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    User name R. Snyder

    Log entry time 08:05:39 on July12,2004

    Entry number 128348

    keyword=Owl Shift Summary

    00:16 Run 2809 started; production
    01:12 Run 2810 started; production
    02:09 Run 2811 started; production
    -RHS Roc26 rebooted; run stopped
    02:51 Run 2812 started; production
    03:51 Run 2813 started; production
    04:47 Run 2814 started; production
    05:47 Run 2815 started; production
    06:43 Run 2816 started; production
    07:35 Injector expert arrives at MCC to fix Hall C laser jitter
    07:39 Run 2816 ended
    -IHWP flipped to IN