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    User name a-onl

    Log entry time 22:56:39 on February 11, 2007

    Entry number 192435

    keyword=Start_Run_6229,Run_type=Production,target_type=C,target_colli=out,beam_e0=0.362,beam_raster=on,beam_halfwaveplate=out,leftarm_p=0.353,leftarm_theta=51.0,rightarm_p=0.353,rightarm_theta=24,comment_text=Production setting G, 10 uA
    Run Timestamp:       Sun Feb 11 22:56:20 EST 2007
    Beginning-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 6229 at Sun Feb 11 22:56:29 EST 2007
    Run_type=Production,target_type=C,target_colli=out,beam_e0=0.362,beam_raster=on,beam_halfwaveplate=out,leftarm_p=0.353,leftarm_theta=51.0,rightarm_p=0.353,rightarm_theta=24,comment_text=Production setting G, 10 uA
    ; LEFT HRS DAQ on adaql2/a-onl account
    ; Prescale factors (integer), downloaded each run at prestart.
    ; Do NOT put spaces in string, NOR add 2nd string. (REALLY!!!)
    ; Change this file only in-between runs. 
    ; Maxima: (2^24)-1 = 16,777,215 for T1-T4 and 65535 for T5-T8
    ; The default factor is essentially infinite. 
    ; T1 = R-arm trigger (keep ps1 high) 
    ; T2 = R-arm efficiency trigger (keep ps2 high) 
    ; T3 = Left arm trigger.
    ; T4 = L-arm efficiency trigger
    ; T5 = T1.and.T3 (coincidence -- not relevant for 2-daq mode)
    ; T8 = 1024 Hz pulser
    ; T9 = 30 Hz helicity pulse (cannot prescale it, don't try)
    Left Arm Q1 momentum : 0.360619
    Left Arm Q1 power supply : 271.359
    Left Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.02288
    Left Arm Q2 power supply current : 151.036
    Left Arm Q2 momentum : 0.350757
    Left Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.08015
    Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : disabled
    Left Arm D1 power supply current : 115.552
    Left Arm D1 momentum : 0
    Left Arm D1 NMR : 0.177565
    Left Arm Q3 power supply current : 144.38
    Left Arm Q3 momentum : 0.362655
    Left Arm Q3 gauss meter : -0.07137
    Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
    Left Arm B Field Hall Probe (D-G) : -0.12681
    Right Arm Q1 momentum : 0.349019
    Right Arm Q1 power supply : 262.44
    Right Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.006671
    Right Arm Q2 power supply current : 152.439
    Right Arm Q2 momentum : 0.354206
    Right Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.07991
    Right Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled
    Right Arm D1 power supply current : 120.905
    Right Arm D1 momentum : 0
    Right Arm D1 NMR : 0.226314
    Right Arm Q3 power supply current : 141.232
    Right Arm Q3 momentum : 0.354936
    Right Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.06333
    Right Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
    Right Arm B Field Hall Probe (D-G) : -0.12912
    Left Arm Top VDC Current : 3.71094
    Left Arm Bottom VDC Current : 3.90625
    Left Arm Top VDC voltage : 3.99805
    Left Arm Bottom VDC voltage : 3.99756
    Right Arm Top VDC voltage : 4.00098
    Right Arm Bottom VDC voltage : 3.99365
    Average current of the two cavities : 11.0409
    Current on Unser monitor : 8.39107
    Current on Upstream bcm : 10.97
    Current on Downstream bcm : 11.1118
    Upstream Cavity Coefficient : 45.218
    Downstream Cavity Coefficient : 45.532
    Current on IBC0L02 (source) : 45.7229
    Hall C Current : 34.944
    Hall A momentum (Tiefenbach) (HALLA:p) : 362.004
    Hall A momentum orbit correction (dpp) : 0.000231074
    Hall A setup momentum (MMSHLAE) : 361.995
    Hall A energy (halla_MeV) : 362.004
    Hall C energy (hallc_MeV) : 361.793
    Delta(E)/E width (MV_AI_DXWID) : 0.73268
    MBSY1c magnet current (amp) : 14.4151
    MBSY1c Bdl : 90240
    Arc1 dp/p : 0
    Arc2 dp/p : 0
    Left Arm Collimator : 0.871387
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : -0.319336
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : 20.9473
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : -0.39502
    Left Arm Angle Floor Angle : 51
    Left Arm Angle Vernier : 31.5
    Left Arm Scattering Angle : 51.0026
    Right Arm Arm Collimator : 0.862988
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : -0.623047
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : 19.1895
    HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : -0.911133
    Right Arm Angle Floor Angle : 24
    Right Arm Angle Vernier : -34.2
    Right Arm Scattering Angle : 23.9999
    IPM1C12.XPOS : -0.808097
    IPM1C12.YPOS : 0.0870192
    IPM1H04A.XPOS : 0.160581
    IPM1H04A.YPOS : -0.420913
    IPM1H04B.XPOS : 0.00600147
    IPM1H04B.YPOS : -0.0180146
    Survey X offset bpmA : -0.63
    Survey Y offset bpmA : -0.9
    Survey X offset bpmB : 0.77
    Survey Y offset bpmB : -1
    Wien angle : 69.2233
    Helicity Mode ON/OFF Random/Toggle : OFF
    Wien field : 46.12
    Laser attenuation Hall A : 159
    Laser power Hall A : 100
    Half-wave plate (off=out) : OUT
    rotating waveplate : 8500
    Beam Half-wave plate (off=out) : OUT
    Arc OTR x-position : -10.5973
    Arc OTR y-position : 5
    Arc OTR x-width : 0
    Arc OTR y-width : -0
    Arc OTR data valid flag : No
    Arc OTR In/Out : Sources bin crl doc lib ped tcl tcp tir tmp vme
    Target : Solid 3
    fan frequency loop 1 : 0
    fan frequency loop 2 : 0
    Encoder position : 6.55552e+06
    Target type : 6.55552e+06
    temperature loop 1(1) : 106.6
    temperature loop 1(2) : 106.63
    temperature loop 1(3) : 91.5
    Heat exchange He : 92.2
    temperature loop 3(1) : 99.99
    temperature loop 3(2) : 120.47
    temperature loop 3(3) : 99.99
    Heat exchange H2 : 242.6
    pressure loop He : 28.2816
    pressure loop H2 before : 31.0323
    pressure loop H2 return : 31.4717
    HPH He loop : 0.0540192
    Fan speed He loop : 0
    HPH H2 loop : 0.011068
    Fan speed H2 loop : 0
    SLI data valid? : Yes
    SLI horiz size mm : 0
    SLI Energy spread *10^5 : 0
    SLI x position : 2.38509
    SLI vert. size mm : 0
    SLI y position : 1.3446
    IFY1H04:rtd_wall1 : 18.675
    IFY1H04:rtd_wall2 : 18.65
    IFY1H04:rtd_target : 8.3
    MF7b1461_0ch0property.F -2341.2
    MF7b1461_0ch1property.F -2131.2
    MF7b1461_0ch2property.F -2222.7
    MF7b1461_0ch3property.F -2181.2
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    MF7b1461_0ch8property.F -2001.6
    MF7b1461_0ch9property.F -1910.1
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    MF7b1461_2ch9property.F -1898.8
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    MF7b1461_2ch11property.F -16.8
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    MF7b1461_3ch1property.F -784.5
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    MF7b1461_3ch4property.F -760.2
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    MF7b1461_3ch6property.F -1081.3
    MF7b1461_3ch7property.F -990.8
    MF7b1461_3ch8property.F -810.5
    MF7b1461_3ch9property.F -790.9
    MF7b1461_3ch10property.F -860
    MF7b1461_3ch11property.F -785.3
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    MF7b1461_4ch1property.F -901.3
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    MF7b1461_4ch4property.F -921.7
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    MF7b1461_5ch11property.F -26.4
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    MF7b1461_9ch8property.F -810.4
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    MF7b1461_10ch8property.F -760.3
    MF7b1461_10ch9property.F -715
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    MF7b1461_10ch11property.F -781.3
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    MF7b1461_11ch3property.F -1079.9
    MF7b1461_11ch4property.F -1050.2
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    MF7b1461_11ch8property.F -911.3
    MF7b1461_11ch9property.F -881.1
    MF7b1461_11ch10property.F -13.7
    MF7b1461_11ch11property.F -25.5
    MF3b1461_1ch0property.F -1978.8
    MF3b1461_1ch1property.F -1888.6
    MF3b1461_1ch2property.F -1987.2
    MF3b1461_1ch3property.F -2000.5
    MF3b1461_1ch4property.F -1770.7
    MF3b1461_1ch5property.F -1627.6
    MF3b1461_1ch6property.F -1970.2
    MF3b1461_1ch7property.F -1801.4
    MF3b1461_1ch8property.F -1846.2
    MF3b1461_1ch9property.F -1806.8
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    MF3b1461_1ch11property.F -1804.7
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    MF3b1461_10ch1property.F -1895.7
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    MF3b1461_10ch7property.F -1789.4
    MF3b1461_10ch8property.F -1978.9
    MF3b1461_10ch9property.F -1968.8
    MF3b1461_10ch10property.F -16.4
    MF3b1461_10ch11property.F -18.3
    MF3b1461_11ch0property.F -1791.5
    MF3b1461_11ch1property.F -1807.8
    MF3b1461_11ch2property.F -2001.1
    MF3b1461_11ch3property.F -1873.5
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    MF3b1461_11ch5property.F -1679.3
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    MF3b1461_11ch8property.F -1731.8
    MF3b1461_11ch9property.F -1900.6
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    MF3b1461_11ch11property.F -22.2
    MF3b1461_14ch0property.F -2301.4
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    MF3b1461_14ch3property.F -2299.8
    MF3b1461_14ch4property.F -2450.8
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    MF3b1461_14ch8property.F -2481.2
    MF3b1461_14ch9property.F -2380.4
    MF3b1461_14ch10property.F -1701.3
    MF3b1461_14ch11property.F -1701.4
    LVDT Position Ch1: : -627
    LVDT Position Ch2: : 1402
    LVDT Position Ch2: : 924
    L_VMIC1182 for iocha18: : 196883
    RVDT Position Ch1: : -7215
    RVDT Position Ch2: : -1771
    RVDT Position Ch2: : 2991
    R_VMIC1182 for iocha19: : 51353