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    User name a-onl

    Log entry time 23:08:03 on July 1, 2007

    Entry number 207224

     Run Number: 1692
     End of Run Comment:
    target_type=loop1(He3) 20cm
    target_radiator=in 6
    comment_text=collimators OPEN
    PRESCALE FACTORS:ps1=10   ps2=40   ps3=9   ps4=2000   ps5=1   ps6=65535   ps7=65535   ps8=65535   
    EVENTS[0]: 999340       [+]: 492207       [-]: 492212       
    TIME  [0]: 58.351 mins  [+]: 28.745 mins  [-]: 28.743 mins  
     Test of Helicity gates
    Time diff of helicity to nonhelicity times  =        -3.44946 seconds
    LIVE calc. crudely accounts for correlations.  Need offline calc. 
    LIVE  [0]:  97.17%      
    T1[0] :110.4/1104.1 Hz   T2[0] :45.2/1809.2 Hz   T3[0] :92.0/827.8 Hz   T4[0] :43.1/86111.9 Hz   
    T5[0] : 3.9/3.9  Hz   T6[0] : 0.0/22.6 Hz   T7[0] : 0.0/31.9 Hz   T8[0] : 0.0/1024.0 Hz   
    T1[+] :110.4/1104.3 Hz   T2[+] :45.2/1809.5 Hz   T3[+] :91.9/827.6 Hz   T4[+] :43.1/86103.3 Hz   
    T5[+] : 3.9/3.9  Hz   T6[+] : 0.0/22.6 Hz   T7[+] : 0.0/31.9 Hz   T8[+] : 0.0/1024.0 Hz   
    T1[-] :110.4/1103.8 Hz   T2[-] :45.2/1809.0 Hz   T3[-] :92.0/828.1 Hz   T4[-] :43.1/86121.0 Hz   
    T5[-] : 3.9/3.9  Hz   T6[-] : 0.0/22.5 Hz   T7[-] : 0.0/31.8 Hz   T8[-] : 0.0/1024.0 Hz   
    T1[0] : 386545/3865453  T2[0] : 158355/6334231  T3[0] : 322019/2898174  T4[0] : 150740/301481111  
    T5[0] :  13643/13643    T6[0] :      1/78958    T7[0] :      1/111516   T8[0] :     54/3585062  
    T1[+] : 190452/1904524  T2[+] :  78019/3120774  T3[+] : 158586/1427282  T4[+] :  74251/148502978  
    T5[+] :   6672/6672     T6[+] :      0/38945    T7[+] :      0/55030    T8[+] :     26/1766100  
    T1[-] : 190359/1903599  T2[-] :  77992/3119712  T3[-] : 158688/1428199  T4[-] :  74261/148523554  
    T5[-] :   6764/6764     T6[-] :      0/38873    T7[-] :      0/54903    T8[-] :     26/1765981  
    BCM x1 : 41.7334uA  BCM x3 : 41.7230uA  BCM x10: -11.6601uA  
    BCM u1 :   -39.66 ppm     BCM u3 :   -31.55 ppm     BCM u10:   -15.47 ppm     
    BCM d1 :   -41.67 ppm     BCM d3 :    -31.7 ppm     BCM d10:   -27.23 ppm     
    BCM u1 [0]:0.146          BCM u3 [0]:0.1464         BCM u10[0]:-0.03143       
    BCM u1 [+]:0.07193        BCM u3 [+]:0.0721         BCM u10[+]:0.03216        
    BCM u1 [-]:0.07193        BCM u3 [-]:0.0721         BCM u10[-]:0.03216        
    BCM d1 [0]:0.1462         BCM d3 [0]:0.1458         BCM d10[0]:-0.05021       
    BCM d1 [+]:0.07202        BCM d3 [+]:0.07182        BCM d10[+]:0.06343        
    BCM d1 [-]:0.07202        BCM d3 [-]:0.07182        BCM d10[-]:0.06342        
    Right S1 scintillators
    S1R [0]:1.562E+07      S1R [1]:1.908E+07      S1R [2]:1.954E+07      
    S1R [3]:1.784E+07      S1R [4]:2.456E+07      S1R [5]:1.814E+07      
    Right S1 scintillators rates 
    S1L [0]:4627.5 Hz   S1L [1]:7541.2 Hz   S1L [2]:5625.3 Hz   
    S1L [3]:5645.8 Hz   S1L [4]:5216.2 Hz   S1L [5]:7001.3 Hz   
    Right S1 scintillators normalized by charge 
    S1L [0]:110952030.000000   S1L [1]:180814470.000000   S1L [2]:134877970.000000   
    S1L [3]:135369200.000000   S1L [4]:125067170.000000   S1L [5]:167869100.000000   
    S1R [0]:106950980.000000   S1R [1]:130686800.000000   S1R [2]:133838000.000000   
    S1R [3]:122208930.000000   S1R [4]:168213740.000000   S1R [5]:124206950.000000   
    Right arm S2 scintillators
    S2  [0]:3.686E+07      S2  [1]:3.32E+07       S2  [2]:2.885E+07      S2  [3]:3.51E+07       
    S2  [4]:3.61E+07       S2  [5]:3.789E+07      S2  [6]:3.284E+07      S2  [7]:3.863E+07      
    S2  [8]:3.827E+07      S2  [9]:3.73E+07       S2  [10]:4.152E+07      S2  [11]:4.175E+07      
    S2  [12]:5.865E+07      S2  [13]:4.447E+07      S2  [14]:3.298E+07      S2  [15]:3.006E+07      
    S2  [16]:3.707E+07      S2  [17]:4.059E+07      S2  [18]:4.099E+07      S2  [19]:3.606E+07      
    S2  [20]:3.816E+07      S2  [21]:3.873E+07      S2  [22]:3.686E+07      S2  [23]:4.838E+07      
    S2  [24]:3.595E+07      S2  [25]:4.099E+07      S2  [26]:3.738E+07      S2  [27]:3.968E+07      
    S2  [28]:3.414E+07      S2  [29]:3.311E+07      S2  [30]:3.975E+07      S2  [31]:2.643E+07      
    Right arm S2 scintillators rates
    S2  [0]:10527.4 Hz   S2  [1]:9482.9 Hz   S2  [2]:8239.3 Hz   S2  [3]:10026.2 Hz   
    S2  [4]:10311.8 Hz   S2  [5]:10823.4 Hz   S2  [6]:9378.9 Hz   S2  [7]:11032.7 Hz   
    S2  [8]:10931.6 Hz   S2  [9]:10653.9 Hz   S2  [10]:11858.4 Hz   S2  [11]:11923.7 Hz   
    S2  [12]:16752.5 Hz   S2  [13]:12702.4 Hz   S2  [14]:9419.4 Hz   S2  [15]:8585.6 Hz   
    S2  [16]:10589.3 Hz   S2  [17]:11593.0 Hz   S2  [18]:11707.6 Hz   S2  [19]:10301.0 Hz   
    S2  [20]:10898.4 Hz   S2  [21]:11061.8 Hz   S2  [22]:10527.2 Hz   S2  [23]:13818.6 Hz   
    S2  [24]:10268.8 Hz   S2  [25]:11709.2 Hz   S2  [26]:10676.5 Hz   S2  [27]:11335.2 Hz   
    S2  [28]:9751.3 Hz   S2  [29]:9456.2 Hz   S2  [30]:11354.0 Hz   S2  [31]:7550.4 Hz   
    Right arm S2 scintillators normalized by charge
    S2  [ 0]:252413390.000000   S2  [ 1]:227369770.000000   S2  [ 2]:197553060.000000   
    S2  [ 3]:240398350.000000   S2  [ 4]:247244400.000000   S2  [ 5]:259510930.000000   
    S2  [ 6]:224877730.000000   S2  [ 7]:264530630.000000   S2  [ 8]:262107080.000000   
    S2  [ 9]:255448160.000000   S2  [10]:284327920.000000   S2  [11]:285894090.000000   
    S2  [12]:401673870.000000   S2  [13]:304563700.000000   S2  [14]:225849110.000000   
    S2  [15]:205856210.000000   S2  [16]:253898040.000000   S2  [17]:277963080.000000   
    S2  [18]:280712160.000000   S2  [19]:246984960.000000   S2  [20]:261308840.000000   
    S2  [21]:265227330.000000   S2  [22]:252409530.000000   S2  [23]:331327730.000000   
    S2  [24]:246213010.000000   S2  [25]:280750890.000000   S2  [26]:255989870.000000   
    S2  [27]:271783240.000000   S2  [28]:233805390.000000   S2  [29]:226730640.000000   
    S2  [30]:272234260.000000   S2  [31]:181036060.000000   
    Average of detectors sum of detectors charge normalized
    Right arm S1  : 136754610.000000   
    Right arm S2m  : 258687290.000000   
    Left arm S1 scintillators
    S1R [0]:1.832E+07      S1R [1]:1.988E+07      S1R [2]:2.486E+07      
    S1R [3]:1.815E+07      S1R [4]:2.028E+07      S1R [5]:1.512E+07      
    S1L [0]:1.781E+07      S1L [1]:1.693E+07      S1L [2]:2.099E+07      
    S1L [3]:1.977E+07      S1L [4]:2.01E+07       S1L [5]:1.589E+07      
    Left arm S1 scintillators rates
    S1R [0]:5231.5 Hz   S1R [1]:5677.9 Hz   S1R [2]:7099.6 Hz   
    S1R [3]:5183.3 Hz   S1R [4]:5793.1 Hz   S1R [5]:4319.6 Hz   
    S1L [0]:5086.6 Hz   S1L [1]:4834.6 Hz   S1L [2]:5996.0 Hz   
    S1L [3]:5647.6 Hz   S1L [4]:5740.0 Hz   S1L [5]:4539.0 Hz   
    Left arm S1 scintillators normalized by charge
    S1R [0]:125435960.0    S1R [1]:136137460.0    S1R [2]:170226360.0    
    S1R [3]:124278790.0    S1R [4]:138900280.0    S1R [5]:103571820.0    
    S1L [0]:121960000.0    S1L [1]:115918890.0    S1L [2]:143766580.0    
    S1L [3]:135412810.0    S1L [4]:137626930.0    S1L [5]:108831520.0    
    Left arm S2 scintillators
    S2R [0]:5.502E+07      S2R [1]:4.552E+07      S2R [2]:5.55E+07       
    S2R [3]:8.715E+07      S2R [4]:7.955E+07      S2R [5]:6.094E+07      
    S2L [0]:1E+08          S2L [1]:5.117E+07      S2L [2]:7.153E+07      
    S2L [3]:5.3E+07        S2L [4]:5.209E+07      S2L [5]:6.836E+07      
    Left arm S2 scintillators rates
    S2R [0]:15715.6 Hz   S2R [1]:13002.0 Hz   S2R [2]:15851.7 Hz   
    S2R [3]:24892.9 Hz   S2R [4]:22723.1 Hz   S2R [5]:17406.6 Hz   
    S2L [0]:28563.3 Hz   S2L [1]:14614.3 Hz   S2L [2]:20430.3 Hz   
    S2L [3]:15139.8 Hz   S2L [4]:14879.0 Hz   S2L [5]:19526.5 Hz   
    Left arm S2 scintillators normalized by charge
    S2R [0]:376810870.0    S2R [1]:311748170.0    S2R [2]:380074740.0    
    S2R [3]:596854720.0    S2R [4]:544829100.0    S2R [5]:417356090.0    
    S2L [0]:684859660.0    S2L [1]:350406590.0    S2L [2]:489856340.0    
    S2L [3]:363005080.0    S2L [4]:356751460.0    S2L [5]:468185580.0    
    Left arm Gas Cerenkov
    GasC  [0]:5.096E+07      GasC  [1]:3.783E+07      GasC  [2]:4.273E+07      
    GasC  [3]:4.19E+07       GasC  [4]:4.425E+07      GasC  [5]:4.037E+07      
    GasC  [6]:3.96E+07       GasC  [7]:3.983E+07      GasC  [8]:3.383E+07      
    GasC  [9]:1.375E+08      
    Left arm Gas Cerenkov rates
    GasC  [0]:14555.7 Hz   GasC  [1]:10804.8 Hz   GasC  [2]:12205.8 Hz   
    GasC  [3]:11968.7 Hz   GasC  [4]:12638.3 Hz   GasC  [5]:11531.6 Hz   
    GasC  [6]:11311.3 Hz   GasC  [7]:11378.0 Hz   GasC  [8]:9662.9 Hz   
    GasC  [9]:39287.3 Hz   
    Left arm Gas Cerenkov normalized by charge
    GasC  [0]:349000820.0 GasC  [1]:259064480.0 GasC  [2]:292656910.0 
    GasC  [3]:286973130.0 GasC  [4]:303026740.0 GasC  [5]:276491310.0 
    GasC  [6]:271209500.0 GasC  [7]:272809640.0 GasC  [8]:231686780.0 
    GasC  [9]:941988540.0 
    Average of detectors sum of detectors charge normalized
    Left S1 :  130172280.000000   
    Left S2 :   445061540.000000   
    Gas Cerenkov :  348490770.000000  
    End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 1692 at Sun Jul 1 23:08:01 EDT 2007
    Wien angle : 0.195965
    Half-wave plate (off=out) : OUT
    Left Arm D1 momentum : 3.12441
    Left Arm arm angle : 41.9397
    Right Arm D1 momentum : 3.1244
    Right Arm arm angle : 41.9399
    HALLA:p : 4710.92
    HALLA:dpp : -2.18409e-05
    Tiefenbach Hall A energy : 4710.92
    Left Arm Top VDC Current : -3.22266
    Left Arm Bottom VDC Current : -1.85547
    Left Arm Q1 momentum : 3.12447
    Left Arm Q1 power supply : 2350.64
    Left Arm Q1 gauss meter : 0.19877
    Left Arm Q2 gauss meter : -0.7077
    Left Arm Q2 power supply current : 1345.53
    Left Arm Q2 momentum : 3.12479
    Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled
    Left Arm D1 power supply current : 1097.06
    Left Arm D1 momentum : 3.12441
    Left Arm D1 NMR : 1.157
    Left Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.0015519
    Left Arm Q3 power supply current : -4.1377e-05
    Left Arm Q3 momentum : -1.03931e-07
    Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : enabled
    Right Arm Q1 momentum : 3.12434
    Right Arm Q1 power supply : 2349.3
    Right Arm Q1 gauss meter : 0.05797
    Right Arm Q2 power supply current : 1344.64
    Right Arm Q2 momentum : 3.12439
    Right Arm Q2 gauss meter : -0.706
    Right Arm Q2 power supply polarity : disabled
    Right Arm D1 power supply current : 1127.85
    Right Arm D1 momentum : 3.1244
    Right Arm D1 NMR : 1.15943
    Right Arm Q3 power supply current : 1243.11
    Right Arm Q3 momentum : 3.12412
    Right Arm Q3 gauss meter : -0.5577
    Right Arm Q3 power supply polarity : enabled
    FPP High Voltages and Currents at Sun Jul  1 23:07:34 EDT 2007
    MF7b1469_8gn0gen.F            1850.3
    MF7b1469_8gn0gen.E            4.1
    MF7b1469_8gn0ch0property.F    1850.3
    MF7b1469_8gn0ch0property.E    0.65
    MF7b1469_8gn0ch1property.F    1850.3
    MF7b1469_8gn0ch1property.E    0.41
    MF7b1469_8gn0ch2property.F    1850.3
    MF7b1469_8gn0ch2property.E    0.65
    MF7b1469_8gn0ch3property.F    1850.3
    MF7b1469_8gn0ch3property.E    0.59
    MF7b1469_8gn0ch4property.F    1850.3
    MF7b1469_8gn0ch4property.E    0.45
    MF7b1469_8gn1gen.F            1849.8
    MF7b1469_8gn1gen.E            6
    MF7b1469_8gn1ch0property.F    1849.8
    MF7b1469_8gn1ch0property.E    0.69
    MF7b1469_8gn1ch1property.F    1849.8
    MF7b1469_8gn1ch1property.E    1.42
    MF7b1469_8gn1ch2property.F    1849.8
    MF7b1469_8gn1ch2property.E    0.49
    MF7b1469_8gn1ch3property.F    1849.8
    MF7b1469_8gn1ch3property.E    0.73
    MF7b1469_8gn1ch4property.F    1849.8
    MF7b1469_8gn1ch4property.E    1.58
    MF7b1469_8gn2gen.F            1850
    MF7b1469_8gn2gen.E            1
    MF7b1469_8gn2ch0property.F    1850
    MF7b1469_8gn2ch0property.E    0
    MF7b1469_8gn2ch1property.F    1850
    MF7b1469_8gn2ch1property.E    -0.01
    MF7b1469_8gn2ch2property.F    1850
    MF7b1469_8gn2ch2property.E    0
    MF7b1469_8gn2ch3property.F    1850
    MF7b1469_8gn2ch3property.E    -0.01
    MF7b1469_8gn2ch4property.F    1850
    MF7b1469_8gn2ch4property.E    -0.01
    FPP Chamber Threshold voltages at Sun Jul  1 23:07:36 EDT 2007
    HrsH_FPP_TH3                  6.875
    HrsH_FPP_TH4                  7.01465
    FPP Wire Chambers Low Voltage at Sun Jul  1 23:07:36 EDT 2007
    HrsH_FPP_LV31P                4.97314
    HrsH_FPP_LV31M                -5.12451
    HrsH_FPP_LV32MA               -5.08838
    HrsH_FPP_LV32MB               -4.93115
    HrsH_FPP_LV42P                4.73193
    HrsH_FPP_LV42MA               -4.74072
    HrsH_FPP_LV42MB               -4.59717
    HrsH_FPP_LV41P                4.68799
    HrsH_FPP_LV41MA               -4.79883
    HrsH_FPP_LV41MB               -4.65381
    FPP Level Shifters at Sun Jul  1 23:07:36 EDT 2007
    HacH_DTC_HPE1313A:0_Ch48      5.06641
    HacH_DTC_HPE1313A:0_Ch50      -5.10791
    FPP Gas Flow at Sun Jul  1 23:07:36 EDT 2007
    HrsH_GAS_rFPPc3               5.73939
    HrsH_GAS_rFPPc4               5.76092