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    User name a-onl

    Log entry time 18:25:03 on September 7, 2010

    Entry number 332079

     Run Number: 6227
     End of Run Comment:
    Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target, Empty,beam_e0=2.261,beam_raster=on,beam_current=2,leftarm_p=1.131,leftarm_theta=5.0,leftarm_sieve=sieve,calo_theta=22,calo_distance=24,comment_text=Test low rate
    PRESCALE FACTORS:ps1=100000   ps2=1000000   ps3=1000000   ps4=65535   ps5=65000   ps6=65000   ps7=10   ps8=65535   
    EVENTS   : [0]: 37           
    TIME     : [0]: 0.017 mins  
    LIVE calc. crudely accounts for correlations.  Need offline calc. 
    DEAD TIME: [0]:  21.30%      
    T1[0] : 0.0/595.0 Hz   T2[0] : 0.0/207.0 Hz   T3[0] : 0.0/207.0 Hz   T4[0] : 0.0/0.0  Hz   T5[0] : 0.0/0.0  Hz   T6[0] : 0.0/0.0  Hz   T7[0] :47.0/470.0 Hz   T8[0] : 0.0/515.0 Hz   
    T1[0] :      0/595      T2[0] :      0/207      T3[0] :      0/207      T4[0] :      0/0        T5[0] :      0/0        T6[0] :      0/0        T7[0] :     47/470      T8[0] :      0/515      
    BCM x1 : -0.1094uA  BCM x3 : -0.0324uA  BCM x10: -0.0169uA  
    BCM u1 [0]:-1.528E-07     BCM u3 [0]:-4.801E-08     BCM u10[0]:-2.006E-08     
    BCM d1 [0]:-6.594E-08     BCM d3 [0]:-1.685E-08     BCM d10[0]:-1.367E-08     
    total triggers are divided by aproximate beam charge (u1+d1)/2
    T1[0] :-0          /5.44E+09      T2[0] :-0          /1.893E+09     T3[0] :-0          /1.893E+09     T4[0] :-0          /-0            T5[0] :-0          /-0            T6[0] :-0          /-0            T7[0] :4.297E+08   /4.297E+09     T8[0] :-0          /4.709E+09     
    End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number 6227 at Tue Sep 7 18:24:41 EDT 2010
    Left Arm Top VDC Current : 1.5625
    Left Arm Bottom VDC Current : 1.5625
    Left Arm Top VDC voltage : 0.0185547
    Left Arm Bottom VDC voltage : 0.0195312
    Right Arm Top VDC Current : -1.5625
    Right Arm Bottom VDC Current : -1.5625
    Right Arm Top VDC voltage : -0.0126953
    Right Arm Bottom VDC voltage : -0.0126953
    Left Arm Q1 momentum : 0.00104986
    Left Arm Q1 power supply : 0
    Left Arm Q1 gauss meter : 0.0002324
    Left Arm Q2 gauss meter : 0.0002143
    Left Arm Q2 power supply current : 0.0243197
    Left Arm Q2 momentum : 0.000258192
    Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : disabled
    Left Arm D1 power supply current : 0.0167785
    Left Arm D1 momentum : 0.00290844
    Left Arm D1 NMR : 0.335615
    Left Arm arm angle : -0.179
    Left Arm Q3 gauss meter : 0.00060231
    Left Arm Q3 power supply current : 0.00634196
    Left Arm Q3 momentum : 0.000720454
    Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : disabled
    Average current of the two cavities : 0.0214295
    Current on Unser monitor : 2.71251
    Current on Upstream bcm : 0.0286668
    Current on Downstream bcm : 0.0142704
    Upstream Cavity Coefficient : 42.6
    Downstream Cavity Coefficient : 43.8
    Current on IBC0L02 (source) : 0.0157226
    Hall C Current : 0
    MBSY1c magnet current (amp) : 0
    MBSY1c Bdl : 565057
    Hall A momentum (Tiefenbach) (HALLA:p) : 2261.56
    Hall A momentum orbit correction (dpp) : 0
    Hall A setup momentum (MMSHLAE) : 3361.88
    Hall A energy (halla_MeV) : 2261.56
    Hall C energy (hallc_MeV) : 1160.92
    Delta(E)/E width (MV_AI_DXWID) : 3.64751
    IPM1C12.XPOS : 0
    IPM1H04A.XPOS : 0
    IPM1H04A.YPOS : 0
    IPM1H04B.XPOS : 0
    IPM1H04B.YPOS : 0
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : -0.231445
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : 23.584
    HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : -0.231934
    Left Arm Angle Vernier : 0
    Left Arm Scattering Angle : -0.179
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Top : 3.89795
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Bottom : 3.96533
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Voltage1 : 4.97021
    Left VDC -DISC LVL Voltage2 : -5.05371
    Wien angle (Vertical) : 0
    Wien Vertical BDL (Gcm) : 3.18799
    Wien HV Polarity : OFF
    Wien electrode Voltage : 0
    Wien angle (Solenoids) : 0.852554
    Wien BDL (First Solenoid) (Gcm) : 7.34
    Wien BDL (Second Solenoid) (Gcm) : 9.18
    Wien angle (Horizontal) : 0
    Wien BDL (Gcm) : 7.01742
    Wien HV Polarity (Horizontal) : OFF
    Wien electrode Voltage (Horizontal) : 0
    Laser attenuation Hall A : 0
    Laser power Hall A : 100
    Half-wave plate (off=out) : OUT
    rotating waveplate : 2000
    Beam Half-wave plate (off=out) : OUT
    Helicity Delay Set : 8 windows
    Helicity Pattern Set : Quartet
    Helicity Clock Set : Free Clock
    Helicity Settle Read : 500
    Helicity Stable Read : 33330
    Helicity Delay Read : 8 windows
    Helicity Pattern : Quartet
    Helicity Clock Read : Free Clock
    Helicity Frequency : 29.5596
    Target : Clear
    fan frequency loop 1 : 0
    fan frequency loop 3 : 0
    Encoder position : 0
    Target type : 0
    temperature loop 1(1) : 119.99
    temperature loop 1(2) : 119.99
    temperature loop 1(3) : 119.99
    temperature loop 3(1) : 0
    temperature loop 3(2) : 0
    temperature loop 3(3) : 0
    Heat exchange LH2 : 282.7
    Heat exchange LH2 : 302.1
    HPH H2 loop 1 : 0.0669839
    HPH H2 loop 3 : 0.0170928
    === DVCS Calorimeter ===
    Measured HV voltages
      0 :      1     -0      1      2      0     -0      1     -0     -0      0     -0     -2      1 
      1 :      0     -0     -0      0      1     -0      0     -0     -0      1      1     -0      1 
      2 :      1     -0      1      0      0      0      1     -0     -1      1      0     -1      1 
      3 :      2      0     -1      1     -0     -0     -0      1     -0      1      0     -2      1 
      4 :      0      0      0      0     -0      1      0      0      1     -1     -0      1     -0 
      5 :     -0     -1      1      1      1      0     -0      0      2      1      1      2     -1 
      6 :     -0     -0      0     -0     -0      0     -0     -0      1     -0      0      1     -1 
      7 :     -1     -1      0     -1     -0      1     -1      1      0      1      0      1      0 
      8 :      1      2     -0      0      1     -1      0      2     -0     -0      1      1     -1 
      9 :     -1      0      1     -0      1     -0      0      2      0     -1     -0      0     -0 
     10 :     -0      1      1      1      1     -0     -1      0      0     -1      1      0     -1 
     11 :      0      0      0      1      0     -1     -1      1      0     -0      1      1     -0 
     12 :      0      1     -1      2      0     -1      1     -1     -0      2      1      1     -0 
     13 :      0     -1      0      0      0     -2      1     -1      0      2     -0     -0      1 
     14 :      0     -1     -1      1      1     -0      1     -0      0      1      1     -0      1 
     15 :      0      0     -0      2     -0     -0      1     -1      1      2      0      0     -0 
    Measured HV currents
      0 :     -2     -0     -0      0      1      0     -0     -0      2     -0      0      0      0 
      1 :     -4      0     -1      1      0     -0      1     -0      0     -2      0      1      0 
      2 :     -3     -0      0      1     -0      1      0     -1     -1      2      1     -0     -0 
      3 :     -3      0      2      0      1      0      0     -1      1     -0      0      1      0 
      4 :     -3     -0     -0      1      2      0      0      0     -1      0      1      0      0 
      5 :     -2     -0      0      1      1      2     -1      0     -0     -2      2      0     -0 
      6 :     -3      0     -0     -0      0      0      0      0     -0      2      0     -1      0 
      7 :     -3     -0      0     -0      0     -2      1     -0      1     -0      1      1     -2 
      8 :     -1     -1     -1      0     -0      0     -0      1      2     -1     -0     -0     -1 
      9 :     -4      0     -0      0     -1      1      0      0      1      0      1      1     -0 
     10 :     -3     -0     -0      1     -0      0      1     -0     -0     -0      0      0      0 
     11 :     -3      0     -0      2      0      0      0      0      0      2      0      0     -2 
     12 :     -1      0      0      2      1      0      0      0      0     -0      1     -0      0 
     13 :     -0     -0      0      0     -1      0      0      0      1      0      0      0      0 
     14 :     -1     -0     -0      0     -1      0      0     -1     -0     -0     -0      0      1 
     15 :      0      0      0      0      3      0      1     -0      0     -0     -0     -0     -0 
    Measured anode currents
    anode current of block row 0 column 0 : -0.098
    anode current of block row 0 column 1 : -0.016
    anode current of block row 0 column 2 : -0.010
    anode current of block row 0 column 3 : 0.046
    anode current of block row 0 column 4 : -0.049
    anode current of block row 0 column 5 : -0.029
    anode current of block row 0 column 6 : -0.024
    anode current of block row 0 column 7 : 0.024
    anode current of block row 0 column 8 : -0.017
    anode current of block row 0 column 9 : -0.016
    anode current of block row 0 column 10 : -0.017
    anode current of block row 0 column 11 : 0.038
    anode current of block row 0 column 12 : -0.039
    anode current of block row 1 column 0 : -0.020
    anode current of block row 1 column 1 : -0.015
    anode current of block row 1 column 2 : 0.043
    anode current of block row 1 column 3 : -0.034
    anode current of block row 1 column 4 : -0.011
    anode current of block row 1 column 5 : -0.015
    anode current of block row 1 column 6 : 0.043
    anode current of block row 1 column 7 : -0.031
    anode current of block row 1 column 8 : -0.015
    anode current of block row 1 column 9 : -0.017
    anode current of block row 1 column 10 : 0.038
    anode current of block row 1 column 11 : 0.033
    anode current of block row 1 column 12 : 0.034
    anode current of block row 2 column 0 : 0.035
    anode current of block row 2 column 1 : 0.087
    anode current of block row 2 column 2 : 0.020
    anode current of block row 2 column 3 : 0.042
    anode current of block row 2 column 4 : 0.035
    anode current of block row 2 column 5 : 0.085
    anode current of block row 2 column 6 : -0.020
    anode current of block row 2 column 7 : -0.045
    anode current of block row 2 column 8 : -0.040
    anode current of block row 2 column 9 : 0.017
    anode current of block row 2 column 10 : -0.048
    anode current of block row 2 column 11 : -0.027
    anode current of block row 2 column 12 : -0.027
    anode current of block row 3 column 0 : 0.029
    anode current of block row 3 column 1 : -0.037
    anode current of block row 3 column 2 : -0.028
    anode current of block row 3 column 3 : -0.035
    anode current of block row 3 column 4 : 0.009
    anode current of block row 3 column 5 : -0.049
    anode current of block row 3 column 6 : -0.031
    anode current of block row 3 column 7 : -0.035
    anode current of block row 3 column 8 : 0.012
    anode current of block row 3 column 9 : -0.017
    anode current of block row 3 column 10 : -0.001
    anode current of block row 3 column 11 : -0.005
    anode current of block row 3 column 12 : 0.042
    anode current of block row 4 column 0 : -0.017
    anode current of block row 4 column 1 : -0.002
    anode current of block row 4 column 2 : -0.005
    anode current of block row 4 column 3 : 0.039
    anode current of block row 4 column 4 : 0.009
    anode current of block row 4 column 5 : 0.042
    anode current of block row 4 column 6 : 0.040
    anode current of block row 4 column 7 : 0.081
    anode current of block row 4 column 8 : 0.074
    anode current of block row 4 column 9 : 0.110
    anode current of block row 4 column 10 : 0.101
    anode current of block row 4 column 11 : 0.079
    anode current of block row 4 column 12 : 0.077
    anode current of block row 5 column 0 : 0.101
    anode current of block row 5 column 1 : 0.096
    anode current of block row 5 column 2 : 0.066
    anode current of block row 5 column 3 : -0.020
    anode current of block row 5 column 4 : -0.017
    anode current of block row 5 column 5 : -0.023
    anode current of block row 5 column 6 : -0.044
    anode current of block row 5 column 7 : -0.034
    anode current of block row 5 column 8 : -0.018
    anode current of block row 5 column 9 : -0.022
    anode current of block row 5 column 10 : -0.042
    anode current of block row 5 column 11 : 0.099
    anode current of block row 5 column 12 : 0.111
    anode current of block row 6 column 0 : 0.115
    anode current of block row 6 column 1 : 0.087
    anode current of block row 6 column 2 : 0.099
    anode current of block row 6 column 3 : 0.116
    anode current of block row 6 column 4 : 0.123
    anode current of block row 6 column 5 : 0.079
    anode current of block row 6 column 6 : 0.076
    anode current of block row 6 column 7 : 0.100
    anode current of block row 6 column 8 : 0.098
    anode current of block row 6 column 9 : 0.070
    anode current of block row 6 column 10 : 0.071
    anode current of block row 6 column 11 : 0.094
    anode current of block row 6 column 12 : 0.101
    anode current of block row 7 column 0 : 0.071
    anode current of block row 7 column 1 : -0.031
    anode current of block row 7 column 2 : -0.031
    anode current of block row 7 column 3 : -0.028
    anode current of block row 7 column 4 : -0.044
    anode current of block row 7 column 5 : -0.037
    anode current of block row 7 column 6 : -0.001
    anode current of block row 7 column 7 : -0.007
    anode current of block row 7 column 8 : -0.032
    anode current of block row 7 column 9 : 0.193
    anode current of block row 7 column 10 : 0.192
    anode current of block row 7 column 11 : 0.189
    anode current of block row 7 column 12 : 0.162
    anode current of block row 8 column 0 : 0.183
    anode current of block row 8 column 1 : 0.194
    anode current of block row 8 column 2 : 0.195
    anode current of block row 8 column 3 : 0.175
    anode current of block row 8 column 4 : 0.090
    anode current of block row 8 column 5 : 0.096
    anode current of block row 8 column 6 : 0.093
    anode current of block row 8 column 7 : 0.062
    anode current of block row 8 column 8 : 0.077
    anode current of block row 8 column 9 : 0.098
    anode current of block row 8 column 10 : 0.096
    anode current of block row 8 column 11 : 0.070
    anode current of block row 8 column 12 : 0.068
    anode current of block row 9 column 0 : 0.066
    anode current of block row 9 column 1 : 0.055
    anode current of block row 9 column 2 : 0.034
    anode current of block row 9 column 3 : 0.074
    anode current of block row 9 column 4 : 0.089
    anode current of block row 9 column 5 : 0.077
    anode current of block row 9 column 6 : 0.132
    anode current of block row 9 column 7 : 0.059
    anode current of block row 9 column 8 : 0.077
    anode current of block row 9 column 9 : 0.045
    anode current of block row 9 column 10 : 0.107
    anode current of block row 9 column 11 : -0.034
    anode current of block row 9 column 12 : -0.042
    anode current of block row 10 column 0 : -0.062
    anode current of block row 10 column 1 : -0.021
    anode current of block row 10 column 2 : -0.044
    anode current of block row 10 column 3 : -0.042
    anode current of block row 10 column 4 : -0.049
    anode current of block row 10 column 5 : 2.206
    anode current of block row 10 column 6 : 0.077
    anode current of block row 10 column 7 : 0.084
    anode current of block row 10 column 8 : 0.067
    anode current of block row 10 column 9 : 0.116
    anode current of block row 10 column 10 : 0.071
    anode current of block row 10 column 11 : 0.099
    anode current of block row 10 column 12 : 0.076
    anode current of block row 11 column 0 : 0.129
    anode current of block row 11 column 1 : 0.084
    anode current of block row 11 column 2 : 0.095
    anode current of block row 11 column 3 : 0.074
    anode current of block row 11 column 4 : 0.106
    anode current of block row 11 column 5 : 0.070
    anode current of block row 11 column 6 : 0.092
    anode current of block row 11 column 7 : 0.061
    anode current of block row 11 column 8 : 0.115
    anode current of block row 11 column 9 : -0.052
    anode current of block row 11 column 10 : -0.034
    anode current of block row 11 column 11 : -0.049
    anode current of block row 11 column 12 : -0.010
    anode current of block row 12 column 0 : -0.040
    anode current of block row 12 column 1 : -0.035
    anode current of block row 12 column 2 : -0.057
    anode current of block row 12 column 3 : -0.010
    anode current of block row 12 column 4 : 0.194
    anode current of block row 12 column 5 : 0.193
    anode current of block row 12 column 6 : 0.167
    anode current of block row 12 column 7 : 0.211
    anode current of block row 12 column 8 : 0.197
    anode current of block row 12 column 9 : 0.189
    anode current of block row 12 column 10 : 0.172
    anode current of block row 12 column 11 : 0.219
    anode current of block row 12 column 12 : 0.074
    anode current of block row 13 column 0 : 0.084
    anode current of block row 13 column 1 : 0.055
    anode current of block row 13 column 2 : 0.111
    anode current of block row 13 column 3 : 0.081
    anode current of block row 13 column 4 : 0.090
    anode current of block row 13 column 5 : 0.063
    anode current of block row 13 column 6 : 0.123
    anode current of block row 13 column 7 : 0.065
    anode current of block row 13 column 8 : 0.067
    anode current of block row 13 column 9 : 0.050
    anode current of block row 13 column 10 : 0.106
    anode current of block row 13 column 11 : 0.057
    anode current of block row 13 column 12 : 0.099
    anode current of block row 14 column 0 : 0.093
    anode current of block row 14 column 1 : 0.072
    anode current of block row 14 column 2 : 0.079
    anode current of block row 14 column 3 : 0.092
    anode current of block row 14 column 4 : 0.087
    anode current of block row 14 column 5 : 0.063
    anode current of block row 14 column 6 : -0.048
    anode current of block row 14 column 7 : -0.023
    anode current of block row 14 column 8 : -0.031
    anode current of block row 14 column 9 : -0.059
    anode current of block row 14 column 10 : -0.049
    anode current of block row 14 column 11 : -0.028
    anode current of block row 14 column 12 : -0.040
    anode current of block row 15 column 0 : -0.066
    anode current of block row 15 column 1 : 0.087
    anode current of block row 15 column 2 : 0.098
    anode current of block row 15 column 3 : 0.090
    anode current of block row 15 column 4 : 0.067
    anode current of block row 15 column 5 : 0.095
    anode current of block row 15 column 6 : 0.109
    anode current of block row 15 column 7 : 0.103
    anode current of block row 15 column 8 : 0.085
    anode current of block row 15 column 9 : 0.077
    anode current of block row 15 column 10 : 0.111
    anode current of block row 15 column 11 : 0.092
    anode current of block row 15 column 12 : 0.082