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    User name Iodice

    Log entry time 00:54:34 on April16,2004

    Entry number 117956

    keyword=SWING shift summary

    - Shift started with the target just ready and cooled.
    - Asked mcc to send 100uA into the Hall
    - Septa have been ramped up (181 Amps left and 145 Amps right)
    and beam steering studies have been done.
    - MCC steered the beam to put it into the viewer with No target No Q1
    - Q1 steering studies done - no effects of Q1 field on the beam has been observed
    - All magnets turned off on Mcc request to allow them to calibrate the "Pavelometer"

    22:20 Noticed left septum control was lost. Called Ed. Realized it was a PLC failure problem (see halog entries)

    Ed came in, went into the hall, found the failure was due to a power supply. He changed it and the septum came back to normal.

    Shift just ended after septum problem was solved