User name lkaufman
Log entry time 00:01:27 on September 1,2005
Entry number 153992
keyword=Swing Shift Summary
Swing Shift Summary
Summary: Began shift with an access in the injector to get the IA/feedback
working again. Once beam was back, we took Aluminum profile scans and IA
scans. Once that was done we started production again. We had to reboot the
LHRS controls once, and everything came back fine. We ended the shift in
controlled access so that we could put the sieve slits in for optics studies.
16:00 - John Hansknecht went down to injector to fix IA cell, so we can do
feedback again
16:23 - Moved to Aluminum dummy target for profile scan
17:07 - Beam back - Profile scans on Aluminum and IA scans
17:58 - ready for beam, but Hall C laser is being looked at
18:06 - checked raster with 5 uA of beam. It's ok!
18:09 - Start production running again
19:27 - lost LHRS controls, came back with iocha14 reboot using hareboot10
20:58 - flippered to IHWP IN. Restarted Compton.
23:48 - asked for Controlled Access to put sieve slits in
4888 - run without feedback on
4889 - pedestal run
4890 - pedestal run
4891 - IA scan/Profile scan on Al dummy
4892 - IA scan/Profile scan on Al dummy
4893 - profile scan on Al dummy, dithering off
4894 - production, IHWP out, 41.3k pairs
4895 - production, IHWP out, 45.3k pairs
4896 - production, IHWP out, 47.5k pairs
4897 - production, IHWP in, 48.7k pairs
4898 - production, IHWP in, 47.6k pairs
4899 - production, IHWP in, 44.6k pairs
4900 - pedestal run