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    User name Yi Qiang

    Log entry time 14:34:28 on May28,2004

    Entry number 123560

    keyword=Changes made in T7.C

    I ignored that the t5/t7 overlapped events are much fewer than t7 events, as ole said, that's why my previous t7 efficiency calculation is depending on ps5 so much.
    Now I am selecting events just from t5 trigger, which means
    eff. = (T5&T7&PID)/(T5&PID)
    I also inculded the method from xiaochao,
    eff. = (T7&PID)/(T5&PID*ps5)
    which will be plotted in the bottom pad.
    Comparing the results using runs with different prescales,
    1360, ps5=4; 1347, ps5=1
    I think (T5&T7&PID)/(T5&PID) may be a more stable way

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2