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    User name Reitz

    Log entry time 22:59:55 on December23,2003

    Entry number 115111

    keyword=RICH trips vs momentum setting

    this is a more efficient way to find the weak spot in the RICH:
    quads were set to 2.06GeV/c, and we only changed the dipole by hand
    (red curve is D1 momentum from 1.95 to 2.1, the elastic
    peak would be centered at a setting 2.025GeV/c)
    the green curve is the HV of the RICH, the orange curve is the
    beam current.
    As long as the momentum is above ~2.005GeV the RICH never trips.
    Operating the RICH at 2120 Volts, it will always trip, once
    the momentum is below that value. In the latter case, with 15uA
    on the thick carbon target, trip level is between 1950 and 2000Volts.

    FIGURE 1