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    User name LeRose

    Log entry time 16:01:51 on March23,2001

    Entry number 59176

    keyword=Shift Summary

    Day shift: John LeRose, Arun Saha, Joerg Reinhold
    Kinematics 19:
    Left: P0=+1.890, 13.554 degrees
    Right: P0=-0.92790, 45.707 degrees

    8:32 end run 3055
    8:32 start run 3056 09:00 end run 0.44M events; Total K's at kin19: 1246
    09:00 Beam off for "Burp test"
    Hall goes into controlled access for RICH work
    09:43 MCC says we can have beam back at anytime
    10:57 Everybody out of the Hall. MCC called to close the Hall.
    11:30 Hall B (Elton) asks that we wait 10 minutes before we get beam back while they finish a run. They claim their asymmetries get screwed up when our beam comes on. Was really only 3 minutes

    11:46 run 3057 started 12:45 ended 1.0M events;
    12:45 run 3058 started 13:20 ended 0.5M events;
    13:18 Beam off to check things in the Hall B line

    13:24 Beam Back run 3059 started, 14:26 ended Total K's=1327
    14:26 run 3060 started, 13:27 ended 1.0M events
    14:26 run 3061 started, passed on to swing shift