Dear Vladimir: I hope this email finds you well. The SoLID collaboration is preparing a writeup to describe the R&D status of all detectors and the SoLID device. To complete the electromagnetic calorimeter part of the writeup, there are still several questions remain to be answered from your side, most of which were described in the emails I sent to you on April 6th and April 9th, and are described again as follows: 1) Following your suggestions we have added a layer of 5-mm thick Scintillator pad (SPD) for photon-rejection purpose in front the preshower. There will be two SPDs: 1A) The Forward-Angle SPD will cover from R=85cm to 240cm, and are divided into a total of 120 segments: 60 in azimuthal direction and 2 segments in radial direction (R=85-127cm and R=127-240cm). Signals will be read out by embeded WLS fibers. 1B) THe Backward-Angle SPD will cover from R=80 to R=140cm and will be divided into a total of 30 segments, in the azimuthal direction only. *** Based on this description, can you tell if these can be made at IHEP? And would it be possible to provide a cost estimate? 2) For the WLS fiber, the fiber company charges about $1 per piece if each fiber is cut and polished using diamond-tools, compare to rough-cutting only. This extra charge will double the WLS fiber cost from $203k to $443k. *** Can you tell me if IHEP can provide similar fiber-polishing so we can save the $240k of polishing cost. 3) What is the cost of mirrors for the WLS fibers per module? (We have 100 1-mm diameter fibers per module); I will appreciate a timely response, thanks! Xiaochao