Notes from the Summary on Apr 18, 2009 for the HAPPEX Meeting
Discussion led by Krishna Kumar. Also in Attendance: Kent Paschke, David Armstrong, Paul Reimer, Guido Urciuoli, Bob Michaels, Dustin McNulty, Abdurahim Rakhman, Luis Mercado, Alexandre Camsonne, Paul Souder, Megan Friend, Brian Quinn, Gregg Franklin, Rupesh Silwal, Anatoly Ponomarev, Mark Dalton, Riad Suleiman
- Startup of Experiment
- Aug 21 to Aug 26 1-pass beam for
- Water Calibration (Q2)
- Lumi
- PREX detector pulse-height No lead target needed, just Ta.
- 0.1 nA cavities
- perhaps Moller.
- Aug 26 to Aug 28 3-pass commissioning of Moller and Compton.
- Moller Issues
- Beam Hardware : to be installed this summer; schedule is tight. Javier Gomez coordinating.
- Moller Measurements : Krishna and Bob to get more involved. Need a team for this.
- Plan to deploy new FADC for high-rate measurements this summer. To be commissioned in the Fall.
- Compton Electron Detector
- Find or make spare strips.
- Need a ``Plan B'' in case present strips don't work.
- Next steps in the project were discussed.
- BPM cavities at 0.1 nA very desirable. Install this summer. (John Musson)
- Plan to watch the Wien launch angle -- Kent
- How to measure thickness of target windows ? Revisit gas H test.
- Linearity measurements in situ. Modulate the intensity with IA ?
- Need to revive S0 detector -- David Armstrong
- Need to find the right PMT bases.
- Decision about Injector Crate -- Kent, Krishna.
- DAQ and Analysis Software needs to be discussed. We had no time at this meeting.
- Beam Modulation changes.
PVDIS Issues
- Need a pointing-angle strategy for accurate Q2.
- Need to worry about 6 GeV polarimetry
- Do we want 100% longitudinal ? We won't get it unless we ask and justify it.
- In situ verification of the linearity and deadtime measurements. The plan needs to be discussed in a convincing way.
- Leadglass decisions: Pull out detector during HAPPEX ? Leave a small sacrificial amount of leadglass for testing during HAPPEX ?
PREX Issues
- Green Cavity plan for the next 2 months. Kent, Gordon to help formulate.
- Safey docs for target -- Dave Meekins
- Detector Plan -- Krishna, Piotr, Dustin
- Buy new PMTS.
- Compton DAQ -- Generally, and the 240 Hz problem. Bob to worry about it.
- ET speed at 240 Hz -- Bob (ET is a component of the DAQ.)
- 18-Bit ADC cross talk tests -- Luis
Comments to: Bob Michaels