Leader: Bryan Moffit
Target: Aidan Kelleher
Beam Energy = 1.054 GeV
Summary A nice set of optics data taken. All %s, below, are
relative to p0 = 1.044 GeV/c setting for the left arm (elastic for
12 C).
Significant Events
- 00:00 Began shift in the middle of Run 3110 on the Carbon Optics target 10µA.
- 00:14 Put in the sieve for the left arm.
- 01:00 Left arm set for +4%.
- 01:10 MCC fixes problem with Tiefenback
Energy EPICS readback.
- 01:18 Left arm Q3 p0 suddenly reads a bit
high. This might screw up the +4% optics data, but we trudge along.
- 01:36 Left arm sieve OUT.
- 01:43 Noticed left Q3 is on track.
- 01:50 Left arm set to +2.67%
- 02:04 Left arm sieve IN
- 02:35 Left arm set for +1.33%
- 03:13 Left arm collimator OPEN.
- 03:26 Left arm set for -1.33%
- 03:50 Left arm sieve IN.
- 04:24 Left arm set for -2.67%
- 04:55 Left arm collimator OPEN.
- 05:08 Left arm set for -4%.
- 05:25 Left arm sieve IN.
- 06:02 Left arm set for -10.3% and
collimator OPEN.
- 06:17 Left arm set for -13.8%.
- 06:30 Beam is gone.
- 06:35 ARMs (two of them?) show up to do
the survey.
- 07:30 Ed shows up... goes into the Hall.
- 07:45 Hall in restricted access.
Data Run Summary
- 00:00 Run 3110
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left Arm Sieve OUT.
- 00:14 Run 3111
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve IN.
- 00:47 Run 3112
- test run?
- 00:49 Run 3113
- test run?
- 01:00 Run 3114
- test run?
- 01:02 Run 3115
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve IN. +4%.
- 01:36 Run 3116
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve OUT. +4%
- 01:50 Run 3117
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve OUT. +2.67%
- 02:04 Run 3118
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve IN. +2.67%
- 02:38 Run 3119
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve IN. +1.33%
- 03:12 Run 3120
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve OUT. +1.33%
- 03:26 Run 3121
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve OUT. -1.33%
- 03:51 Run 3122
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve IN. -1.33%
- 04:24 Run 3123
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve IN. -2.67%
- 04:56 Run 3124
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve OUT. -2.67%
- 05:09 Run 3125
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve OUT. -4%
- 05:25 Run 3126
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve IN. -4%
- 06:02 Run 3127
- junk... very short run.
- 06:03 Run 3128
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve
OUT. -10.3%. 5µA
- 06:17 Run 3129
- Optics Run (Carbon Optics), Left arm Sieve OUT. -13.8%
A tribute to E04018
Humor intended, no disrespect.