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    User name M. Olson

    Log entry time 01:37:53 on December10,2006

    Entry number 190433

    keyword=Initial target recovery instructions from Mike Seely

    Mike Seely has left the following instructions for the intial recovery of the He3 target:

    1.) Once CHL is reestablished, open JT valve (currently at 0%) at 2-3% per minute until ~62% is reached.
    2.) Fan is currently "off". When you start cooling, start fan to 10Hz

    3.) Cooling the loop will drop the pressure. At a loop temperature of 5-6K the coolant pressure will bottom out at ~100lbs. At this point Mike should be paged at 269-5036 to come in and start compressor.

    3.) HPH is off and will remain so until ready to take data.