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    User name averett

    Log entry time 00:02:23 on November18,2005

    Entry number 160504

    keyword=Swing Shift Summary

    Swing Shift Summary 11/17/05

    16:00 Production running.
    17:25 Run 6517: Left arm HRS IOC14 crashed. Reboot. Continue taking right arm data.
    17:32 Run 6518: Left arm is still ramping back up. Right arm data OK.
    17:35 Begin Compton run 12900
    17:42 Left HRS now back up. Start new run 6519.
    19:43 Profile Scan Run 6521
    19:50 Begin Compton Run 12901
    20:00 MCC doing PZT scan
    20:12 Change IHWP to OUT position. Begin Compton run 12902.
    23:20 ESR flow becomes unstable and target begins to warm a bit. Ask for beam off and wait for ESR to stabilize.
    23:33 Compton ROC5 not responding. Reboot coda.
    23:35 Start Compton run 12903.