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    User name a-onl

    Log entry time 11:14:59 on April 8, 2010

    Entry number 316726

     Run Number: 6639
     End of Run Comment:
    Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=Super-Thin C12,beam_e0=1.063,beam_raster=off,beam_current=1.0,leftarm_p=1.063,leftarm_theta=5.0,leftarm_sieve=sieve,rightarm_p=1.063,rightarm_theta=5.0,rightarm_sieve=sieve,comment_text=s2 pedestal run (5 lead glass chanels+additional cabel)
    PRESCALE FACTORS:ps1=999999   ps2=1000000   ps3=99999   ps4=99999   ps5=99999   ps6=100000   ps7=65535   ps8=1   
    EVENTS   : [0]: 10246        
    TIME     : [0]: 1.876 mins  
    LIVE calc. crudely accounts for correlations.  Need offline calc. 
    DEAD TIME: [0]:  91.11%      
    T1[0] : 0.0/0.0  Hz   T2[0] : 0.0/99.0 Hz   T3[0] : 0.0/0.0  Hz   T4[0] : 0.0/0.0  Hz   T5[0] : 0.0/0.0  Hz   T6[0] : 0.0/0.0  Hz   T7[0] : 0.0/0.0  Hz   T8[0] :1024.0/1024.0 Hz   
    T1[0] :      0/0        T2[0] :      0/11148    T3[0] :      0/0        T4[0] :      0/0        T5[0] :      0/0        T6[0] :      0/0        T7[0] :      0/0        T8[0] : 115274/115274   
    BCM x1 : -0.0182uA  BCM x3 : -0.0253uA  BCM x10: -0.0143uA  
    BCM u1 [0]:-1.574E-06     BCM u3 [0]:-4.568E-06     BCM u10[0]:-2.089E-06     
    BCM d1 [0]:-2.512E-06     BCM d3 [0]:-1.118E-06     BCM d10[0]:-1.121E-06     
    End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 6639 at Thu Apr 8 11:14:50 EDT 2010
    Left Arm Top VDC Current : 1.46484
    Left Arm Bottom VDC Current : 1.46484
    Left Arm Top VDC voltage : 0.0180664
    Left Arm Bottom VDC voltage : 0.0180664
    Right Arm Top VDC Current : -1.5625
    Right Arm Bottom VDC Current : -1.46484
    Right Arm Top VDC voltage : -0.012207
    Right Arm Bottom VDC voltage : -0.00732422
    Left Arm Q1 momentum : 1.06319
    Left Arm Q1 power supply : 582.185
    Left Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.04889
    Left Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.2431
    Left Arm Q2 power supply current : 461.836
    Left Arm Q2 momentum : 1.06306
    Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : disabled
    Left Arm D1 power supply current : 353.845
    Left Arm D1 momentum : 1.06303
    Left Arm D1 NMR : 0.39355
    Left Arm arm angle : -0.179
    Left Arm Q3 gauss meter : -0.28742
    Left Arm Q3 power supply current : 569.769
    Left Arm Q3 momentum : 1.06284
    Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
    Right Arm Q1 momentum : 1.063
    Right Arm Q1 power supply : 582.132
    Right Arm Q1 gauss meter : -0.014588
    Right Arm Q2 power supply current : 463.385
    Right Arm Q2 momentum : 1.06291
    Right Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.2424
    Right Arm Q2 power supply polarity : enabled
    Right Arm D1 power supply current : 364.653
    Right Arm D1 momentum : 1.06303
    Right Arm D1 NMR : 0.394477
    Right Arm arm angle : 0.197
    Right Arm Q3 power supply current : 573.446
    Right Arm Q3 momentum : 1.06299
    Right Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.2564
    Right Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
    Average current of the two cavities : 0.0232953
    Current on Unser monitor : 21.116
    Current on Upstream bcm : 0.0323791
    Current on Downstream bcm : 0.0142114
    Upstream Cavity Coefficient : 42.6
    Downstream Cavity Coefficient : 43.8
    Current on IBC0L02 (source) : 3.57417
    Hall C Current : 0
    MBSY1c magnet current (amp) : 1.33514e-05
    MBSY1c Bdl : 264859
    Hall A momentum (Tiefenbach) (HALLA:p) : 1060.52
    Hall A momentum orbit correction (dpp) : 0
    Hall A setup momentum (MMSHLAE) : 1063.12
    Hall A energy (halla_MeV) : 1060.52
    Hall C energy (hallc_MeV) : 5092.66
    Delta(E)/E width (MV_AI_DXWID) : 2.79606
    IPM1C12.XPOS : 0
    IPM1H04A.XPOS : 0
    IPM1H04A.YPOS : 0
    IPM1H04B.XPOS : 0
    IPM1H04B.YPOS : 0
    Wien angle (Vertical) : 88.8235
    Wien Vertical BDL (Gcm) : 2152.7
    Wien HV Polarity : OFF
    Wien electrode Voltage : 55.48
    Wien angle (Solenoids) : 90.7456
    Wien BDL (First Solenoid) (Gcm) : 876.345
    Wien BDL (Second Solenoid) (Gcm) : 876.346
    Wien angle (Horizontal) : -51.9996
    Wien BDL (Gcm) : -1188.9
    Wien HV Polarity (Horizontal) : ON
    Wien electrode Voltage (Horizontal) : 32.828
    Laser attenuation Hall A : 75
    Laser power Hall A : 100
    Half-wave plate (off=out) : IN
    rotating waveplate : 2350
    Beam Half-wave plate (off=out) : IN
    Helicity Delay Set : 16 windows
    Helicity Pattern Set : Octet
    Helicity Clock Set : Free Clock
    Helicity Settle Read : 100
    Helicity Stable Read : 4067
    Helicity Delay Read : 16 windows
    Helicity Pattern : Octet
    Helicity Clock Read : Free Clock
    Helicity Frequency : 239.981
    Target : Empty
    fan frequency loop 1 : 0
    fan frequency loop 3 : 0
    Encoder position : 1.33953e+07
    Target type : 1.33953e+07
    temperature loop 1(1) : 119.99
    temperature loop 1(2) : 119.99
    temperature loop 1(3) : 119.99
    temperature loop 3(1) : 99.99
    temperature loop 3(2) : 99.99
    temperature loop 3(3) : 29.99
    Heat exchange LH2 : 281.8
    Heat exchange LH2 : 301.5
    HPH H2 loop 1 : 0.0970926
    HPH H2 loop 3 : 0.00293052
    Left Det/Scint/S0 HV
    Upper Quartz : -15.6
    Lower Quartz : -17.6
    A_T Quartz : -2.8
    Upper Scint : -5.8
    Lower Scint : -8.2
    S0 A : -7.5
    S0 B : -7.4
    Det Encoder Position for PREX
    Left Main Det x : 0.363281
    Left Main Det y : 0.0366211
    Right Main Det x : HacH_DTC_HPE1313A:0_Ch10 --- Invalid channel name
    Right Main Det y : 0.0366211
    PREX Septum
    Current Setpoint(Amps) : 0
    Current Readback(Amps) : 0