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User name lkaufman
Log entry time 18:11:36 on August 18, 2005
Entry number 152458
keyword=cavity monitor update
So, it seems that cav2 (the upstream cavity) is at least working as a
current monitor. This can be seen in the HAPPEX (run 4522) and
spectrometer (run 2485) DAQs. The current cavity signals in the HAPPEX
DAQ correlate perfectly with bcm3 as shown in the first plot of figure 1.
The current signal in the spectrometer DAQ is also above the "beam on"
level of 1800 (figure 2), so it is also seeing the beam now. One can
also observe that the positions still don't look right. The second plot
in figure 1 shows the correlation for bpmcav2x with bpm4ax which is not
linear. The third plot of figure 1 shows the correlation between
bpmcav2y and bpm4ay - this plot doesn't give us much information, but I
can tell you that it looks about the same as the correlation between
bpm4by and bpm4ay. The spectrometer DAQ plots for position in figure 3
also don't look the same as they did when everything was working properly.
This cavities stopped working on August 16 sometime in the early morning.
We power-cycled the crate that evening, but the cavities didn't come
back in a good state after that. We have not attempted another crate
reset since then. I did notice that the phase setpoints have changed
since I set them after the reset on Aug. 16. I haven't seen anything in
the logbook about this.
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Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3