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    User name a-onl

    Log entry time 23:42:41 on August 11, 2006

    Entry number 179272

    keyword=Start_Run_2576,Run_type=Production Gamma D,beam_raster=on,comment_text=Rate checking 8uA,fpp_door15=Open,fpp_door3=Closed,fpp_door6=Open,fpp_door9=Open,leftarm_p=773.4,leftarm_theta=15.26,rightarm_p=346,rightarm_theta=28.29,target_radiator=in 5,target_type=loop1(d) 15cm
    Run Timestamp:       Fri Aug 11 23:42:05 EDT 2006
    Beginning-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 2576 at Fri Aug 11 23:42:37 EDT 2006
    Run_type=Production Gamma D,beam_raster=on,comment_text=Rate checking 8uA,fpp_door15=Open,fpp_door3=Closed,fpp_door6=Open,fpp_door9=Open,leftarm_p=773.4,leftarm_theta=15.26,rightarm_p=346,rightarm_theta=28.29,target_radiator=in 5,target_type=loop1(d) 15cm
    ; Prescale factors (integer), downloaded each run at prestart.
    ; Do NOT put spaces in string, NOR add 2nd string. (REALLY!!!)
    ; Change this file only in-between runs. 
    ; Maxima: (2^24)-1 = 16,777,215 for T1-T4 and 65535 for T5-T8
    ; The default factor is essentially infinite. 
    ; T3 = S1.and.S2 Left arm trigger.
    ; T4 = L-arm efficiency measurement trigger.
    ; The next 3 are not relevant for single-arm mode, prescale them away.
    ; T1 = R-arm trigger 
    ; T2 = R-arm efficiency trig
    ; T5 = T1.and.T3 (coincidence)
    ; T6 = T3.and.S0 (cleans up T3, relevant if S0 in place)
    ; T8 = 1024 Hz pulser
    ; T9 = 30 Hz helicity (cannot prescale it). 
    Left Arm Q1 momentum : 0.734017
    Left Arm Q1 power supply : 552.224
    Left Arm Q1 gauss meter : 0.04721
    Left Arm Q2 power supply current : 315.971
    Left Arm Q2 momentum : 0.733794
    Left Arm Q2 gauss meter : -0.16693
    Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled
    Left Arm D1 power supply current : 246.653
    Left Arm D1 momentum : 0.734009
    Left Arm D1 NMR : 0.271819
    Left Arm Q3 power supply current : 292.137
    Left Arm Q3 momentum : 0.733794
    Left Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.14699
    Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : enabled
    Left Arm B Field Hall Probe (D-G) : 0.23759
    Right Arm Q1 momentum : 0.346036
    Right Arm Q1 power supply : 260.25
    Right Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.006522
    Right Arm Q2 power supply current : 148.773
    Right Arm Q2 momentum : 0.345687
    Right Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.07858
    Right Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled
    Right Arm D1 power supply current : 115.903
    Right Arm D1 momentum : 0
    Right Arm D1 NMR : 0
    Right Arm Q3 power supply current : 137.682
    Right Arm Q3 momentum : 0.346015
    Right Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.0618
    Right Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
    Right Arm B Field Hall Probe (D-G) : -0.12384
    Left Arm Top VDC Current : 0.585938
    Left Arm Bottom VDC Current : 1.66016
    Left Arm Top VDC voltage : 3.98193
    Left Arm Bottom VDC voltage : 3.99512
    Right Arm Top VDC voltage : 4.00146
    Right Arm Bottom VDC voltage : 3.99658
    Average current of the two cavities : 7.78895
    Current on Unser monitor : 2.33404
    Current on Upstream bcm : 7.77727
    Current on Downstream bcm : 7.80063
    Upstream Cavity Coefficient : 43.939
    Downstream Cavity Coefficient : 44.21
    Current on IBC0L02 (source) : 69.2694
    Hall C Current : 59.5329
    Hall A momentum (Tiefenbach) (HALLA:p) : 361.559
    Hall A momentum orbit correction (dpp) : -0.00153739
    Hall A setup momentum (MMSHLAE) : 361.6
    Hall A energy (halla_MeV) : 361.56
    Hall C energy (hallc_MeV) : 360.661
    Delta(E)/E width (MV_AI_DXWID) : 2.41104
    MBSY1c magnet current (amp) : 14.4234
    MBSY1c Bdl : 90288.9
    Arc1 dp/p : 0
    Arc2 dp/p : 0
    Radiator Position : -0.6
    Left Arm Collimator : 0.619824
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : -0.216797
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : 25.0977
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : 0.0229492
    Left Arm Angle Floor Angle : 0
    Left Arm Angle Vernier : 0
    Left Arm Scattering Angle : -0.179
    Right Arm Arm Collimator : 0.360645
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : -0.612793
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : 23.2422
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : -0.773926
    Right Arm Angle Floor Angle : 28
    Right Arm Angle Vernier : 15
    Right Arm Scattering Angle : 28.2835
    IPM1C12.XPOS : 2.35888
    IPM1C12.YPOS : 0.0091225
    IPM1H04A.XPOS : -0.217808
    IPM1H04A.YPOS : 0.27715
    IPM1H04B.XPOS : 0.0961062
    IPM1H04B.YPOS : 0.185495
    Survey X offset bpmA : -0.63
    Survey Y offset bpmA : -0.9
    Survey X offset bpmB : 0.77
    Survey Y offset bpmB : -1
    Wien angle : 71.2238
    Helicity Mode ON/OFF Random/Toggle : OFF
    Wien field : 47.456
    Laser attenuation Hall A : 152
    Laser power Hall A : 100
    Half-wave plate (off=out) : IN
    rotating waveplate : 0
    Beam Half-wave plate (off=out) : IN
    Arc OTR x-position : -1.85506
    Arc OTR y-position : -1.9117
    Arc OTR x-width : 2.76569
    Arc OTR y-width : 2.35941
    Arc OTR data valid flag : No
    Arc OTR In/Out : Sources bin crl doc lib ped tcl tcp tir tmp vme
    Target : Loop3 15cm
    fan frequency loop 1 : 0
    fan frequency loop 2 : 60
    Encoder position : 1.71168e+07
    temperature loop 1 : 119.99
    temperature loop 1 : 120.07
    temperature loop 1 : 119.99
    temperature loop 2 : 19
    temperature loop 2 : 19.03
    temperature loop 2 : 19.2
    pressure loop D2 : 28.4871
    pressure loop H2 : 28.307
    SLI data valid? : Yes
    SLI horiz size mm : 0.381748
    SLI Energy spread *10^5 : 9.5437
    SLI x position : 2.29565
    SLI vert. size mm : 0.300476
    SLI y position : 1.46479
    IFY1H04:rtd_wall1 : 22.7125
    IFY1H04:rtd_wall2 : 22.725
    IFY1H04:rtd_target : 9.2125
    CSR test scintillators
    CSR Slot13 ch0 : 17.3
    CSR Slot13 ch1 : 17.8
    CSR Slot14 ch0 : -13.8
    CSR Slot14 ch1 : -14.6
    CSR Slot14 ch2 : -14
    CSR Slot14 ch3 : -12.2
    Pion rejector HV
    CSR Slot3 ch0 : -4.3
    CSR Slot3 ch1 : -4.9
    CSR Slot3 ch2 : -5.8
    CSR Slot3 ch3 : -6.5
    CSR Slot3 ch4 : -5.7
    CSR Slot3 ch5 : -6.3
    CSR Slot3 ch6 : -5.9
    CSR Slot3 ch7 : -6.5
    CSR Slot3 ch8 : -5.8
    CSR Slot3 ch9 : -5.5
    CSR Slot3 ch10 : -5.3
    CSR Slot3 ch11 : -4.6
    CSR Slot4 ch0 : -5.6
    CSR Slot4 ch1 : -4.7
    CSR Slot4 ch2 : -5.8
    CSR Slot4 ch3 : -4.3
    CSR Slot4 ch4 : -4.6
    CSR Slot4 ch5 : -6.3
    CSR Slot4 ch6 : -4.7
    CSR Slot4 ch7 : -4.3
    CSR Slot4 ch8 : -4.5
    CSR Slot4 ch9 : -5.4
    CSR Slot4 ch10 : -7.8
    CSR Slot4 ch11 : -6.8
    CSR Slot5 ch0 : -7.8
    CSR Slot5 ch1 : -8.5
    CSR Slot5 ch2 : -8.7
    CSR Slot5 ch3 : -8.5
    CSR Slot5 ch4 : -7.6
    CSR Slot5 ch5 : -6.6
    CSR Slot5 ch6 : -7.6
    CSR Slot5 ch7 : -8.1
    CSR Slot5 ch8 : -9.2
    CSR Slot5 ch9 : -8.4
    CSR Slot5 ch10 : -25
    CSR Slot5 ch11 : -24.9