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    User name LeRose

    Log entry time 16:00:08 on April 4,2005

    Entry number 143237

    keyword=Day Shift Summary

    At start of shift comong out of access to reset ADC crate

    Left Arm: 3.724 GeV/c (-) 19.5 deg.
    Right Arm: 1.42 GeV/c (+) 35.805 deg
    BigBite: 518.375 Amps 0.9319 T

    8:15 beam is back
    9:52 beam off for spot move. Takes longer because of box supply problems.

    series of kinematics changes. All changes in the right arm.
    10:30 new kinematics 32.0 degrees 1.36 GeV/c -> 540 MeV/c (Pmiss)
    12:26 new kinematics 28.8 degrees, 1.3 GeV/c -> 630 MeV/c(Pmiss)
    13:31 new kinematics 25.4 degrees, 1.23 GeV/c -> 730 MeV/c
    14:29 new kinematics 32.0 degrees 1.36 GeV/c -> 540 MeV/c (Pmiss)

    3209 08:16-09:46
    3210 09:46-09:53 ended for spot move

    new kinematics 540 MeV/c
    3211 11:35-12:24

    3212 12:35-12:36 leftarm only
    3213 12:36-12:39 leftarm only
    3214 12:39-12:43 leftarm only

    new kinematics 630 MeV/c
    3215 12:50-13:30

    new kinematics 730 MeV/c
    3216 13:54-14:27

    new kinematics 540 MeV/c (as earlier)
    3217 14:59-15:49
    3218 15:50----------