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    User name Carlos

    Log entry time 07:56:57 on October22,2004

    Entry number 134956

    keyword=Owl shift summary

    Shift crew:
    Munoz Camacho

    Shift summary:
    00:00 Shift started with no beam in the hall.

    00:35 DVCS pedestal run.

    00:47 HRS pedestal run.

    01:30 MCC called. Downtime expected more than 30min. Asked for controlled access to have a look at calorimeter block 10 (see halog entry).

    02:55 Back to beam permit.

    02:57 LED run.

    03:32 Beam back to the hall. Starting test run DVCSMux (100k events).
    Dead time:9.2% Rates:50Hz
    (regular DVCS, DT=15%, rates 25Hz)

    04:50 Seems that DVCSMux config has some problems (see halog entry). Back to regular DVCS configuration for the rest of the night.
    Block 10 is still not working (see halog entry).

    06:15 MCC called. Power supply failed. 15min downtime at least. No real estimate yet.

    06:26 Beam back.

    07:00 MCC called. Same problem as before (power supply).

    07:30 Asked MCC for un update. Experts are looking into the problems. Haven't heard from experts. Experts are very quiet.

    08:00 Experts still not saying anything... Status of the beam same as the beginning of the shift.