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User name mcnulty
Log entry time 09:15:03 on March 19, 2010
Entry number 312068
keyword=Results from Left arm Cosmic tests (everything but the GEMs)
Figure 1 shows the ADC distributions from the scintillator and quartz
detector signals. The first two are the Quartz dets (note the A_T det is
not yet installed). The "Lower" Quartz is the detector encountered first
by the cosmic ray and the "upper" Quartz follows. The lower quatrz has a
z-thickness of 6mm while the upper Quartz has a thickness of 1.0cm (see
figure 2 for more details of the Quartz pulse height dists. The s0 adcs
look very good, the lower scintillator looks good, but the upper
scintillator has a poor signal compared to the lower scint.
We should investigate this a bit since the upper scint is more important
than the lower. Maybe we should switch the paddle positions?
For Figure 2, the fit to the upper quartz is no good, but one can see
that the upper signal is larger than the lower quartz signal by ~50%.
Figure 3 shows the VDC tracks projected to the location of the quartz
detectors; however the projection is to a horizontal plane at the
detector transport-z location, but the detectors are in the vertical
plane for the cosmic tests. The black histograms cut on the cosmic
trigger bit and the two paddles adc above pedestal. The red hists show
the shadow of the quartz detectors after applying an above pedestal adc cut.
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Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3