Notes from Meeting May 01, 2009
In Attendance: Bob Michaels, Dustin McNulty, Abdurahim Rakhman, Luis Mercado, Paul Souder, Megan Friend, Brian Quinn, Gregg Franklin, Diana Parno, Mark Dalton, Richard Holmes
GSO Crystal
- There was further discussion about the cause of a misidentification of laser ON/OFF bit documented on HAPLOG post 1598.
- Related to quarter wave plate? Takes time to get proper values after changing plate.
- Can we get independent cavity ON/OFF signals?
Compton Electron Detector
- Sirish posted first spectra taken with new detector on HALOG 270119.
- Paul asked if we can look at conincidences between electron detector and GSO photon detector.
- Bob talked about combining DAQ (fADC and detectors).
Nonlinearity of PMTs at CMU
- Megan reported nonlinearity reported on previously is real.
- Bob suggested they use ND filters as part of study.
- Nonlinearity was 15% for 6GeV. Want to make sure linearity is good for less than 3GeV, but they think it is.
- There was a discussion about spectra taken during last run:
- There were accumulator runs and Compton spectra taken ar all passes.
- Lead/Tungsten spectra were very unstable... GSO better?
- Diana noticed gain shifts which need to be quantified by analyzing data that is already available.
- Also commented on whether the gain changes with rate. This could change widths in an unpredictable way.
ADC Testing at JLab
- TestCrate has been modified to handle multiple 18bit ADCs at a time. Further tests can now be conducted to make sure multiple 16bit and 18bit boards can coexist without problems.
- Need to check for crosstalk and test at high rates.
- Right now can get 3 18bit boards working together. When a 4th one is added, the crate crashes. Need to find the cause of the problem.
- Talked about Dustin's HAPLOG post 1599
- There is a difference in x-res for standard and new optics. The new one gives better resolution in both x and y. There was a 15% improvement for the x-res at the focal plane where the VDCs are.
- Talked about Dustin's HAPLOG post 1600
- Shows that y distribution is made narrow when x cuts are imposed. This will be explored further
- Thicknesses bigger than 8.6% will shift backgrounds away from the elastic peak. Smallet thicknesses still leave some contamination.
- Investigate rates - break up Be plug signals for best place to measure.
Comments to: Bob Michaels