User name a-onl
Log entry time 19:15:01 on January 17, 2004
Entry number 116021
Run Number: 1884
End of Run Comment:
Run_type=production,beam_energy=4.016,beam_halfwaveplate=in,beam_raster=off,comment_text=C-12 100 microA RICH HV=2100,daq_mode=WITHRICH,kin_name=,leftarm_p=1.980,leftarm_theta=6,rightarm_p=1.800,rightarm_theta=6,target_halfwaveplate=out,target_name=priapus,target_polarization=42.5,target_type=Thick Carbon
PRESCALE FACTORS:ps1=2500 ps2=100 ps3=800 ps4=80 ps5=1 ps6=4 ps7=1 ps8=65535
EVENTS[0]: 800753 [+]: 393880 [-]: 395134
TIME [0]: 24.732 mins [+]: 12.184 mins [-]: 12.183 mins
LIVE calc. crudely accounts for correlations. Need offline calc.
LIVE [0]: 82.23% [+]: 82.34% [-]: 82.38%
T1[0] :33.5/83716.9 Hz T2[0] :18.7/1875.0 Hz T3[0] :32.0/25620.6 Hz T4[0] :17.1/1369.1 Hz T5[0] :482.0/482.0 Hz T6[0] :74.8/299.2 Hz T7[0] : 4.7/4.7 Hz T8[0] : 0.0/1024.0 Hz
T1[+] :33.5/83708.6 Hz T2[+] :18.8/1875.6 Hz T3[+] :32.0/25617.2 Hz T4[+] :17.1/1368.8 Hz T5[+] :480.2/480.2 Hz T6[+] :74.8/299.1 Hz T7[+] : 4.7/4.7 Hz T8[+] : 0.0/1024.0 Hz
T1[-] :33.5/83733.8 Hz T2[-] :18.7/1874.1 Hz T3[-] :32.0/25623.3 Hz T4[-] :17.1/1369.6 Hz T5[-] :482.1/482.1 Hz T6[-] :74.6/298.6 Hz T7[-] : 4.7/4.7 Hz T8[-] : 0.0/1024.0 Hz
T1[0] : 49691/124229376 T2[0] : 27823/2782301 T3[0] : 47523/38019006 T4[0] : 25395/2031673 T5[0] : 715315/715315 T6[0] : 110987/443950 T7[0] : 6965/6965 T8[0] : 23/1519536
T1[+] : 24476/61192076 T2[+] : 13710/1371076 T3[+] : 23408/18726522 T4[+] : 12507/1000637 T5[+] : 351025/351025 T6[+] : 54667/218670 T7[+] : 3417/3417 T8[+] : 11/748557
T1[-] : 24483/61208271 T2[-] : 13699/1369964 T3[-] : 23412/18730254 T4[-] : 12514/1001148 T5[-] : 352391/352391 T6[-] : 54560/218242 T7[-] : 3425/3425 T8[-] : 11/748530
BCM x1 : 78.5993uA BCM x3 : 78.4123uA BCM x10: 56.1283uA
BCM u1 : -6.255 ppm BCM u3 : -1.955 ppm BCM u10: 4.522 ppm
BCM d1 : -7.62 ppm BCM d3 : -1.615 ppm BCM d10: 7.93 ppm
BCM u1 [0]:0.1167 BCM u3 [0]:0.1165 BCM u10[0]:0.09566
BCM u1 [+]:0.0575 BCM u3 [+]:0.0574 BCM u10[+]:0.04713
BCM u1 [-]:0.0575 BCM u3 [-]:0.0574 BCM u10[-]:0.04712
BCM d1 [0]:0.1165 BCM d3 [0]:0.1162 BCM d10[0]:0.07092
BCM d1 [+]:0.05741 BCM d3 [+]:0.05724 BCM d10[+]:0.03494
BCM d1 [-]:0.05741 BCM d3 [-]:0.05724 BCM d10[-]:0.03493
End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 1884 at Sat Jan 17 19:14:19 EST 2004
Left Arm D1 momentum : 1.98
Left Arm arm angle : 12.321
Right Arm D1 momentum : 1.8
Right Arm arm angle : 12.697
HALLA:p : 4019.53
HALLA:dpp : -1.72159e-05
Tiefenbach Hall A energy : 4019.53
Right Arm arm mispointing (HPT) : -0
Left Arm Top VDC Current : -1.02539
Left Arm Bottom VDC Current : 1.46484
Left septum set current : 183.31
Left septum current readback : 183.5
Left septum upper coil T : 6.7
Left septum lower coil T : 6.5
Left septum yoke T : 5.25
Left septum bore shield T : 95.35
Left Arm Q1 momentum : 1.97992
Left Arm Q2 power supply current : 859.265
Left Arm Q2 momentum : 1.98029
Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : !!WARNING!! The executable "caRepeater" couldnt be located because of errno = "No such file or directory" You may need to modify your PATH environment variable. Creating CA repeater with fork() system call. Repeater will inherit parents process name and resources. Duplicate resource consumption may occur. enabled
Left Arm D1 power supply current : 671.82
Left Arm D1 momentum : 1.98
Left Arm D1 NMR : 0.732675
Left Arm Q3 power supply current : 927.119
Left Arm Q3 momentum : 1.9798
Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : enabled
Right septum set current : 166.64
Right septum current readback : 166.5
Right septum upper coil T : 6.5
Right septum lower coil T : 6.9
Right septum yoke T : 5.6
Right septum bore shield T : 19.95
Right Arm Q1 momentum : 1.79993
Right Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.026738
Right Arm Q2 power supply current : 781.246
Right Arm Q2 momentum : 1.80031
Right Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.4105
Right Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled
Right Arm D1 power supply current : 621.817
Right Arm D1 momentum : 1.8
Right Arm D1 NMR : 0.667958
Right Arm Q3 power supply current : 843.041
Right Arm Q3 momentum : 1.80025
Right Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.3781
Right Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
RICH Vmon 16 : 2103.8
RICH Imon 16 : 0.11
RICH Vmon 17 : 401.2
RICH Imon 17 : 0.01
RICH Radiator Oxygen : -0.683594
RICH Radiator Moisture : 487.793
RICH Radiator Pressure : 9.52979
RICH Condensor temperature : -223.439
RICH Gas Oxygen : 26.5625
RICH Gas Moisture : 4.78516
RICH Argon Flow : 0.878906
RICH Methane Flow : 600.586
RICH A Volts : 3.80957
RICH B Volts : -3.9082