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User name a-onl
Log entry time 04:29:28 on November 16, 2009
Entry number 300249
keyword=Start_Run_5073,Run_type=Production,target_type=LD2, 20cm,beam_e0=6.06,beam_raster=on,beam_current=70,leftarm_p=3.66,leftarm_theta=12.9,leftarm_sieve=out,rightarm_p=2.63,rightarm_theta=20,rightarm_sieve=out,comment_text=production, 70 muA
Run Timestamp: Mon Nov 16 04:29:10 EST 2009
Beginning-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 5073 at Mon Nov 16 04:29:15 EST 2009
target_type=LD2, 20cm
comment_text=production, 70 muA
; R-HRS DAQ on adaql2/a-onl account
; Prescale factors (integer), downloaded each run at prestart.
; Change this file only in-between runs.
; Maxima: (2^24)-1 = 16777215 for T1-T4 and 65535 for T5-T8
; The default factor is essentially infinite.
; T1 = R-HRS HAPPEX Trigger
; T2 = R-HRS S0 trigger (of most importance)
; T3 = R-HRS PREX Detector
; T4-T7 = Eventually PVDIS stuff
; T8 = 1024 Hz p1ulser
; String should be one line, no spaces, ending in carriage return
; Do NOT put spaces in string, NOR add 2nd string. (REALLY!!!)
; ps1=1,ps2=50,ps3=30,ps4=1,ps5=40,ps6=40,ps7=4000,ps8=65535
Left Arm Q1 momentum : 3.66015
Left Arm Q1 power supply : 2753.64
Left Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.23202
Left Arm Q2 power supply current : 1575.53
Left Arm Q2 momentum : 3.65891
Left Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.827
Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : disabled
Left Arm D1 power supply current : 1325.26
Left Arm D1 momentum : 3.66008
Left Arm D1 NMR : 1.35577
Left Arm Q3 power supply current : 1456.79
Left Arm Q3 momentum : 3.65919
Left Arm Q3 gauss meter : -0.73427
Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
Left Arm B Field Hall Probe (D-G) : -1.3058
Right Arm Q1 momentum : 2.63008
Right Arm Q1 power supply : 1977.65
Right Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.04916
Right Arm Q2 power supply current : 1131.71
Right Arm Q2 momentum : 2.62964
Right Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.5919
Right Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled
Right Arm D1 power supply current : 932.006
Right Arm D1 momentum : 2.62996
Right Arm D1 NMR : 0.975947
Right Arm Q3 power supply current : 1046.38
Right Arm Q3 momentum : 2.62971
Right Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.4681
Right Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
Right Arm B Field Hall Probe (D-G) : -0.9642
Left Arm Top VDC Current : 1.46484
Left Arm Bottom VDC Current : 1.51367
Left Arm Top VDC voltage : 0.0170898
Left Arm Bottom VDC voltage : 0.0185547
Right Arm Top VDC Current : -1.80664
Right Arm Bottom VDC Current : -1.41602
Right Arm Top VDC voltage : -0.012207
Right Arm Bottom VDC voltage : -0.0102539
Average current of the two cavities : 68.7886
Current on Unser monitor : 87.1999
Current on Upstream bcm : 66.9701
Current on Downstream bcm : 70.6072
Upstream Cavity Coefficient : 42.6
Downstream Cavity Coefficient : 43.8
Current on IBC0L02 (source) : 69.3136
Hall C Current : 0
Hall A momentum (Tiefenbach) (HALLA:p) : 6067.16
Hall A momentum orbit correction (dpp) : -4.87691e-05
Hall A setup momentum (MMSHLAE) : 6067.5
Hall A energy (halla_MeV) : 6067.16
Hall C energy (hallc_MeV) : 6070.48
Delta(E)/E width (MV_AI_DXWID) : 0.822882
MBSY1c magnet current (amp) : 254.343
MBSY1c Bdl : 1.51764e+06
Arc1 dp/p : 0
Arc2 dp/p : 0
Raster X width : 6
Raster Y width : 6
HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : -0.25
HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : 23.3398
HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : 0.0756836
Left Arm Angle Floor Angle : 0
Left Arm Angle Vernier : 0
Left Arm Scattering Angle : -0.179
Right Arm D1 momentum : 2.62996
Right Arm arm angle : 20.001
Left VDC -DISC LVL Top : 3.88721
Left VDC -DISC LVL Bottom : 3.97021
Left VDC -DISC LVL Voltage1 : 4.97705
Left VDC -DISC LVL Voltage2 : -5.06885
Right Arm Arm Collimator : 0.0208008
HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : -0.589844
HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : 22.3633
HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : -0.911133
Right Arm Angle Floor Angle : 20
Right Arm Angle Vernier : -34
Right Arm Scattering Angle : 20.001
IPM1C12.XPOS : 0.161632
IPM1C12.YPOS : 0.238907
IPM1H04A.XPOS : -0.660604
IPM1H04A.YPOS : -0.0388757
IPM1H04B.XPOS : -0.677292
IPM1H04B.YPOS : -0.0314813
Survey X offset bpmA : -0.63
Survey Y offset bpmA : -0.9
Survey X offset bpmB : 0.77
Survey Y offset bpmB : -1
Wien angle : 74.7279
Wien BDL : 1728.2
Wien field : 49.796
Laser attenuation Hall A : 133
Laser power Hall A : 100
Half-wave plate (off=out) : IN
rotating waveplate : 1200
Beam Half-wave plate (off=out) : IN
Helicity Delay Set : 8 cycles
Helicity Pattern Set : Quartet
Helicity Clock Set : Free Clock
Helicity Settle Read : 500
Helicity Delay Read : 8 cycles
Helicity Pattern : Quartet
Helicity Clock Read : Free Clock
Helicity Frequency : 29.5596
Target : L1 20cm
fan frequency loop 1 : 60
fan frequency loop 2 : 0
fan frequency loop 3 : 0
Encoder position : 3.30777e+07
Target type : 3.30777e+07
temperature loop 1(1) : 22.51
temperature loop 1(2) : 22.01
temperature loop 1(3) : 22.51
Heat exchange loop 1 H2 : 24.7
temperature loop 3(1) : 99.99
temperature loop 3(2) : 99.99
temperature loop 3(3) : 29.99
Heat exchange loop 3 H2 : 267.5
pressure loop He : 47.7681
pressure loop H2 before : 25.4597
pressure loop H2 return : 25.539
HPH He loop 1 : 416.416
HPH He loop 2 : 0.000193354
HPH H2 loop 3 : 9.38936e-06
Left S2 HV Left PMTs
S2 Slot0 ch0 Left : -1639.8
S2 Slot0 ch1 Left : -1690.8
S2 Slot0 ch2 Left : -2015.9
S2 Slot0 ch3 Left : -1820.2
S2 Slot0 ch4 Left : -1859.2
S2 Slot0 ch5 Left : -1661.7
S2 Slot0 ch6 Left : -1837.5
S2 Slot0 ch7 Left : -1803.6
S2 Slot0 ch8 Left : -1796.6
S2 Slot0 ch9 Left : -1918.4
S2 Slot0 ch10 Left : -1975.6
S2 Slot0 ch11 Left : -1822.9
S2 Slot13 ch0 Left : -1954.5
S2 Slot13 ch1 Left : -2006.7
S2 Slot13 ch2 Left : -1776.6
S2 Slot13 ch3 Left : -1559.8
Left S2 HV Right PMTs
S2 Slot12 ch0 Right : -1484.3
S2 Slot12 ch1 Right : -1627.6
S2 Slot12 ch2 Right : -1780.8
S2 Slot12 ch3 Right : -1699.9
S2 Slot12 ch4 Right : -1758
S2 Slot12 ch5 Right : -1731.7
S2 Slot12 ch6 Right : -1765.1
S2 Slot12 ch7 Right : -1472.1
S2 Slot12 ch8 Right : -1825.3
S2 Slot12 ch9 Right : -1700
S2 Slot12 ch10 Right : -1829.3
S2 Slot12 ch11 Right : -1550.9
S2 Slot13 ch4 Right : -1553
S2 Slot13 ch5 Right : -1635.9
S2 Slot13 ch6 Right : -1650
S2 Slot13 ch7 Right : -1626.6
Left S1 HV
S1 Slot1 ch0 : -1660.9
S1 Slot1 ch1 : -1785.3
S1 Slot1 ch2 : -1621.1
S1 Slot1 ch3 : -1676.5
S1 Slot1 ch4 : -1657.1
S1 Slot1 ch5 : -1870.7
S1 Slot1 ch6 : -1836.6
S1 Slot1 ch7 : -1675.6
S1 Slot1 ch8 : -1556.9
S1 Slot1 ch9 : -1621.1
S1 Slot1 ch10 : -1746.5
S1 Slot1 ch11 : -1760.6
Left Cerenkov HV
GCER Slot2 ch0 : -1522.3
GCER Slot2 ch1 : -1437.2
GCER Slot2 ch2 : -1511.2
GCER Slot2 ch3 : -1421.2
GCER Slot2 ch4 : -1766.4
GCER Slot2 ch5 : -1990.5
GCER Slot2 ch6 : -15.5
GCER Slot2 ch7 : -1724.8
GCER Slot2 ch8 : -1960.8
GCER Slot2 ch9 : -1519.7
GCER Slot2 ch10 : -1745.2
GCER Slot2 ch11 : -14.6
Left Pion Rejector Layer 1 HV
PRL1 Slot3 ch0 : -900.3
PRL1 Slot3 ch1 : -815.1
PRL1 Slot3 ch2 : -931.9
PRL1 Slot3 ch3 : -985.8
PRL1 Slot3 ch4 : -787.1
PRL1 Slot3 ch5 : -886.9
PRL1 Slot3 ch6 : -1095
PRL1 Slot3 ch7 : -1012.6
PRL1 Slot3 ch8 : -834.9
PRL1 Slot3 ch9 : -816.1
PRL1 Slot3 ch10 : -886.6
PRL1 Slot3 ch11 : -809.5
PRL1 Slot4 ch0 : -901.1
PRL1 Slot4 ch1 : -931.4
PRL1 Slot4 ch2 : -767.4
PRL1 Slot4 ch3 : -941.2
PRL1 Slot4 ch4 : -921.7
PRL1 Slot4 ch5 : -901.3
PRL1 Slot4 ch6 : -920.2
PRL1 Slot4 ch7 : -796.5
PRL1 Slot4 ch8 : -883.2
PRL1 Slot4 ch9 : -811.5
PRL1 Slot4 ch10 : -910.5
PRL1 Slot4 ch11 : -851.5
PRL1 Slot5 ch0 : -885.9
PRL1 Slot5 ch1 : -829.7
PRL1 Slot5 ch2 : -778.7
PRL1 Slot5 ch3 : -836.2
PRL1 Slot5 ch4 : -840.9
PRL1 Slot5 ch5 : -755.2
PRL1 Slot5 ch6 : -800.4
PRL1 Slot5 ch7 : -860.3
PRL1 Slot5 ch8 : -881.3
PRL1 Slot5 ch9 : -968.3
PRL1 Slot5 ch10 : -5
PRL1 Slot5 ch11 : -14.9
Left Pion Rejector Layer 2 HV
PRL2 Slot9 ch0 : -804.7
PRL2 Slot9 ch1 : -796.3
PRL2 Slot9 ch2 : -820.8
PRL2 Slot9 ch3 : -772.6
PRL2 Slot9 ch4 : -720.6
PRL2 Slot9 ch5 : -901
PRL2 Slot9 ch6 : -795.8
PRL2 Slot9 ch7 : -990.2
PRL2 Slot9 ch8 : -924.2
PRL2 Slot9 ch9 : -865.2
PRL2 Slot9 ch10 : -1080.7
PRL2 Slot9 ch11 : -1054.4
PRL2 Slot10 ch0 : -807
PRL2 Slot10 ch1 : -861.3
PRL2 Slot10 ch2 : -1009.7
PRL2 Slot10 ch3 : -904.5
PRL2 Slot10 ch4 : -864.8
PRL2 Slot10 ch5 : -825.6
PRL2 Slot10 ch6 : -838.1
PRL2 Slot10 ch7 : -829.4
PRL2 Slot10 ch8 : -1190.4
PRL2 Slot10 ch9 : -1041.2
PRL2 Slot10 ch10 : -1081.1
PRL2 Slot10 ch11 : -836.5
PRL2 Slot11 ch0 : -1075.5
PRL2 Slot11 ch1 : -900.4
PRL2 Slot11 ch2 : -946.3
PRL2 Slot11 ch3 : -765.8
PRL2 Slot11 ch4 : -914.8
PRL2 Slot11 ch5 : -823.8
PRL2 Slot11 ch6 : -839
PRL2 Slot11 ch7 : -890.5
PRL2 Slot11 ch8 : -785.9
PRL2 Slot11 ch9 : -840.6
PRL2 Slot11 ch10 : -2.9
PRL2 Slot11 ch11 : -11.7
# Map RHRS_VDC Measured Voltage
# Map RHRS_VDC Measured Current
# Map RHRS_PMTS Measured Voltage
1 : -650 -700 -701 -657 -646 -703 -2121 -703 -1920 -1079 -1060 -976 -857 -2581 -6
2 : -712 -699 -701 -668 -713 -669 -2131 -723 -1831 -1116 -992 -1094 -1046 -2542 -561
3 : -729 -700 -700 -659 -601 -674 -2051 -718 -1690 -1075 -976 -1126 -1035 -2531 -658
4 : -796 -700 -5 -688 -606 -665 -1902 -750 -2001 -1083 -1067 -1062 -1051 -2666 -6
5 : -694 -701 -687 -668 -669 -672 -1712 -851 -1603 -1072 -1072 -1026 -1107 -2465 -845
6 : -714 -700 -690 -666 -625 -661 -1952 -805 -1791 -1044 -1056 -1090 -1141 -2580 -966
7 : -702 -700 -673 -826 -657 -662 -2051 -10 -1822 -1056 -1147 -1106 -1189 -2601 -697
8 : -670 -701 -647 -9 -663 -612 -2076 -14 -2092 -1070 -1056 -1074 -1266 -2591 -682
9 : -679 -700 -659 -670 -698 -668 -2002 -15 -1753 -1069 -1209 -1040 -1076 -2426 -6
10 : -696 -701 -658 -679 -679 -668 -2152 -14 -1722 -1068 -1114 -1039 -967 -2543 -6
11 : -650 -700 -639 -662 -750 -661 -1772 -15 -1822 -1069 -976 -1085 -978 -12 -1057
12 : -679 -701 -678 -649 -6 -718 -2083 -14 -1712 -1054 -976 -1102 -1001 -14 -563
# Map RHRS_PMTS Measured Current
1 : -155 -167 -167 -155 -154 -165 -1303 -167 -866 -277 -271 -250 -220 -484 -0
2 : -169 -166 -167 -159 -169 -164 -1309 -172 -825 -286 -254 -280 -269 -476 -347
3 : -175 -167 -166 -157 -143 -163 -1260 -171 -762 -276 -250 -289 -265 -474 -409
4 : -190 -167 0 -164 -144 -163 -1167 -178 -902 -278 -274 -272 -270 -508 0
5 : -165 -166 -164 -159 -159 -162 -772 -202 -723 -275 -275 -263 -284 -435 -522
6 : -170 -167 -164 -158 -149 -162 -1195 -192 -808 -267 -271 -279 -293 -498 -598
7 : -167 -166 -160 -196 -156 -162 -1259 -0 -821 -271 -293 -284 -304 -492 -431
8 : -160 -167 -154 -0 -158 -150 -1276 -0 -943 -274 -271 -276 -325 -488 -425
9 : -161 -166 -156 -160 -166 -163 -1226 0 -790 -275 -310 -266 -276 -448 -0
10 : -166 -167 -156 -162 -162 -164 -1321 -0 -775 -274 -286 -267 -248 -476 -0
11 : -155 -166 -152 -158 -179 -163 -1087 0 -1114 -274 -250 -278 -251 0 -656
12 : -162 -167 -161 -155 0 -172 -1274 -0 -1049 -270 -251 -282 -257 -0 -344
CODA config : config RightHrs LeftHrs
HAPPEX run : 13993