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    User name apar

    Log entry time 13:25:22 on January 27, 2004

    Entry number 116892

    End-of-Parity-run EPICS data for Run Number 1051 at Tue Jan 27 13:25:07 EST 2004
    CODA Configuration: Lumi
    # Timing board information: # Integrate Time = 33.25 ms, Ramp Delay = 0.00 us oversamp 1
    Wien angle                               : -9.50155
    Wien BDL                                 : -221.6
    Wien field                               : 6.22
    Laser attenuation Hall A                 : 90
    Laser power  Hall A                      : 100
    Beam Half-wave plate Set(off=out)        : OFF
    Beam Half-wave plate Read(off=out)       : OUT
    Rotating waveplate                       : 5170
    IA Cell Setpoint  Hall A                 : 2.7
    PZT X Setpoint  Hall A                   : 5
    PZT Y Setpoint  Hall A                   : 5
    PZT X Setpoint  Common                   : 5
    PZT Y Setpoint  Common                   : 5
    Gun2: PC (PITA) POS                      : 7.3
    Gun2: PC (PITA) NEG                      : 7.64
    G0 Helicity Settle Set                   : 500 usec
    G0 Helicity Delay Set                    : 8 cycles
    G0 Helicity Pattern Set                  : Quartet
    G0 Helicity Random/Toggle Set            : Random
    G0 Helicity Settle Read                  : 500 usec
    G0 Helicity Delay Read                   : 8 cycles
    G0 Helicity Pattern Read                 : Quartet
    G0 Helicity Random/Toggle Read           : Random
    Parity DAQ Feedback Control(1=on)        : 0
    IA Feedback Control  Hall A              : 
    IA Charge Asymmetry  Hall A              : 
    IA Timestamp  Hall A                     : 
    IA Slope  Hall A                         : 
    Back LUMI 3 HV - Ch  10                  : -550
    Back LUMI 7 HV - Ch  11                  : -800
    Left Arm arm angle                       : 12.321
    Right Arm arm angle                      : 12.697
    Left Arm arm mispointing (HPT)           : -0
    Right Arm arm mispointing (HPT)          : -0
    Left Arm Q1 momentum                     : 1.9801
    Left Arm Q2 power supply current         : 859.19
    Left Arm Q2 momentum                     : 1.98023
    Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity        : enabled
    Left Arm D1 power supply current         : 671.857
    Left Arm D1 momentum                     : 1.97999
    Left Arm D1 NMR                          : 0.732671
    Left Arm Q3 power supply current         : 927.077
    Left Arm Q3 momentum                     : 1.97971
    Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity        : enabled
    Right Arm Q1 momentum                    : 1.79993
    Right Arm Q1 gauss meter                 : -0.02676
    Right Arm Q2 power supply current        : 781.091
    Right Arm Q2 momentum                    : 1.79996
    Right Arm Q2 gauss meter                 : 0.4105
    Right Arm Q2 power supply polarity       : enabled
    Right Arm D1 power supply current        : 621.821
    Right Arm D1 momentum                    : 1.8
    Right Arm D1 NMR                         : 0.667958
    Right Arm Q3 power supply current        : 843.026
    Right Arm Q3 momentum                    : 1.80022
    Right Arm Q3 gauss meter                 : 0.3782
    Right Arm Q3 power supply polarity       : disabled
    Left Arm Top VDC Current                 : -2.09961
    Left Arm Bottom VDC Current              : 0.244141
    Left Arm Top VDC voltage                 : 3.98096
    Left Arm Bottom VDC voltage              : 3.99902
    Right Arm Top VDC voltage                : 3.99512
    Right Arm Bottom VDC voltage             : 3.99268
    Average current of the two cavities      : 0.031437
    Current on Unser monitor                 : -4.94206
    Current on Upstream bcm                  : 0.0252978
    Current on Downstream bcm                : 0.0375761
    Upstream Cavity Coefficient              : 76.7
    Downstream Cavity Coefficient            : 78.9
    Current on IBC0L02 (source)              : 15.7902
    Tiefenbach Hall A energy                 : 4019.6
    Tiefenbach Hall C energy                 : 3029.41
    Delta(E)/E width (MV_AI_DXWID)           : 1.07746
    MBSY1c Hall A Beam energy                : 4027.23
    MBSY3c Hall C Beam energy                : 3036.72
    MBSY1c magnet current (amp)              : 167.841
    MBSY1c Bdl                               : 1.005e+06
    IPM1C12.XPOS                             : 0
    IPM1C12.YPOS                             : 0
    IPM1H04A.XPOS                            : 0
    IPM1H04A.YPOS                            : 0
    IPM1H04B.XPOS                            : 0
    IPM1H04B.YPOS                            : 0
    Survey X offset bpmA                     : -0.63
    Survey Y offset bpmA                     : -0.9
    Survey X offset bpmB                     : 0.77
    Survey Y offset bpmB                     : -1
    Arc1 dp/p                                : 0
    Arc2 dp/p                                : 0
    Left Arm Collimator                      : 0.0570801
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch58                     : -0.188477
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch55                     : 23.7305
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch54                     : 0.0576172
    Right Arm Collimator                     : -0.000585938
    Right LVDT HPM                           : 3289
    Right LVDT VPM                           : 3864
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch58                     : -0.549805
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch55                     : 22.0215
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch54                     : -0.882812
    HacR_alignROLL                           : -0.406375
    HacR_alignPITCH                          : -0.00803614
    HacR_alignHPT                            : -0
    Right Arm Angle Floor Angle              : 0
    Right Arm Angle Vernier                  : 0
    Right Arm Scattering Angle               : 12.697
    Target OTR  x-position                   : 
    Target OTR  y-position                   : 
    Target OTR  x-width                      : 
    Target OTR  y-width                      : 
    Target OTR  data valid flag              : 
    Target OTR  In/Out                       : 
    Arc OTR  x-position                      : -10.5973
    Arc OTR  y-position                      : 8.6014
    Arc OTR  x-width                         : 0
    Arc OTR  y-width                         : -0
    Arc OTR  data valid flag                 : No
    Arc OTR  In/Out                          : Current is Low