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    Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

    User name silwal

    Log entry time 11:38:36 on February 22, 2010

    Entry number 309587

    This entry is a followup to: 309572

    keyword=CHInj2 config .db file and online monitor, restored Prex config scripts to include all the crates in the .db file

    I made the following changes: - modified the CHInj2 config to call the startAnalyzer_prex so that we are using the analyzer from ~apar/prex/panguin_backend/ for online monitor. - made appropriate changes so that CHInj2 creates .db file by using CHInj2.def in ~db/config/ - undid the changes to Prex config scripts that we had made over the weekend. So now the .db file created by Prex config has information from all the crates.

    NOTE:: The adcx's from the counting house crate is still blanked out.

    A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: dalton@jlab.org, pasckhe@jlab.org, rom@jlab.org, mercado@jlab.org