- Luis has successfully implemented the 18-bit ADC into the ``Green Monster'' config GUI.
- He fixed the problem of addressing 4 or more boards.
- Will test a full crate and 240 Hz (i.e. observe behaviour of system with rate).
PREX Optics, A_T hole
- Dustin continues to optimize the A_T hole optics, see HAPLOG.
- Will generate FOM versus the different options.
Collimator Mods
- Bob implemented Makis' ideas to taper the collimator ~10 to fit the natural range of angles coming from the target to reduce slit scattering.
- Also checked Makis' ideas to stop 2-bounce or 3-bounce photons, see HAPLOG. It was decided to check if the former is feasible but abandon the latter.
Compton Laser Room
- Abdurahim reports on measurements of cavity decay-time, bandwidth, transmission loss, coupling efficiencies.
- ``Final'' data to be announced soon.
Compton Microstrips and DAQ
- Lengthy discussion about status of microstrips. More meetings next week.
- Lengthy discussion about plans for DAQ upgrades and immediate next steps.
comments to: Bob Michaels