Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for September 10 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
333274 09/30/10 23:56 efuchey Compton Rates
333273 09/30/10 23:53 O.Glamazdin Moller SC magnet alignment test
333272 09/30/10 23:51 Carlos Swing shift summary
333271 09/30/10 23:43 Carlos Lumi test runlist
333270 09/30/10 23:25 jroche Loosing ROC 4 again?
333267 09/30/10 22:01 J. Zhang, Moller magnet alishment test started
333266 09/30/10 21:58 Carlos Moller magent alignment
333265 09/30/10 21:36 Carlos BPM Calibration
333244 09/30/10 18:58 riordan Hall to Beam Permit
333242 09/30/10 18:43 Carlos Harp scan results
333236 09/30/10 18:15 Kalyan Lumi high voltage settings
333234 09/30/10 16:58 hsmith Moeller Magnet
333233 09/30/10 16:56 folts checklist
333232 09/30/10 16:36 hisham delay box
333231 09/30/10 16:10 A. Shahinyan R arm VDC
333217 09/30/10 14:19 efuchey Compton cavity status
333216 09/30/10 14:19 efuchey Compton cavity status
333211 09/30/10 12:34 Carlos Events for Magali
333210 09/30/10 12:32 Carlos Events for Magali
333200 09/30/10 11:44 A. Camsonne Board read out order change to 592
333199 09/30/10 11:43 Hisham Eff. Trigg.
333198 09/30/10 11:30 efuchey epics reboot
333197 09/30/10 11:29 atrig Trigger-Download
333196 09/30/10 11:22 R. Michaels roc4 woes and revival inclu bpm/raster
333192 09/30/10 11:09 efuchey compton collimator installed
333189 09/30/10 10:59 jroche/cshlo BPMS/ratser maps
333188 09/30/10 10:51 sasha Glamaz Moller magnet test
333176 09/30/10 07:07 riordan Request Hall to Restricted Access
333149 09/30/10 00:33 A. Camsonne Requested beam off and full survey when convenient for MCC
333147 09/30/10 00:25 A. Camsonne To do list for September 30th
333143 09/29/10 23:33 A. Camsonne Script for power cycling ROC17 and ROC18
333140 09/29/10 22:11 A. Camsonne HARP 4B not operational
333139 09/29/10 22:09 efuchey Compton rates
333137 09/29/10 21:18 A. Camsonne Killed CODA on adaql2 in adev account
333136 09/29/10 21:01 xiaohui Back to 5uA
333135 09/29/10 20:57 xiaohui Beam dump check
333134 09/29/10 20:37 xiaohui Harp scan result
333133 09/29/10 20:15 xiaohui Harp scan
333132 09/29/10 19:51 Xiaohui Compton chicane
333129 09/29/10 19:37 Xiaohui Pulse beam
333128 09/29/10 19:25 Xiaohui Beam delay
333127 09/29/10 18:53 riordan Called for Sweep
333126 09/29/10 18:37 riordan autosnapshots enabled
333120 09/29/10 18:28 jroche, cshl Modified DVCS calorimeter anode current epics logger + GUI needs to be modified too
333117 09/29/10 18:11 brads Experiment status update (Wed)
333113 09/29/10 17:43 Carlos Calorimeter HV channel trip
333103 09/29/10 16:49 atrig Trigger-Download
333098 09/29/10 16:25 atrig Trigger-Download
333097 09/29/10 16:19 brads Target position is "No Target", controls locked out for tonight
333095 09/29/10 15:55 hyde run 6834 end failed
333094 09/29/10 15:54 folts checklist/tech
333086 09/29/10 11:48 R. Michaels EDTM setup (L-HRS)
333067 09/28/10 22:05 jroche TDC1875: scope picture of signals: common start or common stop?
333055 09/28/10 20:40 A. Camsonne TS inputs replugged
333053 09/28/10 19:24 brads Late entry: Hall in Power permit for Hot checkout
333049 09/28/10 18:19 jroche NIM pulser plugged in place of signal of S2L9 (1875 tdc test)
333045 09/28/10 17:28 efuchey compton cavity
333044 09/28/10 17:28 jroche Epics logger at the beginning of the run fixed
333039 09/28/10 15:13 brads re: Magnet hall probe gaussmeters: New controls paradigm
333035 09/28/10 15:05 brads Experiment status update
333032 09/28/10 15:02 Jack (Techs) Magnet hall probe gaussmeters: New controls paradigm
333025 09/28/10 14:39 Magali state of the two crates
333024 09/28/10 14:39 Magali state of the two crates
333020 09/28/10 12:39 jroche Epics logger at the beginning of the run maybe broken
333016 09/28/10 12:06 atrig Trigger-Download
333015 09/28/10 12:06 atrig Trigger-Download
333003 09/28/10 10:59 R. Michaels feature to disable triggers using PS factors (when 0)
332996 09/28/10 10:05 brads Hot checkout tentatively scheduled for 6pm today
332995 09/28/10 10:03 Carlos Run 6795 Event 5912 ROC 17
332994 09/28/10 10:02 Carlos Run 6795 Event 5911 ROC 17
332993 09/28/10 09:45 R. Michaels solution to EPICS truncation
332992 09/28/10 08:45 atrig Trigger-Download
332990 09/28/10 00:52 A. Camsonne Calorimeter cosmics run 6795
332989 09/27/10 23:45 Magali new firmware version for ars
332975 09/27/10 19:10 A. Camsonne Run 6778 - run aligned by hand
332972 09/27/10 18:43 A. Camsonne TSettle plugged in T9 and gate send to TDC Run 6785
332971 09/27/10 18:41 efuchey Compton
332967 09/27/10 18:33 A. Camsonne Helicity trigger plugged in T9 and gate send to TDC
332957 09/27/10 17:25 J. Zhang FADC DAQ test after formware updrade
332949 09/27/10 15:54 J. Zhang Moller HV Off
332944 09/27/10 15:42 Carlos Event dump for Magali (ROC 17 Event 28000 run 6772)
332939 09/27/10 15:12 jroche Calorimeter Anode current are saved in coda file: some decoding glitch still need to be fixed
332938 09/27/10 15:12 jroche Calorimeter Anode current are saved in coda file: some decoding glitch still need to be fixed
332914 09/27/10 11:16 brads Experiment status update/summary
332863 09/26/10 12:57 Magali Calo to ARS cabling
332861 09/26/10 12:30 A. Camsonne ARS Boards stuck
332858 09/25/10 23:01 A. Camsonne Cosmics run 6724 - 2 DVCS crates
332840 09/25/10 14:00 A. Camsonne Added informations words in data stream
332830 09/24/10 23:18 A. Camsonne Calorimeter test runs top crate
332824 09/24/10 22:53 A. Camsonne DVCS Calorimeter LED unplugged
332820 09/24/10 22:39 A. Camsonne Found the LED !
332819 09/24/10 22:37 A. Camsonne LED run block 8 - run 6702
332813 09/24/10 21:44 A. Camsonne DVCS Calorimeter LED on
332797 09/24/10 12:11 J. Zhang Reboot moller old daq crate
332794 09/24/10 11:53 J. Zhang moller HV on for LED and cosmic run, (late entry)
332793 09/24/10 10:25 adaq event for magali
332776 09/23/10 22:25 A. Camsonne Test runs DAQ
332775 09/23/10 22:25 A. Camsonne Test runs DAQ
332774 09/23/10 22:10 A. Camsonne Only T5 left plugged on Trigger Supervisor
332753 09/23/10 16:38 hyde DVCS Triggers and Scalers
332740 09/22/10 23:44 A. Camsonne ARS cosmics run 6640
332723 09/22/10 21:43 A. Camsonne ARS cosmics event with polling on FIFO flags - Run 6632
332713 09/22/10 20:45 A. Camsonne Test runs cosmics top crate
332703 09/22/10 16:18 A. Camsonne Compton valve disabled
332701 09/22/10 15:52 Tecs Beamline velve check
332700 09/22/10 15:22 J. Zhang Helicity Frequency changed to 1000 Hz
332694 09/22/10 12:49 hyde DVCS Trigger timing delay
332692 09/22/10 10:48 hyde S2 L,R Discriminator gate widths
332691 09/22/10 10:46 hyde DVCS trigger signals from HRS
332687 09/22/10 08:23 A. Camsonne Signals unplugged at logic module
332678 09/22/10 05:11 A. Camsonne adaql6 disk bad message from Ole
332643 09/21/10 15:52 Kalyan Lumi signals in scaler (map)
332642 09/21/10 15:03 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector FSD check out complete
332631 09/20/10 19:22 A. Camsonne VDC U2 fixed - Run 6573
332627 09/20/10 18:15 jroche ADC need to be retimed.
332625 09/20/10 17:56 A. Shahinyan VDC
332621 09/20/10 15:27 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector magnetic probe cable replaced
332620 09/20/10 15:18 gunning raster
332619 09/20/10 11:15 R. Michaels smarter helicity packaging (scalers)
332617 09/20/10 10:49 A. Camsonne VDC database cratemap updated
332616 09/20/10 10:14 R. Michaels ring buff mods
332615 09/20/10 08:33 A. Camsonne VDC V2 missing and hole in U2
332608 09/19/10 21:17 A. Camsonne Short cosmics run two DVCS crate run 6562
332597 09/19/10 16:35 A. Camsonne Run 6558 - Run with two DVCS crates
332576 09/19/10 13:35 A. Camsonne dvcs folder backed up in Sept-10-2010
332575 09/19/10 13:26 A. Camsonne Event dump Run 6535 Event 30000
332574 09/19/10 13:24 A. Camsonne Event dump Run 6535 Event 90
332570 09/19/10 13:03 A. Camsonne ARS top crate pedestal run 6540
332564 09/19/10 02:03 A. Camsonne Run 6535 long cosmics run calorimeter
332562 09/19/10 01:52 A. Camsonne Calorimeter / DAQ status
332560 09/19/10 01:22 A. Camsonne Short cosmics ray run 6533
332547 09/18/10 21:20 A. Camsonne Run 6524 - Modified AM timing
332546 09/18/10 21:13 A. Camsonne Cosmics cables
332532 09/18/10 18:04 A. Camsonne Run 6517 - Test 3 ARS boards
332528 09/18/10 17:38 A. Camsonne Event dump Run 6513 Event 31
332527 09/18/10 17:33 Magne Magali scope of a pulse in channel 160 HV 800V
332523 09/18/10 17:11 A. Camsonne Run 6513 LED run HV 800V
332508 09/18/10 16:20 Magne Magali du trigger clk to the pulse input of ARS
332506 09/18/10 16:19 Magne Magali du trigger clk to the pulse input of ARS
332496 09/18/10 15:29 A. Camsonne LED calorimeter timing setup parameters
332475 09/18/10 13:43 R. Michaels redundant clocks in datastream
332469 09/18/10 13:15 R. Michaels DAQ fixed, was missing a gate
332439 09/17/10 17:53 A. Camsonne ARS config
332435 09/17/10 16:00 A. Camsonne Run 6454 - Top crate run with alignement
332414 09/17/10 12:42 jroche Uploaded new pedestals for pion rejectors + transport matrix
332389 09/16/10 16:59 hisham Trigger T4
332372 09/16/10 12:26 A. Camsonne Additionnal words in DVCS event structure
332361 09/16/10 11:53 efuchey fixed channel 204
332354 09/16/10 09:13 A.shahinyan L HRS VDC
332288 09/15/10 18:04 atrig Trigger-Download
332287 09/15/10 18:03 atrig Trigger-Download
332277 09/15/10 15:24 jroche LHRS testing the detector map (ct'd)
332273 09/15/10 14:13 Fansler/Carl UPS replaced
332272 09/15/10 14:11 fansler R arm Weka Valves
332269 09/15/10 12:35 A. Camsonne PS757 borrowed from right arm
332268 09/15/10 12:21 atrig Trigger-Download
332267 09/15/10 12:19 atrig Trigger-Download
332266 09/15/10 12:06 atrig Trigger-Download
332265 09/15/10 11:39 jroche LHRS detector map testing :status
332259 09/15/10 10:07 jroche More testing of the LHRS map after yesterday recabling of the TDCS
332251 09/14/10 17:28 R. Michaels Helicity (setup) info comm to VME
332250 09/14/10 17:12 Hisham TDC cabling
332242 09/14/10 10:34 jroche LHRS test of the dtector maps
332239 09/14/10 10:19 jroche anode current on the calo cannot be tested that way: probably fine
332237 09/14/10 09:48 jroche Something not quite rigth with the reading of the calo anode current
332218 09/13/10 23:37 A. Camsonne Low voltage off on calorimeter
332207 09/13/10 22:16 A. Camsonne DVCS calorimeter low voltage on
332206 09/13/10 19:50 Carlos Calorimeter HV and LV off
332205 09/13/10 15:52 Fansler Magnet valves
332204 09/13/10 14:36 R. Michaels added words for trig. latch to TS
332203 09/13/10 11:40 efuchey status for channel testing
332202 09/13/10 11:37 R. Michaels TDC 1875 in ROC4 slot 16
332187 09/12/10 19:31 C. Munoz Cosmics cables for DVCS calorimeter
332177 09/11/10 23:53 A. Camsonne Low voltage and HV on calorimeter off - Fuse replaced
332169 09/11/10 21:00 A. Camsonne DVCS Calorimeter Low Voltage on for LED tests
332167 09/11/10 18:36 A. Camsonne Lower VME crate power supply replaced
332164 09/11/10 00:06 A. Camsonne Run 6283 - Led on block 0
332162 09/10/10 20:21 brads Moller FADC board returned to VME crate
332161 09/10/10 18:31 fuchey Status for channel testing
332154 09/10/10 15:57 A. Camsonne LED on calorimeter block 0 and on first ARS channel of most left ARS
332153 09/10/10 15:16 R. Michaels helicity board in funny state
332151 09/10/10 14:57 A. Camsonne DVCS calorimeter low voltage on
332148 09/10/10 14:06 atrig Trigger-Download
332147 09/10/10 14:03 atrig Trigger-Download
332144 09/10/10 13:55 A. Camsonne Warning message trigger supervisor for helicity
332143 09/10/10 13:55 atrig Trigger-Download
332135 09/10/10 12:32 A. Camsonne TS Live plugged in DVCS DAQ
332134 09/10/10 03:38 A. Camsonne DVCS calorimeter back bus in place
332128 09/09/10 22:21 A. Camsonne PSS certification done - Access to the hall possible
332120 09/09/10 14:41 Fansler R Arm Weka Valves
332119 09/09/10 11:18 atrig Trigger-Download
332118 09/08/10 20:55 Al Tobias VCG1P02=9x10-9 Torr: Hall A Compton Cavity Vacuum Status
332115 09/08/10 15:29 R. Michaels scaler gating by TS
332114 09/08/10 15:21 V. Sulkosky/ Right HRS S0B Channel Light leak
332104 09/08/10 12:37 fansler Moeller/RQ1
332103 09/08/10 12:35 fansler Left arm Weka valves
332102 09/08/10 12:13 R. Michaels scaler rearrangement
332076 09/07/10 17:45 brads FADC board for Moller DAQ removed for firmware upgrade
332056 09/06/10 00:16 A. Camsonne progROC3 script
332054 09/05/10 14:59 A. Camsonne Pulser run with HRS and DVCS rocs run 6208
332046 09/04/10 18:52 A. Camsonne ROC 17 VME setup
332045 09/04/10 17:33 A. Camsonne DVCS DC current ADC setup
332031 09/02/10 10:12 A. Camsonne DVCS crates portserver hatsv22
331993 09/01/10 11:20 A. Camsonne DVCS ROC number changed