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    User name reitz

    Log entry time 00:04:01 on March27,2001

    Entry number 59375

    keyword=shift summary

    16:00 run #3125 continued, many trips
    16:55 MCC calls, tthey take away beam to investigate their problems with the trips ,
    they are related to the Laser for the polarized source (for Hall C)
    17:00 beam back
    17:37 run #3126 started
    18:36 run stopped since the half-wavelength plate was changed
    18:37 run #3127 started
    18:55 run #3127 stopped, half-wavelength plate removed
    18:57 run #3128 started
    20:00 DAQ crash (ROC1 not responding)
    20:05 run #3129 started
    21:46 run #3130 started
    22:05 HV crash
    22:35 workaround, control of HV via portservers
    run #3132 started, asked MCC to reboot ioc s for HV