User name a-onl
Log entry time 04:14:59 on January 13, 2004
Entry number 115524
Run Number: 1712
End of Run Comment:
Run_type=other,beam_energy=2.035,beam_halfwaveplate=in,beam_raster=on,comment_text=a test,daq_mode=TWOARM,kin_name=,leftarm_p=1.980,leftarm_theta=6,rightarm_p=1.800,rightarm_theta=6,target_halfwaveplate=out,target_name=priapus,target_polarization=42.5,target_type=BeO Carbon foils
PRESCALE FACTORS:ps1=1 ps2=1 ps3=1 ps4=2 ps5=1 ps6=1 ps7=9999 ps8=65535
EVENTS[0]: 18010 [+]: 8813 [-]: 8937
TIME [0]: 0.695 mins [+]: 0.342 mins [-]: 0.343 mins
LIVE calc. crudely accounts for correlations. Need offline calc.
LIVE [0]: 3.53% [+]: 3.50% [-]: 3.56%
T1[0] :9211.5/9211.5 Hz T2[0] :125.8/125.8 Hz T3[0] :2803.2/2803.2 Hz T4[0] :76.0/152.0 Hz T5[0] :14.8/14.8 Hz T6[0] :30.1/30.1 Hz T7[0] : 0.0/0.0 Hz T8[0] : 0.0/1024.0 Hz
T1[+] :9227.1/9227.1 Hz T2[+] :125.1/125.1 Hz T3[+] :2808.2/2808.2 Hz T4[+] :75.5/151.1 Hz T5[+] :14.4/14.4 Hz T6[+] :28.7/28.7 Hz T7[+] : 0.0/0.0 Hz T8[+] : 0.0/1024.0 Hz
T1[-] :9195.6/9195.6 Hz T2[-] :127.1/127.1 Hz T3[-] :2797.5/2797.5 Hz T4[-] :76.6/153.2 Hz T5[-] :15.1/15.1 Hz T6[-] :30.9/30.9 Hz T7[-] : 0.0/0.1 Hz T8[-] : 0.0/1024.0 Hz
T1[0] : 384229/384229 T2[0] : 5249/5249 T3[0] : 116925/116925 T4[0] : 3171/6342 T5[0] : 616/616 T6[0] : 1256/1256 T7[0] : 0/2 T8[0] : 0/42713
T1[+] : 189517/189517 T2[+] : 2569/2569 T3[+] : 57677/57677 T4[+] : 1551/3103 T5[+] : 295/295 T6[+] : 590/590 T7[+] : 0/0 T8[+] : 0/21032
T1[-] : 189021/189021 T2[-] : 2612/2612 T3[-] : 57504/57504 T4[-] : 1574/3149 T5[-] : 311/311 T6[-] : 636/636 T7[-] : 0/2 T8[-] : 0/21049
BCM x1 : 4.8429 uA BCM x3 : 4.7492 uA BCM x10: 4.7314 uA
BCM u1 : 115.8 ppm BCM u3 : 220 ppm BCM u10: 250.3 ppm
BCM d1 : 104.4 ppm BCM d3 : 219.8 ppm BCM d10: 253.6 ppm
BCM u1 [0]:0.0002025 BCM u3 [0]:0.0001986 BCM u10[0]:0.0001973
BCM u1 [+]:9.972E-05 BCM u3 [+]:9.78E-05 BCM u10[+]:9.719E-05
BCM u1 [-]:9.978E-05 BCM u3 [-]:9.784E-05 BCM u10[-]:9.722E-05
BCM d1 [0]:0.0002015 BCM d3 [0]:0.0001976 BCM d10[0]:0.0001974
BCM d1 [+]:9.925E-05 BCM d3 [+]:9.733E-05 BCM d10[+]:9.722E-05
BCM d1 [-]:9.931E-05 BCM d3 [-]:9.737E-05 BCM d10[-]:9.725E-05
End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 1712 at Tue Jan 13 04:14:56 EST 2004
Left Arm D1 momentum : 1.98
Left Arm arm angle : 0
Right Arm D1 momentum : 1.8
Right Arm arm angle : 0
HALLA:p : 4020.83
HALLA:dpp : -2.16679e-05
Tiefenbach Hall A energy : 4020.83
Left Arm Top VDC Current : 3.02734
Left Arm Bottom VDC Current : 3.66211
Left septum set current : 183.31
Left septum current readback : 183.5
Left septum upper coil T : 7.2
Left septum lower coil T : 6.85
Left septum yoke T : 5.5
Left septum bore shield T : 120.2
Right septum set current : 166.64
Right septum current readback : 166.5
Right septum upper coil T : 5.75
Right septum lower coil T : 6.1
Right septum yoke T : 5.2
Right septum bore shield T : 18.05
Average current of the two cavities : 4.74803
Current on Unser monitor : -0.173253
Current on Upstream bcm : 4.72583
Current on Downstream bcm : 4.77023
Upstream Cavity Coefficient : 76.7
Downstream Cavity Coefficient : 78.9
Current on IBC0L02 (source) : 45.4331
MBSY1c Hall A Beam energy : 4028.55
MBSY1c magnet current (amp) : 167.896
MBSY1c Bdl : 1.00533e+06
MBSY3c Hall C Beam energy : 3038.72
Tiefenbach Hall A energy : 4020.84
Tiefenbach Hall C energy : 3030.68
Delta(E)/E width (MV_AI_DXWID) : 4.43559
IPM1C12.XPOS : 0.0160625
IPM1H04A.XPOS : -0.0475209
IPM1H04A.YPOS : 0.00855692
IPM1H04B.XPOS : -0.0339981
IPM1H04B.YPOS : -0.155661
RICH Vmon 16 : 2054.2
RICH Imon 16 : 0.06
RICH Vmon 17 : 251
RICH Imon 17 : 0
RICH Radiator Oxygen : -1.95312
RICH Radiator Moisture : 487.793
RICH Radiator Pressure : 9.55811
RICH Condensor temperature : -223.244
RICH Gas Oxygen : 28.7109
RICH Gas Moisture : 5.17578
RICH Argon Flow : 1.07422
RICH Methane Flow : 499.219
RICH A Volts : 3.80908
RICH B Volts : -3.90771