesn't look good) 2150 - 3k 5-28 short run. - CUT 2151 - 100k 28 production 2152 - 44k 28 End of run failed.. but looks all right. 2153 - 29k 28 production 2154 - 22k 28 claims to be beam modulation (doesn't look good) 2155 - 62k 28 production 2156 - 100k 28 production 2157 - 34k 28 production 2158 - 30k 28 FFB pos off during 10k-15k? 2159 - 24k 28 Beam modulation run. 2160 - 49k 28 Left Q1 tripped around 45k 2161 - 10k 9 Detector HVs off - CUT Added BCM7 and BCM8 2164 - ??? 28 Septa controls off. Not sure how much good data. - CUT 2165 - 22k 28 Left septa ramping. Right septa off. - CUT 2166 - 25k 28 Both septa ramping. - CUT 2167 - 4k 28 very short run. no detector signals. - CUT 2168 - 20k 28 No detector signals. - CUT 2169 - 100k 28 No detector signals. - CUT 2173 - 100k 28 left septum tripped somewhere around 70k, Right ok 2174 - 82k 28 Left septum ramping, right ok 2175 - 100k 28 production 2176 - 100k 28 production 2177 - 16k 28 supposidly beam modulation... but not there 2178 - 3k 28 very short run. - CUT <--- SLUG 2 ---> 2186 IN 100k 28 production 2187 - 100k 28 production 2188 - 100k 28 production 2189 - 100k 28 production 2190 - 27k 28 left Q1 trips at ~20k 2192 - 3k 28 Very short run. Left Septum off. - CUT 2196 - 35k 28 Left septum off. 2197 - 47k 28 Left septum off. 2198 - 42k 28 Left septum off. Beam Modulation Run 2199 - 100k 28 Left septum off. 2200 - 20k 28 Left septum off. Check new ADC for bpm10 2201 - 100k 28 Left septum off. 2202 - 100k 28 Left septum off. 2203 - 18k 28 Left septum off. Beam Modulation Run. 2204 - 100k 28 Left septum off. 2209 - 100k 28 Left septum off. 2210 - 100k 28 Left septum off. 2211 - 100k 28 Left septum off. 2212 - 25k 28 Left septum off. Beam Modulation Run."No E mod"? 2213 - 100k 28 Left septum off. NO BEAM TRIPS!! 2214 - 18k 28 Left septum off. Beam Modulation Run 2215 - 100k 28 Left septum off. 2216 - 84k 28 Left septum off. Dithering becomes automated 2226 - 100k 28 production 2227 - 100k 28 pita feedback during this run. wrong values 2228 - 90k 28 changed pita again... were wrong values 2233 - 100k 28 production 2234 - 100k 28 production 2235 - 100k 28 production 2236 - 1k 28 very short run. - CUT <--- SLUG 3 ---> 2237 OUT 100k 28 production 2238 - 100k 28 production 2239 - 100k 28 production (hall C comes back?) 2240 - 100k 28 production 2241 - 100k 28 production. Pita feedback done 2242 - 100k 28 production 2243 - 100k 28 production 2244 - 100k 28 production 2245 - 25k 28 production 2255 - 100k 28 production 2256 - 100k 28 production 2257 - 13k 28 production 2261 - 100k 28 production 2262 - 100k 28 production 2263 - 100k 28 production 2264 - 100k 28 production (no dithering?) 2265 - 100k 28 production... beam only up to 40k 2267 - 37k 28 bpm12 saturated. -CUT 2268 - 100k 28 production. bpm12 saturated until 11k 2269 - 100k 28 production 2270 - 100k 28 production 2271 - 100k 28 production 2276 - 10k 28 Some beam starting at 4k - CUT 2278 - 100k 28 production 2280 - 70k 28 production 2281 - 78k 28 production <--- SLUG 4 ---> 2284 IN 48k 28 production 2285 - 100k 28 production 2286 - 82k 28 Left Q1 trip near ~78k 2287 - 100k 28 production 2288 - 6k 28 profile scan - CUT 2289 - 19k 28 profile scan - CUT 2290 - 100k 28 production 2291 - 100k 28 production 2292 - 66k 28 production 2293 - 100k 28 production 2298 - 100k 28 production 2299 - 100k 28 production 2300 - 100k 28 production 2301 - 100k 28 production 2302 - 100k 28 production 2303 - 44k 28 production 2304 - 100k 28 production 2305 - 100k 28 production 2306 - 86k 28 production 2307 - 36k 30 Left Dipole tripped ~15k 2308 - 100k 30 Left dipole off. 2309 - 82k 30 Left dipole off. Right D1 tripped at ~78k 2311 - 100k 29 Right dipole ramping, left ok? 2312 - ???? ?? ?????? - CUT 2313 - 100k 29 production 2314 - 100k 29 production 2315 - 10k 29 very little beam (460 events) - CUT <--- SLUG 5 ---> 2321 OUT 95k 29 production - PITA feedback done. 2322 - 45k 29 both septa trip at 2.4k - CUT 2325 - 100k 29 Left septa ramping. Right ok? 2326 - 36k 29 Left septa ramping. Right ok? 2327 - 72k 29 production 2357 - 40k 29 Left septum ramping. right ok? 2358 - 100k 29 production 2360 - 100k 29 production 2361 - 100k 29 production 2362 - 100k 29 production 2363 - 100k 29 production 2364 - 100k 29 production 2365 - 77k 29 production (hall C current calib).