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    User name Moffit

    Log entry time 22:34:10 on February 1,2003

    Entry number 94217

    This entry is a followup to: 94193

    keyword=Finished PZT scans

    IHWP = OUT
    RHWP = 6435
    Set IA to 4.85 (Zero Point Qa from Parity run #1610)
    INJ BPMs remain the same. Didn't change any cabling.

    IT = 13300
    RD = 0
    OS = 0 (1)
    IA Feedback ON

         Run #'s           PZT           IA          HRS #'s
       CH       INJ       X   Y       i      f      R       L
       1624     5204      5   5       4.85   4.92   1673    20673
       1625     5205      2   5       8.40   7.76    ""      ""
       1626     5206      8   5       1.00   2.57    ""      ""
       1627     5207      5   1       7.40   8.72    ""      ""
       1628     5208      5   9       1.40   1.85    ""      ""
       1629     5209      5   5       4.92   4.95   1674    20674

    From these scans, it appears (roughly, assuming a linear relation) that
    d(IA)/d(pztX) = 0.906
    d(IA)/d(pztY) = 0.905
    Perhaps I didn't need to be so shy with PZT-X.

    Now an oversampling run. IA Feedback OFF.
    PZT X = PZT Y = 5
    IA = 4.92

    IT = 1000
    RD = 0
    OS = 12 (13)

    CH DAQ ADCs set to HI-Gain
    (pedestals will need to be re-calibrated for HI-gain)

         Run #'s            PZT            IA          HRS #'s
       CH       INJ       X     Y       i      f      L       R
       1630     5210      5     5       4.95   4.95   1674    20674

    Returned DAQs to Before-PZTscan state:
    CH DAQ ADCs set to LO-Gain, ADC 0 and 4 set to HI-Gain
    IT = 13300
    RD = 0
    OS = 0 (1)
    IA Feedback ON.