Monthly INDEX
User name Eric Voutier
Log entry time 08:02:39 on February 9,2000
Entry number 33196
keyword=Shift Summary
New crew on shift: Eric Voutier, Michael Kuss, Eugene Chudakov
12:00 Continue data taking for Kinematics 25
0:50 We notice a problem with Q1 in the hadron arm indicating that we apparently
lost the control of the magnet (incoherent reading of the current); we reboot the
dialog controler but it does not cure the proble; call Ed Folts and then the MCC
to ask for an access.
... Rebooting IOCs
02:45 While restoring, the dipole quenched and we are now increasing the current
of the dipole up to its previous setting and cycling the quads.
04:30 Recovering the hadron arm and restart data taking on Kin#25 at the run 2114
i) Magnet settings: see entry 33186
ii) Beam strip chart: see entry 33187
iii) Magnet strip chart: see entry 33188