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User name Katich
Log entry time 00:37:22 on January14,2009
Entry number 255993
keyword=Lumi HVs set
the lumi HVs have been adjusted. All peaks should be floating somewhere around 47k. The beam current for these setting is 13.5uA.
Channel and HV:
0=880; 1=965; 2=1230; 3=0; 4=865; 5=1235; 6=1050; 7=1110; 8=0; 9=0; 10=1500; 11=0.
Should the current be increased to 15uA, i think the voltages should be fine (the highest of the peaks maxing out somewhere in the low 50k's), but there is a chance they may need adjusted a bit.
Just a reminder that the danger zone is when the peak position drifts into the upper 50k's. Please continue to check on the lumis several times per shift. THANKS!