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    User name LeRose

    Log entry time 14:22:49 on March 14, 2007

    Entry number 195894


    keyword=Rebooting Spectrometer IOC's Procedure

    Rebooting Spectrometer IOC's etc.


    go to hareboot10(25) [username:hlauser etc.]
    select iocha14 (iocha16)
    select "immediate reboot"
    click "next"
    click "apply"
    Wait it takes a few minutes

    Rebooting NMR's etc
    go to hareboot17(27)
    select the system you want to reset [nmr's and/or hall's]
    select "immediate reboot"
    click "next"
    click "apply"
    verify that the reset sytem is alive and responding on the controls screens.
    [If they aren't you may need to go back and select "Immediate On" see
    halog copied below]

    After any of the above reboots check in the NMR controls screen
    [it's in the fields pull down menu on the tools screen] make sure:
    "search" is ON
    "regulator" is ON
    [if things still don't seem right i.e. acting like it's OFF when it says ON
    turn them OFF and then back ON again]

    Here you may need to reenter your set P0 on the tools screen.
    Remember the controls won't recognize the new number unless it's
    different from the last. If it's already at the correct value, enter a
    slightly different value and then enter the correct value.

    Log entry time 15:50:04 on December 01, 2006
    Entry number 189671
    keyword=Rebooting Right NMR

    When you reboot the right dipole nmr it isn't enough to reboot. You must
    also turn it back on.
    go to hareboot27
    select port 8 (labeled "Right Dipole NMR")
    select control action "Reboot immediate"
    click "next"
    then click "apply"
    after that is done (reloading the hareboot27 screen will show that the
    NMR is ON. It isn't)
    again select port 8
    select control action "On Immediate"
    click "next"
    then click "apply"
    NOW you should be OK

    A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: aniol@jlab.org,saha@jlab.org,jones@jlab.org