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    User name J. Singh

    Log entry time 03:00:21 on July25,2004

    Entry number 129601

    keyword=MCC called: beam came and went

    at 0239, MCC called and said that they were going to attempt to send beam. we had beam for about 10 min. MCC called back at 0251 and said that they lost it again. They are working on fixing the problem.

    elog 1226452 QuickPic - Beam on the lambertson.
    elog 1226453 Injector PSET changes since yesterday morning.
    elog 1226454
    elog 1226456 FSD Masks have been set for beam delivery to Halls A, B, and C
    elog 1226458 Autolog save
    elog 1226461 Injector problem reappeared. Investigation continuing.