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    User name a-onl

    Log entry time 04:40:59 on October 26, 2008

    Entry number 244701

    keyword=Start_Run_2182,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=Empty,beam_e0=1.192,beam_raster=off,leftarm_p=0.6955,leftarm_theta=53,leftarm_sieve=out,bbarm_i=0,bbarm_theta=35,bbarm_sieve=out,bbarm_zoff=0,comment_text=Raster calibration (raster size 2 x 2 as per MCC
    Run Timestamp:       Sun Oct 26 04:37:39 EDT 2008
    Beginning-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 2182 at Sun Oct 26 04:37:55 EDT 2008
    comment_text=Raster calibration (raster size 2 x 2 as per MCC
    ; BBite+HRS DAQ on adaql2/a-onl account
    ; Prescale factors (integer), downloaded each run at prestart.
    ; Do NOT put spaces in string, NOR add 2nd string. (REALLY!!!)
    ; Change this file only in-between runs.
    ; Maxima: (2^24)-1 = 16777215 for T1-T4 and 65535 for T5-T8
    ; The default factor is essentially infinite.
    ; T1 = BigBite Total shower
    ; T2 = BigBite Total shower + Cerenkov overlap
    ; T3 = L-HRS Singles (S1.and.S2)	
    ; T4 = L-HRS Efficiency (S1.or.S2)
    ; T5 = T1.AND.T3 (BigBite LHRS Coincidence)
    ; T6 = BigBite Total shower 2nd trigger
    ; T7 = BigBite Cerenkov only
    ; T8 = 1024 Hz pulser
    ; T9 = BigBite cosmics(front-back)
    ; T10 = BigBite cosmics(top-down)
    ; String should be one line, no spaces, ending in carriage return
    Left Arm Q1 momentum : 1.00015
    Left Arm Q1 power supply : 752.445
    Left Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.06377
    Left Arm Q2 power supply current : 430.562
    Left Arm Q2 momentum : 0.999911
    Left Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.22624
    Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : disabled
    Left Arm D1 power supply current : 333.2
    Left Arm D1 momentum : 0.999987
    Left Arm D1 NMR : 0.370226
    Left Arm Q3 power supply current : 398.158
    Left Arm Q3 momentum : 1.0001
    Left Arm Q3 gauss meter : -0.20091
    Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
    Left Arm B Field Hall Probe (D-G) : -0.3569
    BigBite magnet current setpoint : 0
    BigBite magnet current readback : 0
    BigBite Gaussmeter readback : 0.0016546
    Left Arm Top VDC Current : -0.976562
    Left Arm Bottom VDC Current : 3.75977
    Left Arm Top VDC voltage : 4.00488
    Left Arm Bottom VDC voltage : 4.00537
    RICH Vmon 16 : 2203
    RICH Imon 16 : 0.04
    RICH Vmon 17 : 0.2
    RICH Imon 17 : 0
    RICH Radiator Oxygen : -1.85547
    RICH Radiator Moisture : 509.473
    RICH Radiator Pressure : 8.04688
    RICH Condensor temperature : -9.37695
    RICH Gas Oxygen : 7.42188
    RICH Gas Moisture : 37.0117
    RICH Argon Flow : 0.488281
    RICH Methane Flow : 1551.66
    RICH A Volts : 4.67334
    RICH B Volts : 2.60449
    Average current of the two cavities : 1.91257
    Current on Unser monitor : -5.42194
    Current on Upstream bcm : 1.90859
    Current on Downstream bcm : 1.91655
    Upstream Cavity Coefficient : 43.377
    Downstream Cavity Coefficient : 42.913
    Current on IBC0L02 (source) : 4.10086
    Hall C Current : 46.8
    Hall A momentum (Tiefenbach) (HALLA:p) : 2398.71
    Hall A momentum orbit correction (dpp) : 0
    Hall A setup momentum (MMSHLAE) : 1232.64
    Hall A energy (halla_MeV) : 0
    Hall C energy (hallc_MeV) : 0
    Delta(E)/E width (MV_AI_DXWID) : 5.20779
    MBSY1c magnet current (amp) : 51.0578
    MBSY1c Bdl : 307332
    Arc1 dp/p : 0
    Arc2 dp/p : 0
    Raster X width : 2
    Raster Y width : 2
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : -0.189941
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : 23.5352
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : 0.0883789
    Left Arm Angle Floor Angle : 16
    Left Arm Angle Vernier : 31.5
    Left Arm Scattering Angle : 16.0026
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Top : 3.896
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Bottom : 3.95898
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Voltage1 : 4.97119
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Voltage2 : -5.06689
    IPM1C12.XPOS : 1.26008
    IPM1C12.YPOS : 0.477126
    IPM1H04A.XPOS : 0.0319715
    IPM1H04A.YPOS : 0.253744
    IPM1H04B.XPOS : -0.0727698
    IPM1H04B.YPOS : -0.239362
    Survey X offset bpmA : -0.63
    Survey Y offset bpmA : -0.9
    Survey X offset bpmB : 0.77
    Survey Y offset bpmB : -1
    Wien angle : 0.195965
    Helicity Mode ON/OFF Random/Toggle : OFF
    Wien field : 0
    Laser attenuation Hall A : 68
    Laser power Hall A : 100
    Half-wave plate (off=out) : OUT
    rotating waveplate : 0
    Beam Half-wave plate (off=out) : OUT
    G0 Helicity Settle Read : 500 usec
    G0 Helicity Delay Read : 8 cycles
    G0 Helicity Pattern : Quartet
    G0 Helicity Cycle Rate Read : 30 Hz
    RTD1 (upstream) : 45.5762
    RTD2 : 103.389
    RTD3 : 125.459
    RTD4 : 68.3398
    RTD5 (downstream) : 46.9336
    RTD6 (pump cell up) : 236.133
    RTD7 (pump cell down) : 260.449
    HacAi_hpchan7: Temp at Ref. Cell : 31.709
    HacAi_hpchan8: Temp at Ref. Cell : 30.3516
    HacAi_hpchan9: Temp at Ref. Cell : 30.5078
    Reference Cell Gas Pressure (psi) : -169.629
    Reference Cell System Vacuum (Torr) : -109.122
    Cooling Jets Flow Rate : 317.798
    Target position : -2.25
    Oven Air Flow : 0
    HaGenTargBrake : enabled
    HaGenTargBrake : enabled
    HacOMEGA_AL1 : 0
    HacOMEGA_READ : string
    HacOMEGA_SP1 : 0
    HacOMEGA_PROP1 : 0
    HacOMEGA_RST1 : 0
    HacOMEGA_RATE : 0
    CLASER_STATE_MB : CLASER_STATE_MB --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER_RDCUR : CLASER_RDCUR --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER_TEMP : CLASER_TEMP --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER2_STATE_MB : CLASER2_STATE_MB --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER2_RDCUR : CLASER2_RDCUR --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER2_TEMP : CLASER2_TEMP --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB_STATE_MB : CLASERAB_STATE_MB --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB_GETCUR0 : CLASERAB_GETCUR0 --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB_GETCUR1 : CLASERAB_GETCUR1 --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB_GETTEMP0 : CLASERAB_GETTEMP0 --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB_GETTEMP1 : CLASERAB_GETTEMP1 --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER3_STATE_MB : CLASER3_STATE_MB --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER3_RDCUR : CLASER3_RDCUR --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER3_TEMP : CLASER3_TEMP --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER4_STATE_MB : CLASER4_STATE_MB --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER4_RDCUR : CLASER4_RDCUR --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER4_TEMP : CLASER4_TEMP --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER5_STATE_MB : CLASER5_STATE_MB --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER5_RDCUR : CLASER5_RDCUR --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER5_TEMP : CLASER5_TEMP --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER6_STATE_MB : CLASER6_STATE_MB --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER6_RDCUR : CLASER6_RDCUR --- Invalid channel name
    CLASER6_TEMP : CLASER6_TEMP --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB2_STATE_M : CLASERAB2_STATE_MB --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB2_GETCUR0 : CLASERAB2_GETCUR0 --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB2_GETCUR1 : CLASERAB2_GETCUR1 --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB2_GETTEMP0 : CLASERAB2_GETTEMP0 --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB2_GETTEMP1 : CLASERAB2_GETTEMP1 --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB3_STATE_M : CLASERAB3_STATE_MB --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB3_GETCUR0 : CLASERAB3_GETCUR0 --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB3_GETCUR1 : CLASERAB3_GETCUR1 --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB3_GETTEMP0 : CLASERAB3_GETTEMP0 --- Invalid channel name
    CLASERAB3_GETTEMP1 : CLASERAB3_GETTEMP1 --- Invalid channel name
    haPolHe3_Spin_State : 1
    haPolHe3_Flip_Sequence_ID : 160
    haPolHe3_Flip_Count : 241
    haPolHe3_EPR_ID : 123
    haPolHe3_EPR_POL : 19.3858
    haPolHe3_Last_Flip_Start : 04:40:21 10/26/2008
    haPolHe3_Last_Flip_End : 04:40:23 10/26/2008
    haPolHe3_FLIP_NMR_PHASE : 0
    haPolHe3_FLIP_NMR_Mag : 0
    haPolHe3_FLIP_NMR_Pol : 0
    HaGenTargSpin1 : disabled
    HaGenTargSpin2 : enabled
    SLI data valid? : No
    SLI horiz size mm : 0
    SLI Energy spread *10^5 : 0
    SLI x position : 0
    SLI vert. size mm : 0
    SLI y position : 0
    Left S2 HV Left PMTs
    S2 Slot0 ch0 Left : -1890.6
    S2 Slot0 ch1 Left : -1872
    S2 Slot0 ch2 Left : -2200.7
    S2 Slot0 ch3 Left : -2045.7
    S2 Slot0 ch4 Left : -2122.8
    S2 Slot0 ch5 Left : -1816.6
    S2 Slot0 ch6 Left : -2017.2
    S2 Slot0 ch7 Left : -1932.1
    S2 Slot0 ch8 Left : -1901.5
    S2 Slot0 ch9 Left : -2079.9
    S2 Slot0 ch10 Left : -2220.9
    S2 Slot0 ch11 Left : -2009.8
    S2 Slot13 ch0 Left : -2190.1
    S2 Slot13 ch1 Left : -2166.3
    S2 Slot13 ch2 Left : -1926.4
    S2 Slot13 ch3 Left : -1725.6
    Left S2 HV Right PMTs
    S2 Slot12 ch0 Right : -1753.6
    S2 Slot12 ch1 Right : -1781.5
    S2 Slot12 ch2 Right : -1990.3
    S2 Slot12 ch3 Right : -1848.2
    S2 Slot12 ch4 Right : -2007.1
    S2 Slot12 ch5 Right : -1925.9
    S2 Slot12 ch6 Right : -1959.1
    S2 Slot12 ch7 Right : -1828.7
    S2 Slot12 ch8 Right : -2014.9
    S2 Slot12 ch9 Right : -1988.7
    S2 Slot12 ch10 Right : -2072.1
    S2 Slot12 ch11 Right : -1709.4
    S2 Slot13 ch4 Right : -1791.3
    S2 Slot13 ch5 Right : -1863.9
    S2 Slot13 ch6 Right : -1858.7
    S2 Slot13 ch7 Right : -1821.2
    Left S1 HV
    S1 Slot1 ch0 : -1785.2
    S1 Slot1 ch1 : -1800.6
    S1 Slot1 ch2 : -1791
    S1 Slot1 ch3 : -1811.6
    S1 Slot1 ch4 : -1701.4
    S1 Slot1 ch5 : -1825.5
    S1 Slot1 ch6 : -1951.4
    S1 Slot1 ch7 : -1715.4
    S1 Slot1 ch8 : -1901.3
    S1 Slot1 ch9 : -1766.2
    S1 Slot1 ch10 : -1811.4
    S1 Slot1 ch11 : -1716
    Left Cerenkov HV
    GCER Slot2 ch0 : -1517
    GCER Slot2 ch1 : -1459.1
    GCER Slot2 ch2 : -1521.2
    GCER Slot2 ch3 : -1431
    GCER Slot2 ch4 : -1781.9
    GCER Slot2 ch5 : -1984.4
    GCER Slot2 ch6 : -1750.5
    GCER Slot2 ch7 : -1729.6
    GCER Slot2 ch8 : -2000.7
    GCER Slot2 ch9 : -1545
    GCER Slot2 ch10 : -15
    GCER Slot2 ch11 : -22.8
    Left A1 Cerenkov HV
    A1 CER Slot14 ch0 : 2480.6
    A1 CER Slot14 ch1 : 2525.3
    A1 CER Slot14 ch2 : 2425.5
    A1 CER Slot14 ch3 : 2451.5
    A1 CER Slot14 ch4 : 2400.6
    A1 CER Slot14 ch5 : 2088.2
    A1 CER Slot14 ch6 : 2521.1
    A1 CER Slot14 ch7 : 2606.5
    A1 CER Slot14 ch8 : 2455.3
    A1 CER Slot14 ch9 : 2505.9
    A1 CER Slot14 ch10 : 2470.9
    A1 CER Slot14 ch11 : 2220.6
    A1 CER Slot15 ch0 : 2491
    A1 CER Slot15 ch1 : 2435.2
    A1 CER Slot15 ch2 : 2405
    A1 CER Slot15 ch3 : 2394.6
    A1 CER Slot15 ch4 : 2501.6
    A1 CER Slot15 ch5 : 2360.6
    A1 CER Slot15 ch6 : 2460.3
    A1 CER Slot15 ch7 : 2465.7
    A1 CER Slot15 ch8 : 2485.7
    A1 CER Slot15 ch9 : 2430.8
    A1 CER Slot15 ch10 : 2361.1
    A1 CER Slot15 ch11 : 2155.6
    Left Pion Rejector Layer 1 HV
    PRL1 Slot3 ch0 : -860.4
    PRL1 Slot3 ch1 : -784.5
    PRL1 Slot3 ch2 : -905.8
    PRL1 Slot3 ch3 : -981.2
    PRL1 Slot3 ch4 : -731.1
    PRL1 Slot3 ch5 : -811
    PRL1 Slot3 ch6 : -1081.3
    PRL1 Slot3 ch7 : -990.8
    PRL1 Slot3 ch8 : -810.5
    PRL1 Slot3 ch9 : -790.9
    PRL1 Slot3 ch10 : -831.8
    PRL1 Slot3 ch11 : -785.3
    PRL1 Slot4 ch0 : -870.1
    PRL1 Slot4 ch1 : -900.5
    PRL1 Slot4 ch2 : -750
    PRL1 Slot4 ch3 : -895.1
    PRL1 Slot4 ch4 : -921.7
    PRL1 Slot4 ch5 : -821.2
    PRL1 Slot4 ch6 : -835.2
    PRL1 Slot4 ch7 : -826.4
    PRL1 Slot4 ch8 : -1190.3
    PRL1 Slot4 ch9 : -1071.9
    PRL1 Slot4 ch10 : -1030.9
    PRL1 Slot4 ch11 : -861.4
    PRL1 Slot5 ch0 : -1040.4
    PRL1 Slot5 ch1 : -871
    PRL1 Slot5 ch2 : -916.2
    PRL1 Slot5 ch3 : -735.8
    PRL1 Slot5 ch4 : -890.7
    PRL1 Slot5 ch5 : -810.3
    PRL1 Slot5 ch6 : -821.1
    PRL1 Slot5 ch7 : -895.6
    PRL1 Slot5 ch8 : -741.3
    PRL1 Slot5 ch9 : -840.6
    PRL1 Slot5 ch10 : -17.3
    PRL1 Slot5 ch11 : -26.4
    Left Pion Rejector Layer 2 HV
    PRL2 Slot9 ch0 : -920.5
    PRL2 Slot9 ch1 : -881.3
    PRL2 Slot9 ch2 : -800.1
    PRL2 Slot9 ch3 : -869.9
    PRL2 Slot9 ch4 : -810.9
    PRL2 Slot9 ch5 : -941.5
    PRL2 Slot9 ch6 : -850.7
    PRL2 Slot9 ch7 : -891.3
    PRL2 Slot9 ch8 : -811.4
    PRL2 Slot9 ch9 : -780.6
    PRL2 Slot9 ch10 : -821
    PRL2 Slot9 ch11 : -850.6
    PRL2 Slot10 ch0 : -755.7
    PRL2 Slot10 ch1 : -812.4
    PRL2 Slot10 ch2 : -871
    PRL2 Slot10 ch3 : -900.8
    PRL2 Slot10 ch4 : -881.4
    PRL2 Slot10 ch5 : -871
    PRL2 Slot10 ch6 : -815.2
    PRL2 Slot10 ch7 : -824.1
    PRL2 Slot10 ch8 : -760.3
    PRL2 Slot10 ch9 : -715.7
    PRL2 Slot10 ch10 : -911
    PRL2 Slot10 ch11 : -781.3
    PRL2 Slot11 ch0 : -1000.7
    PRL2 Slot11 ch1 : -900.4
    PRL2 Slot11 ch2 : -850.6
    PRL2 Slot11 ch3 : -1079.9
    PRL2 Slot11 ch4 : -1050.2
    PRL2 Slot11 ch5 : -800
    PRL2 Slot11 ch6 : -890.2
    PRL2 Slot11 ch7 : -1051.2
    PRL2 Slot11 ch8 : -956.4
    PRL2 Slot11 ch9 : -900.2
    PRL2 Slot11 ch10 : -2.9
    PRL2 Slot11 ch11 : -11.7
    # Map  /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli  Measured Voltage
     hv_proc.com - a script to get HV parameters from the "hvs" server
     Call parameters:
     hv_proc.com -D detec [-c command] -m range [-c command] [-P parameter-to-get] [-H host] [-p port] ....
               -c command (GET or SET or MAPS)                      default: GET
                  MAPS: just prints the maps names 
                 (-D should be defined, the other parameters are ignored)
               -P parameter to use : DV, MV, MC, CE                 default: MV
                  for -c SET the valid parameters are DV, CE
               -D detector maps (NA_ND, NA_VT, BB_SH, BB_PS, BB_SC) default: none
                  NA: NA_ND_L / NA_ND_R / NA_VT_L / NA_VT_R
                  BB: BB_PS / BB_PS_L /BB_PS_R / BB_SC
               -m colums,rows range, ex: 3,17 or 2:13,7:9           default: none                  
               -v  value to SET (used if no -f declared)            default: none
               -f  file name containing lines with "ix iy value"    default: none
               -t  test only                                        default: none
               -H host name where the server is running             default: none
                  (if none -  for NA and  for BB)
               -p port number                                       default: rogram
               -b client program                                    default: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli
               -? or ? or -h  print this help                       default: none
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MV -D NA_ND_L -m 1:4,2:26  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MC -D BB_SH -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c MAPS -P MC -D NA_VT_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P DV -v -1200 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P CE -v 1 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -c GET -P MV
    # Map  /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli  Measured Current
     hv_proc.com - a script to get HV parameters from the "hvs" server
     Call parameters:
     hv_proc.com -D detec [-c command] -m range [-c command] [-P parameter-to-get] [-H host] [-p port] ....
               -c command (GET or SET or MAPS)                      default: GET
                  MAPS: just prints the maps names 
                 (-D should be defined, the other parameters are ignored)
               -P parameter to use : DV, MV, MC, CE                 default: MC
                  for -c SET the valid parameters are DV, CE
               -D detector maps (NA_ND, NA_VT, BB_SH, BB_PS, BB_SC) default: none
                  NA: NA_ND_L / NA_ND_R / NA_VT_L / NA_VT_R
                  BB: BB_PS / BB_PS_L /BB_PS_R / BB_SC
               -m colums,rows range, ex: 3,17 or 2:13,7:9           default: none                  
               -v  value to SET (used if no -f declared)            default: none
               -f  file name containing lines with "ix iy value"    default: none
               -t  test only                                        default: none
               -H host name where the server is running             default: none
                  (if none -  for NA and  for BB)
               -p port number                                       default: rogram
               -b client program                                    default: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli
               -? or ? or -h  print this help                       default: none
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MV -D NA_ND_L -m 1:4,2:26  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MC -D BB_SH -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c MAPS -P MC -D NA_VT_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P DV -v -1200 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P CE -v 1 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -c GET -P MC
    # Map  usage:  Measured Voltage
         0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     99      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    104      0      0      0      0   1090      0     76      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     97      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5555      0     48      0      0      0      0 # Map  usage:  Measured Current
         0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     99      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    104      0      0      0      0   1090      0     76      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     97      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5555      0     48      0      0      0      0 # Map  HV_  Measured Voltage
     hv_proc.com - a script to get HV parameters from the "hvs" server
     Call parameters:
     hv_proc.com -D detec [-c command] -m range [-c command] [-P parameter-to-get] [-H host] [-p port] ....
               -c command (GET or SET or MAPS)                      default: GET
                  MAPS: just prints the maps names 
                 (-D should be defined, the other parameters are ignored)
               -P parameter to use : DV, MV, MC, CE                 default: MV
                  for -c SET the valid parameters are DV, CE
               -D detector maps (NA_ND, NA_VT, BB_SH, BB_PS, BB_SC) default: none
                  NA: NA_ND_L / NA_ND_R / NA_VT_L / NA_VT_R
                  BB: BB_PS / BB_PS_L /BB_PS_R / BB_SC
               -m colums,rows range, ex: 3,17 or 2:13,7:9           default: none                  
               -v  value to SET (used if no -f declared)            default: none
               -f  file name containing lines with "ix iy value"    default: none
               -t  test only                                        default: none
               -H host name where the server is running             default: none
                  (if none -  for NA and  for BB)
               -p port number                                       default: 5555
               -b client program                                    default: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli
               -? or ? or -h  print this help                       default: none
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MV -D NA_ND_L -m 1:4,2:26  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MC -D BB_SH -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c MAPS -P MC -D NA_VT_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P DV -v -1200 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P CE -v 1 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D HV_ -c GET -P MV
    # Map  HV_  Measured Current
     hv_proc.com - a script to get HV parameters from the "hvs" server
     Call parameters:
     hv_proc.com -D detec [-c command] -m range [-c command] [-P parameter-to-get] [-H host] [-p port] ....
               -c command (GET or SET or MAPS)                      default: GET
                  MAPS: just prints the maps names 
                 (-D should be defined, the other parameters are ignored)
               -P parameter to use : DV, MV, MC, CE                 default: MC
                  for -c SET the valid parameters are DV, CE
               -D detector maps (NA_ND, NA_VT, BB_SH, BB_PS, BB_SC) default: none
                  NA: NA_ND_L / NA_ND_R / NA_VT_L / NA_VT_R
                  BB: BB_PS / BB_PS_L /BB_PS_R / BB_SC
               -m colums,rows range, ex: 3,17 or 2:13,7:9           default: none                  
               -v  value to SET (used if no -f declared)            default: none
               -f  file name containing lines with "ix iy value"    default: none
               -t  test only                                        default: none
               -H host name where the server is running             default: none
                  (if none -  for NA and  for BB)
               -p port number                                       default: 5555
               -b client program                                    default: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli
               -? or ? or -h  print this help                       default: none
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MV -D NA_ND_L -m 1:4,2:26  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MC -D BB_SH -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c MAPS -P MC -D NA_VT_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P DV -v -1200 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P CE -v 1 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D HV_ -c GET -P MC
    # Map  HV_Port  Measured Voltage
     hv_proc.com - a script to get HV parameters from the "hvs" server
     Call parameters:
     hv_proc.com -D detec [-c command] -m range [-c command] [-P parameter-to-get] [-H host] [-p port] ....
               -c command (GET or SET or MAPS)                      default: GET
                  MAPS: just prints the maps names 
                 (-D should be defined, the other parameters are ignored)
               -P parameter to use : DV, MV, MC, CE                 default: MV
                  for -c SET the valid parameters are DV, CE
               -D detector maps (NA_ND, NA_VT, BB_SH, BB_PS, BB_SC) default: none
                  NA: NA_ND_L / NA_ND_R / NA_VT_L / NA_VT_R
                  BB: BB_PS / BB_PS_L /BB_PS_R / BB_SC
               -m colums,rows range, ex: 3,17 or 2:13,7:9           default: none                  
               -v  value to SET (used if no -f declared)            default: none
               -f  file name containing lines with "ix iy value"    default: none
               -t  test only                                        default: none
               -H host name where the server is running             default: none
                  (if none -  for NA and  for BB)
               -p port number                                       default: 5555
               -b client program                                    default: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli
               -? or ? or -h  print this help                       default: none
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MV -D NA_ND_L -m 1:4,2:26  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MC -D BB_SH -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c MAPS -P MC -D NA_VT_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P DV -v -1200 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P CE -v 1 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D HV_Port -c GET -P MV
    # Map  HV_Port  Measured Current
     hv_proc.com - a script to get HV parameters from the "hvs" server
     Call parameters:
     hv_proc.com -D detec [-c command] -m range [-c command] [-P parameter-to-get] [-H host] [-p port] ....
               -c command (GET or SET or MAPS)                      default: GET
                  MAPS: just prints the maps names 
                 (-D should be defined, the other parameters are ignored)
               -P parameter to use : DV, MV, MC, CE                 default: MC
                  for -c SET the valid parameters are DV, CE
               -D detector maps (NA_ND, NA_VT, BB_SH, BB_PS, BB_SC) default: none
                  NA: NA_ND_L / NA_ND_R / NA_VT_L / NA_VT_R
                  BB: BB_PS / BB_PS_L /BB_PS_R / BB_SC
               -m colums,rows range, ex: 3,17 or 2:13,7:9           default: none                  
               -v  value to SET (used if no -f declared)            default: none
               -f  file name containing lines with "ix iy value"    default: none
               -t  test only                                        default: none
               -H host name where the server is running             default: none
                  (if none -  for NA and  for BB)
               -p port number                                       default: 5555
               -b client program                                    default: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli
               -? or ? or -h  print this help                       default: none
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MV -D NA_ND_L -m 1:4,2:26  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MC -D BB_SH -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c MAPS -P MC -D NA_VT_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P DV -v -1200 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P CE -v 1 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D HV_Port -c GET -P MC
    # Map  'command_message'  Measured Voltage
         0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     99      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    104      0      0      0      0   1090      0     76      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     97      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5555      0     48      0      0      0      0 # Map  'command_message'  Measured Current
         0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     99      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    104      0      0      0      0   1090      0     76      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     97      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5555      0     48      0      0      0      0 # Map  Examples:  Measured Voltage
     *** Map name 1:,1:  is missing or not properly set in the server list :
    /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe. 
    usage: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
      HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe  
      HV_Port      - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default) 
      'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
     Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
              /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090  -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.' 
     Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
     for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
              /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555  -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.' 
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D Examples: -c GET -P MV
    # Map  Examples:  Measured Current
     *** Map name 1:,1:  is missing or not properly set in the server list :
    /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli - program to communicate with HV mainframe. 
    usage: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -h {HV_hostname} -p {HV_Port} -m {'command_ message'}
      HV_ hostname - name(or IP address) of HV mainframe  
      HV_Port      - number of HV port for TCP/IP connetction(1090 default) 
      'command_message' - message for sending to HV mainframe(string with quotas)
     Send command to HV mainframe 'hallahv1':
              /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -h hallahv1 -p 1090  -m 'LD L0.1 DV -1000.' 
     Send command to control program running on 'adaqel1'
     for setup voltage on HVframe 0:
              /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -h adaqel1 -p 5555  -m '0 LD L0.1 DV -1000.' 
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D Examples: -c GET -P MC
    # Map  Send  Measured Voltage
         0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     99      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    104      0      0      0      0   1090      0     76      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     97      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5555      0     48      0      0      0      0 # Map  Send  Measured Current
         0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     99      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    104      0      0      0      0   1090      0     76      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     97      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5555      0     48      0      0      0      0 # Map  /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli  Measured Voltage
     hv_proc.com - a script to get HV parameters from the "hvs" server
     Call parameters:
     hv_proc.com -D detec [-c command] -m range [-c command] [-P parameter-to-get] [-H host] [-p port] ....
               -c command (GET or SET or MAPS)                      default: GET
                  MAPS: just prints the maps names 
                 (-D should be defined, the other parameters are ignored)
               -P parameter to use : DV, MV, MC, CE                 default: MV
                  for -c SET the valid parameters are DV, CE
               -D detector maps (NA_ND, NA_VT, BB_SH, BB_PS, BB_SC) default: none
                  NA: NA_ND_L / NA_ND_R / NA_VT_L / NA_VT_R
                  BB: BB_PS / BB_PS_L /BB_PS_R / BB_SC
               -m colums,rows range, ex: 3,17 or 2:13,7:9           default: none                  
               -v  value to SET (used if no -f declared)            default: none
               -f  file name containing lines with "ix iy value"    default: none
               -t  test only                                        default: none
               -H host name where the server is running             default: none
                  (if none -  for NA and  for BB)
               -p port number                                       default: rogram
               -b client program                                    default: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli
               -? or ? or -h  print this help                       default: none
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MV -D NA_ND_L -m 1:4,2:26  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MC -D BB_SH -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c MAPS -P MC -D NA_VT_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P DV -v -1200 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P CE -v 1 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -c GET -P MV
    # Map  /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli  Measured Current
     hv_proc.com - a script to get HV parameters from the "hvs" server
     Call parameters:
     hv_proc.com -D detec [-c command] -m range [-c command] [-P parameter-to-get] [-H host] [-p port] ....
               -c command (GET or SET or MAPS)                      default: GET
                  MAPS: just prints the maps names 
                 (-D should be defined, the other parameters are ignored)
               -P parameter to use : DV, MV, MC, CE                 default: MC
                  for -c SET the valid parameters are DV, CE
               -D detector maps (NA_ND, NA_VT, BB_SH, BB_PS, BB_SC) default: none
                  NA: NA_ND_L / NA_ND_R / NA_VT_L / NA_VT_R
                  BB: BB_PS / BB_PS_L /BB_PS_R / BB_SC
               -m colums,rows range, ex: 3,17 or 2:13,7:9           default: none                  
               -v  value to SET (used if no -f declared)            default: none
               -f  file name containing lines with "ix iy value"    default: none
               -t  test only                                        default: none
               -H host name where the server is running             default: none
                  (if none -  for NA and  for BB)
               -p port number                                       default: rogram
               -b client program                                    default: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli
               -? or ? or -h  print this help                       default: none
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MV -D NA_ND_L -m 1:4,2:26  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MC -D BB_SH -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c MAPS -P MC -D NA_VT_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P DV -v -1200 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P CE -v 1 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -c GET -P MC
    # Map  Send  Measured Voltage
         0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     99      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    104      0      0      0      0   1090      0     76      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     97      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5555      0     48      0      0      0      0 # Map  Send  Measured Current
         0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     99      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    104      0      0      0      0   1090      0     76      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     97      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5555      0     48      0      0      0      0 # Map  for  Measured Voltage
         0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     99      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    104      0      0      0      0   1090      0     76      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     97      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5555      0     48      0      0      0      0 # Map  for  Measured Current
         0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     99      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    104      0      0      0      0   1090      0     76      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0     97      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   5555      0     48      0      0      0      0 # Map  /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli  Measured Voltage
     hv_proc.com - a script to get HV parameters from the "hvs" server
     Call parameters:
     hv_proc.com -D detec [-c command] -m range [-c command] [-P parameter-to-get] [-H host] [-p port] ....
               -c command (GET or SET or MAPS)                      default: GET
                  MAPS: just prints the maps names 
                 (-D should be defined, the other parameters are ignored)
               -P parameter to use : DV, MV, MC, CE                 default: MV
                  for -c SET the valid parameters are DV, CE
               -D detector maps (NA_ND, NA_VT, BB_SH, BB_PS, BB_SC) default: none
                  NA: NA_ND_L / NA_ND_R / NA_VT_L / NA_VT_R
                  BB: BB_PS / BB_PS_L /BB_PS_R / BB_SC
               -m colums,rows range, ex: 3,17 or 2:13,7:9           default: none                  
               -v  value to SET (used if no -f declared)            default: none
               -f  file name containing lines with "ix iy value"    default: none
               -t  test only                                        default: none
               -H host name where the server is running             default: none
                  (if none -  for NA and  for BB)
               -p port number                                       default: rogram
               -b client program                                    default: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli
               -? or ? or -h  print this help                       default: none
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MV -D NA_ND_L -m 1:4,2:26  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MC -D BB_SH -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c MAPS -P MC -D NA_VT_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P DV -v -1200 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P CE -v 1 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -c GET -P MV
    # Map  /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli  Measured Current
     hv_proc.com - a script to get HV parameters from the "hvs" server
     Call parameters:
     hv_proc.com -D detec [-c command] -m range [-c command] [-P parameter-to-get] [-H host] [-p port] ....
               -c command (GET or SET or MAPS)                      default: GET
                  MAPS: just prints the maps names 
                 (-D should be defined, the other parameters are ignored)
               -P parameter to use : DV, MV, MC, CE                 default: MC
                  for -c SET the valid parameters are DV, CE
               -D detector maps (NA_ND, NA_VT, BB_SH, BB_PS, BB_SC) default: none
                  NA: NA_ND_L / NA_ND_R / NA_VT_L / NA_VT_R
                  BB: BB_PS / BB_PS_L /BB_PS_R / BB_SC
               -m colums,rows range, ex: 3,17 or 2:13,7:9           default: none                  
               -v  value to SET (used if no -f declared)            default: none
               -f  file name containing lines with "ix iy value"    default: none
               -t  test only                                        default: none
               -H host name where the server is running             default: none
                  (if none -  for NA and  for BB)
               -p port number                                       default: rogram
               -b client program                                    default: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli
               -? or ? or -h  print this help                       default: none
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MV -D NA_ND_L -m 1:4,2:26  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c GET -P MC -D BB_SH -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c MAPS -P MC -D NA_VT_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P DV -v -1200 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Example: hv_proc.com -c SET -P CE -v 1 -D NA_ND_L -m 1:7,1:27  
     Error(2) in information retrieval in  -D /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/hvg/hvcli -c GET -P MC
    Threshold for 'mwdc_front' is +3.503 V  (2526)
    Threshold for 'mwdc_middle' is +3.503 V  (2526)
    Threshold for 'mwdc_back' is +3.503 V  (2526)
    Threshold for 'BB_Sh' is -0.020 V  (2038)
    Threshold for 'BB_PSh' is -0.020 V  (2038)
    Threshold for 'BB_Sh_2' is -0.020 V  (2028)
    Threshold for 'BB_Cer' is -0.200 V  (1659)
    CODA config : config TwoArmRICH