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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 14:22:02 on June 7,2004

    Entry number 124816

    keyword=Triggers for HAPPEX

    HAPPEX will occassionally use spectrometer DAQ, e.g. for optics.
    The triggers have been set up:
    T1 = R-arm scintillator S2 (note: S1 was removed)
    T2 = R-arm HAPPEX electron calormeter. This is the "or" of 2 PMTs.
    During Helium there is only 1 detector, in Hydrogen there will be 2.
    T3 = L-arm scintillator S2 (note: S1 was removed)
    T4 = L-arm HAPPEX e-cal
    T5 = R-arm UMass/Smith Profile Scanner amplitude
    T6 = L-arm UMass/Smith Profile Scanner amplitude.

    In scalers we have new data where S1 used to be:
    On page 1 of each arm we have
    #1 = HAPPEX electron detector PMT#1
    #3 = HAPPEX e- PMT2 (when it exists during Hydrogen)
    #5 = UMass/Smith Profile Scanner amplitude.
    (skipped 2,4 to reduce cross-talk in discrim.)

    Since I used the S1 discrim. the detector map ordering is preserved
    L-arm roc3, slot 25, chan 0+ for ADC (i.e. starting at 1st chan)
    L-arm roc3, slot 3, chan 0+ for TDC
    R-arm roc1, slot 25, chan 0+ for ADC
    R-arm roc1, slot 16, chan 16+ for TDC

    The X,Y of Profile Scanner will be plugged in somewhere later.

    I noticed that with cosmics the T1/T3 rates were 2.4 kHz / 550 Hz.
    That's rather high !! Cosmics will look crummy.