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    User name paschke

    Log entry time 19:24:45 on July20,2004

    Entry number 129074


    keyword=New Default Configuration: BPMS in FORCED GAIN

    I have had the bpm crate iocse8 (containing bpm 10) and iocse10 (containing 
    bpms 1, 4a, and 4b) in forced gain.  This was done during run 3002, so run 3003 
    is production running with forced gain.  
    The gain settings are 
               X       Y
    iocse8   1170    1155
    iocse10  1205    1185
    These bpms should stay in this configuration by default for production for at 
    least the next two slugs.  If we need to run at a current which is 
    significantly different than what we have right now (38 uA), we'll need to go 
    back to auto-gain on these bpms.  MCC can
    of course return to autogain whenever needed, but we should return
    to forced gain for production running. If this is not possible, please page me.
    I've attached screenshots of the bpm screens which can be used to verify 
    everything is ok.  On the Accelerator Main Menu, under the BPM menu, under "BPM 
    diagnostics - SEE", select the "Live Display" for 
    iocse8 or iocse10.  They should appear as below. The upper-right corner should 
    have the label "Forced Gain" (not autogain). The X and Y gains should match the 
    figures below (they are the same for all bpms in each crate). Generally, all 
    status indicators should be green (if we are near to 38 uA); some may show red 
    "unlocked" flags, but this is not serious if it is not a problem for MCC.  If 
    many flags
    are read for a single bpm, or if it is reading out x=0.000 and y=0.000 in the 
    top table, it is probably not reading back well.  
    If there are any questions about this by shifters or from MCC, please page me.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2