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    User name fansler

    Log entry time 01:21:38 on December 10, 2006

    Entry number 190432

    keyword=techs/power loss

    Crew chief paged me to check an ion pump in the compton. He informed me we had a power glitch and the CHL was also offline. En route he notified me they were able to reset the pump. Upon arrival I checked our magnet and down stream beamline pumps. All vacuums were good and all pumps were operational. Magnet liquid levels looked normal. I noted an abnormality in the distribution can CAMAC crate. The valve control card was not indicating communications at a normal rate. I notified Pete, he said that if the light was blinking ,regardless of the rate that communications were normal. We rechecked the compton pumps and discovered a pump error on the downstream chicane controller, reset and monitored, now looks good. Ed says THIS BELONGS TO ACCELERATOR!

    A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: fansler@jlab.org