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    User name V. Sulkosky

    Log entry time 00:09:27 on April 22, 2008

    Entry number 233671

    This entry is a followup to: 233649

    keyword=Re: Moller - QRT signal is inverted

    I have also found evidence in the L-HRS data that the QRT signal appears
    to be inverted. I replayed only 1000 events, but saw that the QRT
    signal was '0' 25% of the time and '1' 75% of the time. From my
    recollection, the QRT signal should be true only 25% of the time. I am
    currently replaying run 3462 with full statistics. I will post the
    relevant plots tomorrow when the replay has completed.

    A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: gen@jlab.org,rom@jlab.org