Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for September 04 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries

  • Main INDEX


  • 132520 09/30/04 23:35 A. Camsonne HARP scan OK
  • 132519 09/30/04 23:31 A. Camsonne Harp scan after fix
  • 132517 09/30/04 22:39 A. Camsonne Harp scan of beam with oscillations
  • 132508 09/30/04 17:45 A. Camsonne HARP scan, Y position unstable
  • 132506 09/30/04 15:59 M. Mazouz Shift summary
  • 132492 09/30/04 09:58 mazouz Calorimeter DC currents & HV
  • 132491 09/30/04 09:57 mazouz PA DC currents
  • 132490 09/30/04 09:48 mazouz bleed through check
  • 132481 09/30/04 07:59 dhayes beam time accounting
  • 132480 09/30/04 07:58 dhayes Shift Summary
  • 132478 09/30/04 07:26 dhayes proton array adc
  • 132472 09/30/04 06:35 bertin counting rate
  • 132459 09/30/04 02:57 Carlos Hall A Tools snapshot
  • 132450 09/30/04 00:24 dhayes tagger adc at 1 microamp
  • 132448 09/30/04 00:05 A. Camsonne Shift summary
  • 132447 09/30/04 00:02 A. Camsonne Hall A tools
  • Wednesday

  • 132446 09/29/04 23:11 A. Camsonne Scalers at 1uA
  • 132445 09/29/04 22:42 A. Camsonne Calo ADC screen at 1uA
  • 132444 09/29/04 22:41 A. Camsonne PA ADC screens at 1uA
  • 132441 09/29/04 22:22 A. Camsonne Scalers at 2.5 uA
  • 132434 09/29/04 20:43 A. Camsonne Settings for 2.95 Gev/c for Left arm
  • 132433 09/29/04 20:36 A. Camsonne Left dipole momentum setting
  • 132432 09/29/04 20:29 A. Camsonne Calorimeter block 131 RG213
  • 132422 09/29/04 18:09 Ransome proton array screen capture
  • 132421 09/29/04 17:49 F. Sabatie Y position of cross-hair center for warm and cold target
  • 132420 09/29/04 17:40 hyde Proton Array
  • 132419 09/29/04 17:24 Charles Hyde ADC cable swapping for Proton Array
  • 132416 09/29/04 16:54 ransome proton array ADC (contnd)
  • 132415 09/29/04 16:40 Nanda Compton Prelim. Result
  • 132414 09/29/04 16:36 ransome proton array ADC problems
  • 132413 09/29/04 16:19 A. Camsonne S2 on scaler 22
  • 132412 09/29/04 16:02 mazouz shift summary
  • 132409 09/29/04 15:15 bertin dvcs event and acquisition gate
  • 132406 09/29/04 14:04 M. Garcon Proton Array
  • 132397 09/29/04 10:37 hyde RC report
  • 132394 09/29/04 10:30 R. Michaels scaler strip chart, Qasy, etc
  • 132393 09/29/04 09:58 mazouz Tagger DC current I=4 uA
  • 132391 09/29/04 09:34 mazouz bleed through check
  • 132388 09/29/04 08:14 gilman cryotarget fine
  • 132385 09/29/04 07:35 G.Gavalian Proton Array and Tagger ADC
  • 132378 09/29/04 02:35 A. Camsonne Set back S2 delay to 0
  • 132376 09/29/04 02:33 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132375 09/29/04 02:33 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132373 09/29/04 01:24 A. Camsonne Delayed S2 by 10 ns for run 2809
  • 132369 09/29/04 01:10 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132368 09/29/04 01:09 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132367 09/29/04 01:08 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132366 09/29/04 01:04 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132365 09/29/04 01:03 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132364 09/29/04 01:03 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132363 09/29/04 01:01 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132360 09/29/04 00:41 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132359 09/29/04 00:27 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132358 09/29/04 00:25 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132357 09/29/04 00:24 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 132356 09/29/04 00:02 fieschi shift sumary
  • Tuesday

  • 132354 09/28/04 23:54 A. Camsonne Veto DC current
  • 132353 09/28/04 23:53 A. Camsonne Proton array DC current
  • 132352 09/28/04 23:50 A. Camsonne Calorimeter ADC pannel
  • 132344 09/28/04 22:33 Nanda Compton Rate
  • 132343 09/28/04 22:31 fieschi DC read out calorimeter
  • 132342 09/28/04 22:30 fieschi DC read back PA & veto
  • 132341 09/28/04 22:29 nanda compton rates
  • 132332 09/28/04 16:14 mazouz Hall A BTA Software
  • 132331 09/28/04 16:12 M. Mazouz Shift summary
  • 132315 09/28/04 10:07 M. Garcon Proton array DC current
  • 132301 09/28/04 07:49 dhayes shift summary
  • 132280 09/28/04 00:23 fieschi Problem with Hall A BTA Software
  • 132278 09/28/04 00:18 A. Camsonne ND for calorimeter set to 6
  • 132276 09/28/04 00:06 fieschi shift summary
  • Monday

  • 132264 09/27/04 21:45 F. Sabatie Deadtime again
  • 132263 09/27/04 21:11 F. Sabatie First meaningful deadtime reading
  • 132260 09/27/04 20:26 fieschi DC read back calorimeter
  • 132259 09/27/04 20:25 fieschi DC read back veto PA
  • 132254 09/27/04 19:10 A. Camsonne run 2740 missing
  • 132249 09/27/04 18:13 fieschi HV value for tagger detector
  • 132247 09/27/04 18:07 hyde Beam Energy: Hall C
  • 132243 09/27/04 17:29 hyde Proton Array HV twr 19-20
  • 132242 09/27/04 17:17 fieschi HV tagger detector
  • 132238 09/27/04 16:24 Saha OLO2/FC2 calibration
  • 132234 09/27/04 16:01 Higinbotham Shift Summary
  • 132231 09/27/04 15:48 R. Michaels helicity gate plugged into Fastbus
  • 132221 09/27/04 14:49 R. Michaels helicity in Fastbus ADC (always was)
  • 132220 09/27/04 14:46 Higinbotham Spectrometer Set at 2.95 GeV
  • 132213 09/27/04 13:43 R. Michaels DVCS deadtime code updated
  • 132212 09/27/04 13:04 Higinbotham Controlled Access
  • 132211 09/27/04 12:51 A. Camsonne Random trigger seems to get stuck
  • 132209 09/27/04 12:29 Higinbotham BCM vs HRS Table of Runs
  • 132208 09/27/04 12:28 A. Camsonne Run 2701 test random trigger
  • 132205 09/27/04 12:19 hyde PA Twr 19-20 readback
  • 132203 09/27/04 12:17 hyde PA Twr 19-20 HV
  • 132183 09/27/04 10:50 R. Michaels scaler analysis (inclu qasy)
  • 132165 09/27/04 09:56 Higinbotham ROC17 Reboot
  • 132149 09/27/04 08:39 Higinbotham Checking Raster on BeO
  • 132139 09/27/04 08:00 C.Munoz Cama Shift summary
  • 132134 09/27/04 07:19 C.Ferdi ADC tagger and pa
  • 132115 09/27/04 00:09 Fieschi JM shift summary
  • Sunday

  • 132106 09/26/04 20:29 fieschi DC read back for PA and veto
  • 132103 09/26/04 19:52 fieschi Proton Array DC read back
  • 132096 09/26/04 18:42 fieschi Proton array DC read out snapshot
  • 132093 09/26/04 18:17 R. Michaels charge asymmetry (qasy code)
  • 132088 09/26/04 17:36 hyde Proton Array ADC Readback
  • 132086 09/26/04 16:56 hyde Proton Array HV twr 1-24
  • 132081 09/26/04 16:02 mazouz shift summary
  • 132075 09/26/04 15:11 mazouz PA DC current snapshot
  • 132074 09/26/04 15:10 mazouz PA DC current snapshot
  • 132073 09/26/04 15:09 mazouz tagger DC current
  • 132065 09/26/04 13:32 Sabatie hacsbc2 reboot
  • 132049 09/26/04 11:10 Sabatie Q1 back on
  • 132048 09/26/04 10:45 Sabatie techs Q1 trip
  • 132046 09/26/04 09:53 mazouz tagger HV change
  • 132042 09/26/04 09:20 Carlos PA HV and ADC snapshots
  • 132041 09/26/04 09:05 Carlos pa hv
  • 132035 09/26/04 08:37 Carlos Calorimeter block 131
  • 132033 09/26/04 08:12 C. Munoz Cam Shift summary
  • 132030 09/26/04 07:49 C. Munoz Cam Snapshot of PA at 5uA
  • 132023 09/26/04 06:41 C.Ferdi ADC tagger and proton array
  • 132020 09/26/04 06:05 A. Camsonne ROC18 not read out
  • 131999 09/26/04 00:43 fieschi proton array &veto DC snapshot
  • 131996 09/26/04 00:11 fieschi shift summary
  • Saturday

  • 131957 09/25/04 17:36 hyde computer
  • 131953 09/25/04 16:07 m. mazouz Shift summary
  • 131951 09/25/04 16:04 A. Camsonne Miscabling PA ARS
  • 131949 09/25/04 15:04 hyde proton timing test
  • 131944 09/25/04 14:17 m. mazouz HV current for the calo
  • 131943 09/25/04 14:09 Adaq P.A./Tagger ADC snapshot
  • 131940 09/25/04 13:40 A. Camsonne Run 2582 junk run
  • 131930 09/25/04 12:05 Kumbartzki Correction
  • 131929 09/25/04 11:53 Kumbartzki Left Dilpole
  • 131922 09/25/04 08:20 C. Munoz Cam Shift summary
  • 131915 09/25/04 06:30 C.Ferdi Proton Array/Tagger ADC
  • 131912 09/25/04 05:28 Carlos Calorimeter channel 0
  • 131902 09/25/04 02:15 A. Camsonne ND for ARS starting from run 2565
  • 131901 09/25/04 02:10 hyde ARS Timing
  • 131900 09/25/04 01:50 Carlos Cabling change
  • 131895 09/25/04 00:04 P. Solvignon Shift summary
  • Friday

  • 131894 09/24/04 23:55 A. Camsonne ARS ND parameters
  • 131892 09/24/04 23:40 Reitz ep failed
  • 131880 09/24/04 20:02 A. Camsonne Change ARS timing of proton array
  • 131873 09/24/04 16:41 P. Solvignon Proton array and Neutron tagger ADC readback with 20uA
  • 131872 09/24/04 16:39 P. Solvignon Calorimeter ADC readback with 20uA
  • 131869 09/24/04 15:50 Saha Shift Summary
  • 131868 09/24/04 15:24 Sabatie XYZ-axis troubleshooted
  • 131866 09/24/04 15:16 Adaq Run control sharts (run2550)
  • 131865 09/24/04 14:33 R. Michaels BCM cabling fixed
  • 131851 09/24/04 10:37 R. Michaels BCM cabling
  • 131848 09/24/04 08:10 mazouz Veto signals
  • 131845 09/24/04 08:00 Carlos Shift summary
  • 131840 09/24/04 06:51 hyde Proton Array HV
  • 131821 09/24/04 01:54 L. Zhu Proton Array/Tagger ADC snapshots
  • Thursday

  • 131814 09/23/04 23:58 E.Chudakov Swing shift summary
  • 131813 09/23/04 23:55 P. Solvignon Target motion summary
  • 131787 09/23/04 22:17 E.Chudakov Proton arm / tagger snapshots
  • 131784 09/23/04 20:24 Sabatie Calorimeter threshold set to 95
  • 131777 09/23/04 19:05 hyde Proton tower 3 HV
  • 131774 09/23/04 18:46 mazouz DC currents (tagger)
  • 131772 09/23/04 18:45 E.Chudakov HV for gas Cherenkov - a different location
  • 131771 09/23/04 18:44 mazouz DC currents (tagger)
  • 131770 09/23/04 18:42 mazouz DC currents (tagger)
  • 131769 09/23/04 18:36 mazouz DC currents (tagger)
  • 131768 09/23/04 18:35 E.Chudakov Beam back
  • 131767 09/23/04 18:35 hyde Proton Array DC
  • 131766 09/23/04 18:33 mazouz DC current (tagger)
  • 131763 09/23/04 18:24 mazouz DC currents tagger
  • 131761 09/23/04 17:45 hyde Proton Array ADC
  • 131760 09/23/04 17:40 hyde Proton Array DC Monitor
  • 131759 09/23/04 17:11 hyde DVCS Proton Array DC LED300
  • 131758 09/23/04 17:05 hyde Proton Array DC LED
  • 131757 09/23/04 17:01 hyde DVCS Proton HV on
  • 131755 09/23/04 16:00 Higinbotham Shift Summary
  • 131752 09/23/04 15:42 Yi Qiang Target Status
  • 131751 09/23/04 15:41 gilman proton array/tagger adc snapshot for checklist
  • 131750 09/23/04 15:40 Yi Qiang Target Status
  • 131748 09/23/04 14:48 Higinbotham Controlled Access
  • 131747 09/23/04 14:39 Higinbotham CODA update
  • 131746 09/23/04 13:53 Higinbotham Right Quads Back
  • 131741 09/23/04 12:26 Sabatie DAQ msql now saved to DVCS mysql db
  • 131721 09/23/04 10:41 Higinbotham Right Quad 2&3 Problem
  • 131720 09/23/04 10:35 Higinbotham Beam Studies
  • 131719 09/23/04 10:10 Higinbotham CODA Problem Update
  • 131718 09/23/04 09:36 Higinbotham Pavel Test as we work on CODA
  • 131717 09/23/04 09:35 Yi Qiang Moved to Empty Target
  • 131712 09/23/04 09:18 Higinbotham Trying "twoarm" trigger
  • 131710 09/23/04 09:15 Higinbotham Analyzer Errors using DVCSdbZS
  • 131709 09/23/04 09:09 Higinbotham Problems Ending A Run
  • 131704 09/23/04 08:58 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 131700 09/23/04 08:43 Higinbotham Calo HV and Proton Array On
  • 131698 09/23/04 08:34 Higinbotham CODA Fixed
  • 131696 09/23/04 08:23 Higinbotham CODA Problem
  • 131692 09/23/04 08:04 R. Michaels owl shift summary
  • 131690 09/23/04 07:56 R. Michaels BCM x3 not working
  • 131689 09/23/04 07:38 R. Michaels kinematics change
  • 131688 09/23/04 07:29 R. Michaels Run 2458 -- Cerenkov trig test
  • 131687 09/23/04 07:28 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 131682 09/23/04 07:19 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 131680 09/23/04 07:14 R. Michaels run 2457 - elastic
  • 131679 09/23/04 07:13 R. Michaels datamon update
  • 131678 09/23/04 07:13 Kelleher Proton aray/tagger snapshot
  • 131675 09/23/04 05:35 R. Michaels No beam: MCC update
  • 131673 09/23/04 03:16 R. Michaels Cerenkov check, elastic check
  • 131669 09/23/04 00:59 hyde Proton Array
  • 131657 09/23/04 00:13 jpchen Swing shift summary
  • Wednesday

  • 131652 09/22/04 23:45 jpchen gas C out of the trigger
  • 131651 09/22/04 23:42 jpchen turned gas C HV on
  • 131648 09/22/04 23:31 jpchen Gas C HV off
  • 131647 09/22/04 23:30 H. Benaoum Target Screen
  • 131643 09/22/04 22:01 A. Camsonne Test Gas Cerenkov in trigger
  • 131639 09/22/04 21:45 jpchen PA_ADC 1 and 2 at 1.6m
  • 131636 09/22/04 21:16 jpchen DVCS detector moved. Beam status.
  • 131635 09/22/04 20:24 jpchen Left Gas Cerenkov were off. Turned on.
  • 131627 09/22/04 19:11 jpchen Beam spot not seen at beam dump viewer
  • 131606 09/22/04 17:53 jpchen proton array ADC with 2.5uA
  • 131599 09/22/04 17:28 A. Camsonne Validation by T3 not working
  • 131596 09/22/04 17:24 Sabatie ADC values with no beam -> Problem?
  • 131588 09/22/04 16:48 jpchen Status and plan for swing shift
  • 131578 09/22/04 16:22 Higinbotham README: Left Spectrometer Bug Fixes
  • 131573 09/22/04 16:00 Higinbotham Shift Summary
  • 131571 09/22/04 15:38 Higinbotham Spectrometer Update
  • 131569 09/22/04 14:06 Higinbotham Left HRS problem within High Current supply
  • 131568 09/22/04 13:37 Higinbotham Spectrometer GUI Problem Returns
  • 131565 09/22/04 12:54 Higinbotham 39.41 degrees/2.234 GeV/c Runs
  • 131563 09/22/04 12:48 Higinbotham Septrometer GUI Problem Fixed
  • 131552 09/22/04 12:36 Higinbotham Spectrometer GUI Problem
  • 131524 09/22/04 10:32 slifer target
  • 131516 09/22/04 08:01 R. Michaels owl shift summary
  • 131512 09/22/04 07:04 R. Michaels Calo check for run 2386
  • 131511 09/22/04 06:37 R. Michaels Changing kinematics
  • 131508 09/22/04 04:59 R. Michaels DVCSNoProton Config used
  • 131504 09/22/04 03:47 R. Michaels Change of kinematics
  • 131502 09/22/04 02:43 R. Michaels screens: Gen. Tools and Beam
  • 131501 09/22/04 02:41 R. Michaels Beam ok (sort-of), start run 2383
  • 131499 09/22/04 02:17 R. Michaels PSS problems; stopped run 2382
  • 131497 09/22/04 02:07 R. Michaels DVCS scalers in event 140
  • 131496 09/22/04 01:37 R. Michaels truncated files in MSS
  • 131495 09/22/04 01:18 R. Michaels run 2831 brief, HV updated, start 2832
  • 131494 09/22/04 01:18 Carlos New HV
  • 131493 09/22/04 01:16 R. Michaels Run 2380 truncated -- filesplit enabled
  • 131487 09/22/04 00:07 E.Chudakov Swing Shift Summary - Sept 21
  • Tuesday

  • 131479 09/21/04 20:49 H. Benaoum Moved to LH2 Target
  • 131478 09/21/04 19:56 H. Benaoum Empty Target
  • 131474 09/21/04 19:38 H. Benaoum Moved target
  • 131458 09/21/04 18:21 A. Camsonne CODA enable signal
  • 131446 09/21/04 17:32 A. Camsonne LED trigger
  • 131445 09/21/04 16:55 Nanda compton
  • 131439 09/21/04 16:01 Higinbotham Shift Summary
  • 131438 09/21/04 16:00 slifer day shift target motions
  • 131435 09/21/04 15:57 Higinbotham Elastic Calibration Run List
  • 131434 09/21/04 15:43 slifer target screen
  • 131432 09/21/04 15:25 Higinbotham Bleedthrough 0.2%
  • 131431 09/21/04 15:20 Nanda Compton rates
  • 131428 09/21/04 14:35 Higinbotham Magnet Screen (2.381 GeV/c)
  • 131425 09/21/04 13:32 Gavalian Proton Array HV OFF
  • 131424 09/21/04 13:17 Higinbotham Hall A Tools (2.489GeV/c)
  • 131422 09/21/04 12:35 Higinbotham Calorimeter ADC
  • 131416 09/21/04 11:43 Sabatie End of Run script updated
  • 131409 09/21/04 08:01 P. Solvignon Shift summary
  • 131407 09/21/04 07:39 Carlos New HV (this time the one)
  • 131405 09/21/04 07:26 Kelleher Loop 2 Heat Load Strip Chart
  • 131403 09/21/04 07:16 Carlos New high voltage: gain decreased by a factor of 2
  • 131402 09/21/04 07:11 P. Solvignon Proton array ADC snapshot with 5uA beam current
  • 131401 09/21/04 07:08 P. Solvignon Calorimeter ADC snapshot with 5uA beam current
  • 131400 09/21/04 06:54 P. Solvignon Proton array snapshot
  • 131399 09/21/04 06:52 P. Solvignon Tagger snapshot
  • 131398 09/21/04 06:50 Kelleher target screens
  • 131397 09/21/04 06:47 P. Solvignon Calorimeter ADC snapshot
  • 131394 09/21/04 06:43 P. Solvignon Calorimeter PMT HV turned on
  • 131393 09/21/04 06:40 Kelleher target = H2 15cm
  • 131392 09/21/04 06:36 P. Solvignon Harp scan result
  • 131391 09/21/04 06:26 P. Solvignon Cross-hair target scan result
  • 131390 09/21/04 06:22 P. Solvignon Cross-hair target scan
  • 131385 09/21/04 04:45 Kelleher Crosshair target
  • 131384 09/21/04 04:37 Kelleher BeO target
  • 131382 09/21/04 04:30 Kelleher empty target
  • 131375 09/21/04 04:08 Kelleher target to Crosshair
  • 131369 09/21/04 03:51 Kelleher target to carbon position
  • 131366 09/21/04 03:29 Kelleher target to crosshair
  • 131365 09/21/04 02:53 Nanda Hall A Beam
  • 131364 09/21/04 02:06 P. Solvignon Right Q1 tripped
  • 131363 09/21/04 01:39 P. Solvignon Tuned beam in Hall A
  • 131361 09/21/04 00:12 Carlos Shift summary
  • 131360 09/21/04 00:11 Kelleher empty target
  • Monday

  • 131359 09/20/04 23:20 slifer H target
  • 131358 09/20/04 20:55 R. Michaels helicity check
  • 131357 09/20/04 20:37 folts techs
  • 131356 09/20/04 20:32 slifer target keyboard
  • 131355 09/20/04 20:02 slifer target alarm
  • 131354 09/20/04 19:35 slifer target alarm
  • 131340 09/20/04 15:23 Sabatie DVCS angle from start to now
  • 131339 09/20/04 15:18 R. Feuerbach Left HRS optics check
  • 131338 09/20/04 14:57 jpchen cryotarget cooldown started
  • 131337 09/20/04 14:15 Sabatie Calo ADC GUI fixed
  • 131336 09/20/04 13:53 R. Michaels DVCS config repair, roc1,2 ok now
  • 131330 09/20/04 13:24 R. Michaels trigger timing mods
  • 131329 09/20/04 13:21 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 131328 09/20/04 13:09 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 131327 09/20/04 13:09 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 131326 09/20/04 12:53 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 131298 09/20/04 10:26 R. Michaels No R-arm data since last night
  • 131296 09/20/04 09:06 Carlos Shift summary
  • 131286 09/20/04 04:45 Adaq Warning CODA ?
  • 131283 09/20/04 04:33 Carlos Possibly good carbon run
  • 131280 09/20/04 02:58 A. Camsonne Proton array HV and DC current
  • 131279 09/20/04 02:53 A. Camsonne Calorimeter HV and DC current
  • 131262 09/20/04 00:55 A. Camsonne Access to reboot TS and other things
  • Sunday

  • 131251 09/19/04 23:45 A. Camsonne TS error message
  • 131239 09/19/04 22:53 Nanda Compton
  • 131228 09/19/04 22:04 Carlos Harp scan results
  • 131227 09/19/04 21:01 Nanda Compton
  • 131226 09/19/04 20:35 Sabatie MCC lost magnet
  • 131225 09/19/04 18:43 Sirish compton
  • 131203 09/19/04 11:04 A. Camsonne Put Cerenkov input on logic module to 1
  • 131195 09/19/04 09:49 bertin decond coincidence try
  • 131189 09/19/04 09:10 bertin monitoring adc
  • 131188 09/19/04 09:09 bertin adc monitoring
  • 131187 09/19/04 09:07 bertin check curent monitoring calorimeter adc
  • 131184 09/19/04 07:57 bertin couting rate e-gamma prediction
  • 131183 09/19/04 07:55 A. Camsonne Target change : moved to carbon target
  • 131182 09/19/04 07:54 bertin counting rate prediction e-gamma
  • 131181 09/19/04 07:45 bertin optic run
  • 131179 09/19/04 07:00 adaq Run 2224 followup
  • 131113 09/19/04 03:39 Carlos Harp scan
  • 131112 09/19/04 03:24 Carlos BMPs reading very different
  • 131098 09/19/04 01:54 Carlos Harp scan
  • 131097 09/19/04 01:36 Carlos Harp scan
  • 131096 09/19/04 01:26 Carlos Harp scan
  • 131095 09/19/04 01:18 Carlos New harp scan
  • 131089 09/19/04 00:13 Carlos Accelerator down
  • 131088 09/19/04 00:11 Carlos Misunderstanding in tuning of beam
  • Saturday

  • 131087 09/18/04 23:45 Carlos Harp scan
  • 131075 09/18/04 22:04 Carlos Harp scan
  • 131044 09/18/04 18:50 R. Michaels coinc trigger timing set up
  • 131043 09/18/04 18:34 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 131038 09/18/04 18:18 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 131025 09/18/04 17:37 Sabatie Techs - need fix!
  • 131024 09/18/04 17:17 Sabatie techs q3 quench
  • 131013 09/18/04 15:13 Sabatie q3
  • 131007 09/18/04 13:05 bertin optic
  • 130990 09/18/04 10:52 Sabatie Superharps PMT HV power supply
  • 130989 09/18/04 10:09 Sabatie raster problem
  • 130988 09/18/04 09:31 bertin no beam
  • 130987 09/18/04 09:26 Sabatie 1C19
  • 130986 09/18/04 08:43 bertin hrs left checkout
  • 130984 09/18/04 07:37 Carlos Shift summary
  • 130903 09/18/04 03:35 Matthieu HARP Scan 1985 results
  • Friday

  • 130853 09/17/04 09:30 A. Camsonne Recabling DVCS off... taking spectrometer cosmics
  • 130850 09/17/04 07:14 A. Camsonne Hall A to restricted access
  • 130849 09/17/04 06:41 A. Camsonne Tune beam in Hall A
  • Thursday

  • 130791 09/16/04 16:20 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 130790 09/16/04 16:18 R. Michaels S2 delay remotely adjustable
  • 130789 09/16/04 16:04 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 130788 09/16/04 16:03 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 130787 09/16/04 15:59 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 130786 09/16/04 15:51 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 130785 09/16/04 15:40 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 130784 09/16/04 12:25 R. Feuerbach test Hall B-style AC-decoupler
  • 130783 09/16/04 12:19 R. Feuerbach HRS Detector check
  • 0 09/16/04 10:28 no_name no_key
  • 130766 09/16/04 07:51 A. Camsonne Run 2016 cosmics proton
  • 130765 09/16/04 07:31 A. Camsonne Run 2012 cosmics proton
  • Wednesday

  • 130703 09/15/04 17:00 R. Michaels HRS Trigger signals for DVCS
  • 130699 09/15/04 16:40 atrig Trigger-Download
  • 130677 09/15/04 15:22 atrig Trigger-Download
  • Tuesday

  • 130551 09/14/04 12:10 R. Feuerbach more S2-trigger tuning
  • Monday

  • 16:07:12 09/13/04 16:07 R. S2's trigger timing adjusted
  • Sunday

  • 130459 09/12/04 03:33 A. Camsonne Cosmics run 1839 HV
  • Saturday

  • 130427 09/11/04 08:48 A. Camsonne Run 1818 Cosmics Right and Left Arm
  • Friday

  • 130425 09/10/04 14:49 R. Michaels Trigger/DAQ status
  • Wednesday



  • 130392 09/07/04 13:19 R. Feuerbach Moved S2 channels
  • 130388 09/07/04 10:05 Eugene Left Arm Pion Rejector HV is ON
  • Monday







  • 130311 09/03/04 18:11 beaumel DAC
  • Thursday

