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    User name Bo

    Log entry time 21:02:32 on April 21, 2009

    Entry number 267257

    keyword=adjustment of Retiming signal delay

    With the fixed delay cable of retiming signal, the ADC gate is a little later, because S1/S2 ADC signals come about 20ns later than ADC gate. This is too tight. I replaced a 50ns cable of retiming signal with a 20ns cable, which means that there is about 50ns between the S1/S2 ADC signals and ADC gate. Here are the time difference between ADC signals and the ADC gate: ADC gate ~ shower 150 ns ADC gate ~ Pre-shower 130 ns ADC gate ~ S1/S2 50 ns

    since the ADC gate is 400 ns wide, it should be good enough to cover ADC signals.