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    Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

    User name Bob / Dustin

    Log entry time 21:03:38 on September23,2009

    Entry number 291246

    keyword=spectrometer DAQ runs

    Did the checklist to switch to counting mode.

    S0 on, VDC on.

    Carbon holey target.

    10 uA.

    Rates are
    L-HRS T1 = 3.3 kHz
    L-HRS S0-T2 = 4.2 kHz
    R-HRS T1 = 3.6 kHz
    R-HRS T2 = 5.1 kHz

    Run 24827 / 4612.

    With prescale=4 the deadtime on L-HRS is horrible.
    Reason: huge hit multiplicity in ROC4.

    Tried dropping TDC in slot 19. Didn't help. Run 24828

    Realized the FADC was turned on. Turned it off. Put back
    the TDC in slot 19. Run 24829. Deadtime now zero !
    (ps2=4 and 4.3 kHz input, 1.1 kHz observed).

    Fig 1 = spot++ for run 24829.
    Hole exists. Ok, redundant post.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2