Notes from Meeting Jan 23, 2009
In Attendence: Kent, Mark, Rich, Gregg, Diana, Bob, Dustin, Luis, KK, Alexandre, Guido, Piotr
HAPPEX Detector
- Space at JLab has been found for assembling the original HAPPEX detector for H-III.
- The detectors have been located in a log and should soon be recovered.
- W&M student Anatoly Ponomarev will work on this, and might join H-III
- Dave will send memo soon requesting Kees fund construction of 25cm and 20cm cell.
Compton Photodetector
- Discussed Diana's analysis of HIGS data (halog 1503, 1505).
- Questions exist about excessive peak width, vs. simulation, for higher energy gammas.
- She'll summarize results with rise/fall widths, peak position,
and arithmetic mean (cutting low-E background) vs photon energy in a
later plot.
- Giudo points out that EGS4 might be better simulation, or at
least more complete, than standard-issue GEANT 4.
PMT / ADC studies
- Luis tested ADC gains with battery.
- Noise is somewhat higher than pedestal.
- Will perform tests with terminated cable line to check conditions for 30 ppm noise (like with the battery) vs. 8 ppm noise (like with an unterminated input).
- Dustin reports concern about the pace of progress on the double-wein, especially given the likely shortening of the summer down period.
Helicity Flip Rate
- We MUST converge on a helicity-flip rate for PREX.
- 60 Hz cancellation must be taken into account in the flip scheme.
- KK points out that PREX statistical width requires 240Hz or higher.
- Bob thinks the parity DAQ will be robust at 240Hz.
- Luis is nominated to test a crate at high-flip rate with a large number of new ADCs.
- The Compton DAQ presently has long dead period for readout, and at 240Hz with will be unsustainable.
- One option (a) is a full replacement of DAQ by the time PREX runs.
- Another (b) is modification of the existing DAQ.
- Likely we need to plan for (a) but hope that (b) works. We don't have time to explore before we need to choose a rep rate.
- The same question needs to be asked of the Moller DAQ.
Comments to: Kent Paschke