Notes from Meeting Mar 27, 2009
In Attendance: Kent Paschke, Guido Urciuoli, Bob Michaels, Dustin McNulty, Abdurahim Rakhman, Luis Mercado, Alexandre Camsonne, Paul Souder, Megan Friend, Brian Quinn, Gregg Franklin, Mark Dalton
Compton Electron Detector
- Data taken with source in 2 plane coincidence trigger where one of the planes is the last one. Signals in the remaining 2 planes suggest a 10% efficiency.
- There is no signal when the source is absent.
- Various suggestions as to how to proceed:
- speak to engineer about getting access to the analog signal.
- try to decouple the detector and trigger electronics to find bugs in the logic.
- check range tables or Geant4 simulation to get expected ionisation in each plane.
- look at data in singles mode (need to disable some strips to minimise noise) to check for ETROC logic or timing problems
- use different bias voltages to check thresholds
- look at logic signals on scope (requires LDVS to NIM converter)
Nonlinearity of PMTs at CMU
- Megan reported on studies using two LEDs, one with fixed brightness and the other variable. The previous cross talk problems have been resolved.
- The results suggest a 2% nonlinearity up to 36 MeV.
- Next step is to prove the effect by using different voltages and tubes.
- A more robust system will be built for travel to JLab.
ADC Testing at JLab
- Luis is working on a more precise local fit, plotting slope vs signal
- Dustin showed target theta and phi comparisons. The theta agreement is better than phi.
- Dustin will try the collimator cut
- There was discussion on the angular resolution for the HRS + septum, it was suggested to study seive slit data.
- Bob reported that we can use the old seive slit in the experiment if a few extra holes are added. This design would give 3 mr for a point target which should be resolvable.
Comments to: Bob Michaels