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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 03:39:51 on March16,2001

    Entry number 58879


    keyword=Coincidence Time Bumps

    We made a check of the funny bumps in TC spectra, see fig. 1
    Top-left: full spectrum. Top-right: require event type 5, it cleans
    up most of the funny bumps. Bottom-left: For event type 1 (R-arm
    trigger) we get an overflow peak at 12 bits. Bottom-right: For event
    type 3 (L-arm trigger) we get a self-timing peak at around 50 nsec.
    Some self-timing and overflows appear in event type 5 also.
    Note the cut tce>0. This is because in 5.8% of physics triggers, this
    analyzer sees no TC data (no data in TDC ?!). Don't know why yet.

    FIGURE 1